**blocks your path to employment**

**blocks your path to employment**

Other urls found in this thread:



daily reminder that nene is the self-insert character of new game and deserves the job
nene is literally perfect

fuck off weebs


Lol, nope C++ master race


What race is nene?

she's been winning C, asm, and sepples competitions since she was a child you brainlet, and she is half of one of the most influencial lesbian powercouples in silicon valley!

Anime shitposting is still shitposting

i want to suck nene's toes

Oh, well I have the ability to build a PC and fix it myself. She is the real brainlet. I am so straight that a beam of light is far gayer than me. Also I come from the best country ever, and I can decompile any source code, and deobfuscate it successfully.

just leave my thread now

Go hang yourself, pedos.

Why? I'm just getting started with a fun situation thread on Sup Forums. The premise is ridiculous because girls can't think abstractly. Jealous of something?


go away or narumi's gf will beat you up

Github sucks. Also, Bill Gates, Linus Torvalds, and Steve Wozniak are all men. Don't forget that in practice men are better than women on paper. So eat shit, if you're larping then bait.jpg, otherwise fuck you cunt.

lol you really proved how smart you are; is this the male intelligencia ive been hearing so much about???

>Guessing the gender is now considered valid research

Well, I flipped a coin and it was heads so now you are scientifically retarded.

stop larping has a girl too, mental ill faggots goes to /lgtb/

did you actually read the peer reviewed paper lol, I guess you must have used your superior male sense of reason to just guess the contents of an entire scientific study!!

well I flipped a coin, and it was heads so now men are totally smarter than women for reasons that are in no way institutional!

Spelling and grammar nazi mode is active:
The acronym "lol" should be "LOL".
The semicolon should be replaced by a period or a full stop.
Is should be capitalized.
"Intelligencia" should be "intelligence".
The contraction "i'e" should be "I've".
So should be moved to elsewhere or be replaced with "very".
The three question marks are unnecessary and should be reduced to one question mark.


Github profiles do not have a "gender" value you dumb tranny.

How is this relevant to a programming anime? Wouldn't a bath be a waste of time as opposed to a burst of water from the shower?

A japanese yankee


imagine being so insecure that even from your tower of social and economic advantages things like this still terrify you hahaha
you will never get to hug or touch or come within a mile of the soft and cute genius programmer Narumi Tsubame, only her girlfriend is aloud

She's a anime girl, and we can't jump dimensions. So obviously we can't touch her.

So this is truly mental illness

You mad that your arguement got BTFO?

Friendly reminder that you're being counted as a "female in tech" if your github profile has an anime girl avatar.

I think this is a cry for help in terms off shitposting on imageboards. I think OP is lonely and has no friends, and spends all his time on imageboards. This leads to him learning how to do things like to shitpost. What illness do you think it may be?

Source for your text?