/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Is an i5 6600k / gtx 1060 6 gig a good configuration if I want to stream, or do you think I need a better processor?
How do I kick someone from an existing call ( not from the group chat ) on the new version of skype on iPhone ?
I have an i5-2500K with a 780 Ti and I can stream perfectly at 1080p with 60 FPS.
What I wish more than anything is for programming to come as freely as writing does and for it to be my autistic habit instead. Do seasoned programs ever feel like their "output" comes freely, and is it an autistic, therapeutic obsession for them?
I always feel like in c++ there has to be so much extra code besides the actual instructions of what the program does, which is the part I like. Such as, set and get methods! They annoy me, and is that just how the computer stores things in memory? Do other programming languages have them or only java and c++?
Also, is it ok to just passively read about programming sometimes? Or is the only meaningful way to spend time actively solving problems and working examples?
im trying to buy a flip phone off offer up, and most flip phones are carrier locked aka carrier os. How do i remove the carrier os is there any software
>Do seasoned programs ever feel like their "output" comes freely,
Yeah but more often than not you are going to be working with something you haven't before, a new library or api, and that is always going to slow you down.
Do Windows users at CS/SE-related jobs face prejudice? In your experience. Just curious.
Carrier locked ≠ carrier OS
You want an unlocked phone, compatible with the carrier you're going to use. GSM phones are generally pretty cross-compatible, although a lot of CDMA phones only work for one network. Phones will generally work on MVNOs that use the same towers without being unlocked.
most devs use windows
some shops use mac, I imagine they look down on everyone
linux users sit off in the corner getting their shit done. Except when you need to collaborate in a requirements document in word and you hold everyone up trying to get that shit working.
>linux users sit off in the corner getting their shit done.
Yes. Their shit. Not the shit they are being paid to do, mainly because they can't.
>Yes. Their shit. Not the shit they are being paid to do
unless "their shit" is ironing out quirks that got introduced because the other devs were using win/mac machines to develop a backend that runs on linux servers.
because you can't edit text on linux?
At my current job I was given a win10 machine and told to install a ubuntu 14.10 VM to use as my dev environment.
alright losers
i used lazesoft to reset the password. how useless is this shitbrick?
not even worth running Linux.
Trash, throw it out.
>At my current job I was given a win10 machine and told to install a ubuntu 14.10 VM to use as my dev environment.
the security and performance of windows combined with the usability and compatibility of an outdated ubuntu. sounds like a great place to work at.
What is a bitwise operation?
don't worry, we deploy to the cloud, our development environment is irreverent
where in india are you located? near dheli?
What should expect in an interview for a help desk job.
You could use it as an htpc or a server of some type, but the ratio of capability to power consumption is shameful.
how upgradable is it? could i get a cheap graphics card for ~$30 that would let me watch youtube in 1080p without horrible frames?
Make sure you've got the right driver installed for your current card. I would not spend any money on that thing. I would however upgrade it to lubuntu, or if necessary windows 7.
My old netgear router is getting so old that it apparantly can't wirelessly connect to modern laptops (printers, smartphones, etc. are fine). what's a new router I can get for ~50 bucks that will last a while?
is it normal for a human being to shit blood if he drinks too much tea? I stopped shitting blood since I stopped drinking tea
If you're in a country where you can afford to eat and go to the doctor, I would go to the doctor.
Source: me, I drink tea and don't shit blood
If I eat a lot of beetroot though my shit goes redish. Is it beet tea?
How fast is your internet, do you regularly max it out? Do you have a lot of competing wifi networks around? Do you need 5ghz?
yo what was the Sup Forums approved adblock
Ublock origin. No question
I think it is cheap lemonish tea
Is pirating windows 7/10 sketchy? What is sha-1 list. Should i be on a vpn or something? Im scared :3
>can I make my own hardwarewallet for ALTCOIN?
>IS there free malware/ransomware/virus protection?
Encrypting USBs for cold storage wallets to store my ALTCOINS like ARK, BAT and NAV.
If I do this correctly essentially key loggers and RATs won't be able to cause trouble for my funds or hack into any of my wallets because the encryption would block the keylogger from getting my correct phrases and a RAT wouldn't be able to touch any funds once the USB is removed anyways as long as my USB the badguys have no access to funds because installed and I made sure only the USB has the wallets? Please no bully I'm going to add more questions because all I know is stupid questions and I'm sorry if I'm wasting your time.
