Tfw my grades and productivity have improved notably since switching from a laptop to a MacBook Pro

>tfw my grades and productivity have improved notably since switching from a laptop to a MacBook Pro


im happy for you man, keep improving

No coincidence. It's the Working Man's computer.

How much does Apple pay you for making Sup Forums from technology board to a shopping forum?

So you went from one laptop to another laptop.


>I refuse to study about computers so I'll just get a wikipedia machine instead
>My grades went up

>tfw OP cant multi task in life

Apple products turn innocent people into gay nerds!!!!!!
>Source: Alex Jones

Why should Apple pay him to make anti-Apple bait threads?

>buy macbook for grades

retard, you should have bought it for pussy

Sounds like a placebo but good on you user keep up the good work

>tfw i actually passed my programming course after installing linux

How much does Apple pay you again?

This is actually true. Loonix nerds will tell you they are too expensive. They don't know about ROI lol ;)

Or resale value

>tfw stopped shitposting all day, every day at the office and my productivity went up
Wow, crazy, right?

I switched my brand of socks and my grade went up? Random non correlated events? I think not

lol okay


Can confirm

>switching from a laptop to a laptop
wow youre retarded

they're trolls. Sup Forums has the most delicate, easily triggered snowflakes in the fucking universe. half the time the first reply will be "it's a troll, guys, don't respond" but then a hundred replies will follow anyway.

a board full of such completely retarded faggots can't claim to be the victim of a shilling campaign.

That's because you're in art school, faggot.

This. Guaranteed You's. And I don't even own one Apple product.

>switching from a laptop to a MacBook Pro
>mbp not a laptop
Obvious shill is obvious

It's because you waste less time playing games
instead you use the optimized aspect ratio to work in spreadsheets and documents unlike the 16:9 cucks that use their laptops for watching (((hollywood))) movies


It must be the object you bought and not the habbits you aquired

>claims macbook made his life better
>does not post evidence
>posted it on Sup Forums