Face it

face it

you're all losers

How Did you know

>drinks beer at work, HR doesn't care
Does that make me at least 1% Chad?

That's not how this meme works you retard.

mfw when im chad aside from being 'swole'

>only knows js

>node logo on monitor

>he doesn't write backend code with javascript


>tfw I am that chad

how old are u grampa ? people write everything with JS now

>not using full stack javascript

Enjoy never having a company worth more than five figures.

>tfw i got a digital communications degree

pays like shit but i get to make professional memes for work. Ill get rich off crypto some day anyways


And yes. No one here will be insulted or even slightly phased by insults to our virginity.


As a virgin research I actually have higher binomial probability to move out from Russia into a first-world country. Full-stack node.js engineering is infested with pajeets and people of their intelligence. And web-monkeying is boring to be honest.

pretty accurate except I drink beer at work and HR knows
we have two kegs in the office
I make six figures
wish my coworker would stop eating peanuts and energy bars behind me all fucking day though

at least I'm writing C and not node

fuarkk i do 90% of the chad shit at work....h-h-h-have i made it Sup Forums?

That's not how the meme works. Kill yourself.

>gets all the women in the sales dept
Don't have a sales department and the women are 5/10 at-best, nope.
>can only program in JS
>works from home 90% of the time
>no knowledge of CS theory
>instant 6 figure salary after graduation
Never went to college, not quite at 6 figs
>spends more of work texting women
I do text my wife all day
>office space littered with free food
>chair raise to max height
>drinking on the job
>lifting on company time
>negotiated sweet signing bonus
>recruited by top companies

Close enough for me.


That Chad professor had to do a lot of virgin research before becoming Chad professor. Just saying.

Equifax pls go

>face it
>you're all losers
Hey OP, you forgot to include "@NPCompleteTeens".

>js backend
>js frontend
fullstack. it's not hard.