What's a local database program for linux. No fancy server shit
I think sha-1 is a hash you check alongside the "untouched" Windows 7 ISO. If they match, it's genuinely an untouched W7 ISO. If it's different, it may or may not be a virus, but it's not the bare naked iso is what that means.
basically if the "sha-1" matches the confirmed original you're comparing to then it's a 1:1 copy of what M$ released, so you'll have no worries.
how can I check for dynamic changes in a page with javascript? say that if I press a button a class is added to an element and if I press it again this class is cleared. how can I check for this change? is there a loop I can use?
what is the best theme patcher lol
What is the best external hardrive brand you can buy. I don't wanna buy something that is going to shit out on me within the first month.
I've never heard of someone getting an infringement letter over torrenting windows. Microsoft doesn't care that much. If you go with 8 or 10 you don't even have to torrent.
I got ransomware and I turned off my computer instead of paying, thing I could hit a old restart spot but when I lost erverything I owned in crypto coins and my operating system was gone. The only thing I own like a antivirus is windows defender, is there something free or if do I need to pay for great protection like Norton premium to be able to find and contain threats before they happen? I lost nothing compared to some but it was all I had and I worked for it. I bought a new version of windows10 but what anti virus setup should I use with my win10 computer? Should I just save and eventually buy a cheaper Linux only laptop and do all my transfers from that? Is there a Anit/virius/malware/ransomware program that is the best. I wosh I could ask better question but I not smart.
>that artifacting
normies are printing reposts and putting them on bulletin boards... has technology gone too far??
google's speed test says my network is 60mbps dl/ 35mbps ul, but that's on my desktop; my laptop's getting half as much, for some reason. I don't max it out. I have like 15 other networks nearby. I don't need 5ghz. thank you for your time.
If all of Sup Forums started using tor to browse generic porn website (xvideos, r/gif, pornhub, etc) would the rich men that support the network feel obligated to open more nodes, speeding up and obfuscating the network?
im thinking about reinstalling my os due to all the junk and bloat after years of using it but i am so lazy to pirate all my programs again and have all the same settings again, is there a way to clean the C drive without having to reformat / reinstall shit?
win8 or win 10?
>all the junk and bloat
>pirate all my programs again
Pirating is where the real fuck gets introduced to your computer. If you want to be better of, you're gonna wanna cut that shit out.
You clearly have horrible sources
I've used AVG for years and am thinking of switching to Avast.
Am I retarded for not switching sooner?
No, but you're retarded for having to use an AV.
Rebate gets it under $20
If you're never going to need custom firmware, this should do nicely.
Is it possible to force yourself to die through willpower alone?
>if ur AV tries to block the crack allow exception, it just false positive :)
I don't think either of those are particularly good. I used Avast for years and never really got "saved" by anything. It just blocked random ad pages that made it past the browser's adblocker, which is nice, but offset by the DING DING DING THREAT DETECTED alert.
No. That would be like saying you pick the wrong hookers, if we lived in a world where condoms and testing were only 50% effective and there were 50,000 kinds of hpv going around.
install loonugs
Yes, but not under normal circumstances. Most people don't have the focus necessary to do serious damage to their body through thought alone.
How do you guys deal with the groggy feeling when you have stayed up all night, and the sun begins to rise, but still need to work on your code?
If i block out all the morning sunlight can i prevent my brain from realizing what time it is?
Anyone tried biphasic or polyphasic sleep patterns?
>not doing meth
how can i get the old, classic YouTube layout permanently
clicking the shit at the top and changing it to classic only works while im in the tab, but my cookies get deleted after closing the tab.
any perma-fix for this shit im losing my mind here lads
You can check the test results to see how the different AVs do. It varies over time. I haven't used AVG in like 10 years, but I hear it's pretty behind. Bitdefender has had really good scores the last few years, no ads, and it's light as hell, but the free version doesn't give you a lot of options. It pairs well with malwarebytes.
Quit deleting your cookies.
When I was in college I used to sleep one 10-12 hour or so block every two days for about a year, but nowadays I can't handle staying up multiple days at a time for some reason.
>be me
>browse Sup Forums for a while
>wanna try gnu/linux
>use ubuntu cause im autistic
>chuck in USB
>rock up
>oh fuck what?
I wouldn't even look up the problem.
I'd just try the newest LTS, if that works, then maybe look up the issue just to see if it's reported it.
I'm currently in school and don't have to take any classes (all independent study), so I'm going to try out the Everyman sleep schedule and report back in
thats 17.04
Latest LTS is Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS
Didn't they switch back to Gnome or something?
I think Wayland is not default until 17.10
if I've upgraded from legit 7 to 10 via the free upgrade, and then change the hard drive for another and install the same version of windows via iso/usb onto that drive, will windows detect that I (essentially) have the same computer using their fancy digital license system, and confirm my copy as legit?
That looks cool. I have a problem where i always get tired in the afternoon then wake up around 8pm. Ive slept through my classes twice now, and we are only allowed to miss two days, so it sucks because now I am stressed it will happen again.
So yeah. It sucks because as soon as the morning light hits my eyes I feel deathly groggy but cant fall asleep till around noon at the earliest, so I have a block of time where I am useless and groggy. Ideally I would sleep twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon but I cant seem to fall asleep in the mornings when I want to.
It will register the same signature, yes. Switching out a drive does not impact your license.
Yeah, my friend did this recently with a new laptop that came preinstalled with W10, as long as you activated it with that mobo you should be good.
does having a microsoft account matter with this process? or is it just purely hardware based?
Yeah, instead of fighting it, listen to your body and work around it. I have a similar problem too so going to try out polyphasic sleep. My only hurdle will be vastly reducing my core from the typical 9hrs to 3.5hrs so should be fun.
Shouldn't matter. It's just based on the hardware, yeah.
It's completely unnecessary for just switching out a drive. The mobo is where you would run into problems.
alright good
why the fuck can't I get rid of the kde login manager? mad as h*ck right now
Pretty sure I actually have gotten away with swapping a mobo and doing phone activation though. Microsoft phone activation is usually pretty lenient in general so it's a good next step if activation fails for whatever reason.
Yeah, that works most of the time. But he was just asking about switching out drives, and for that there's no need to even think about the phone system.
My computer suddenly stopped reading a secondary SSD.
It's health was great according to CrystalDiskInfo. It's about 12 months old. I can't find it in BIOS and changing the SATA cable with a brand new one didn't fix it.
Any suggestions?
I was at Best Buy yesterday and saw pic related for $70. And it left me wondering if i should get a trackball mouse.
Right now i got a POS mouse, it does it's job but yeah it's shit so getting this would be a big improvement. The only downside tho is it's wireless.
If i'm not on Sup Forums i'm either on Photoshop or Lightroom and maybe some other softwares from time to time. So... Should i cop?
I just unplugged and plugged in the same PSU cable and it seems to be working again. Any ideas? Thanks
Here's the Crystal info (yes I know D is dying. It's been dying for years. I keep it as a shit storage drive I don't care about).
It sounds like your sata power cable came loose.
I have Windows 10 installed on one HDD, and another empty HDD just chilling. How hard would it be to set it up as a dual boot, and is there a certain linux distro that's better for gaming than others?
Does that still work? I remember when that was the way to go with xp/server03, but I assumed they had done something about it by now.
So I think my motherboard is dieing. I thought it was the GPU but it's having problems with the replacement with no signal output. About 1 and half years ago I bought a high quality Chinese engineered PCI to PCI-E bridge that overloaded and fried the PCI-E slots on the board. One survived which was the one with the GPU but it appears to finally have reached its demise.
I used a RAID 1 with this board which contains files I need. Everything critical is backed up but I'd like to get some of the this stuff if I can. Can drives that have been in a RAID 1 on one RAID controller (Intel in this case) be read by another or rather can one single drive be read like a normal single drive? So if I take one of these drives, stick it into another machine will it be able to read it or not like any other standalone drive?
My student loans have an interest rate of about 12%. I've been told that 6% is bad. Where should I go to learn about refinancing private student loans?
Not hard at all. Any ubuntu variant. Also it's 2017, get an SSD.
A good alternate file browser for windows 7, instead of explorer
trying to wipe a hard drive and the tool im using gives the opitions "wipe drive" and "wipe disk"
which one do i pick?
want to use mstoolkit but am worried about getting in to trouble with Microsoft? Will anything happen to me? I probably won't be using vpn or things like that.
oh shit didn't see that.
Also known as the Clinton method.
the MSRP for that mouse is like $35. It's nice to use and super comfy, but can sometimes feel imprecise. I found the trackman marble to feel easier to use, but the resting position wasn't as comfy and the lack of a scroll wheel was a major downside.
what about explorer do you dislike?
im waiting for you faggots to spoonfeed me before i do anything
Depends on the tool. Look it up in the docs.
nvm i got it
drive lets you clear partitions
disk nukes the whole thing