Block location requests from facebook

>block location requests from facebook
>facebook still knows where I am

Why are you using Facebook

You were tagged in a picture or something

No it's a fake account.

fuck off pedo

t. pedo

Use AppOpsXposed to control permissions, duh

IP address
people you have looked at searched for
the settings of people or places you have looked at searched for
you cannot escape the botnet if you use the botnet

that only allies to GPS.
you can still be tracked via wifis

your ip address unless you're using a vpn

Remember facebook and messenger query for your location once every second.

Doesn't the geolocation through wifi/cell towers also require you to give permission?

Do you fucking know how a web-request is formed? Fucking neo/g/.

Accurate GeoIP?


But obviously nobody cares, as this is neo-Sup Forums.

Denying app permissions doesn't have any impact on the rest of the world around you. If a cell provider has any deal with Facebook, which they all do, your provider will be selling data on you to facebook. So simply be being connected to the cell network facebook ends up getting some data on you. They may not be able to track you exactly, but they have enough information to say with an overwhelming deal of certainty that a particular subscriber is you.

They also have so much information on you that they can predict your daily habits and places in a city where you're likely to go. They can model your behavior with shocking accuracy.

or any other app which are made by facebook or integrated by you with their service allows facebook to know exactly what you are doing. You only have to slip once.

Its so meta, user. This rabbit hole goes deep. You don't need to engage in any social media whatsoever and they still no about you. They build a ghost profile about you from information mined from other people in your life.
They'll eventually have enough data points to match up your web browsing habits with one of their ghost profiles and be able to identify and track you around the web because other advertisers are all selling data to the facebook network. Digital fingerprinting is pretty alarming.

but it doesn't if you query the connected wifi and look it up in your own database
From what I found, neither Android nor IOS require any permission to get the SSID of your connected wifi

Is there any good reading material on this subject?

This is the only reason i think shit like adnausememe could be worthwhile. If you don't know if they can track you or not , giving them a bunch of erroneous data might be a good alternative.

No. Get a better one
use it with ubo and you are golden. You don't have to download any ads or malicious scripts ever in your browser and it basically doesn't the same thing as that cancer Sup Forumsmeme except you are 1000% safer.

> it basically doesn't the same thing as that cancer Sup Forumsmeme except you are 1000% safer.
Hm, did you happen to notice both projects share contributors?

sure, but the one I mention does not download ads in my computer. adnausememe was made to click on ads and to technically "make those clicks not count to hurt google". The other one is made for privacy, to prevent them from making shadow profile and to obscure your real searches with fake ones.
Two different purpose.

Lineage OS comes with Privacy Guard which does the same thing

If you download the ads, they get your IP, which gives them your location.

Just block everything you don't mean to load yourself.

Figure it out on your own easy peasy lemon squeezies

Im just musing on whether ghosting or dirtying your data is more efficient for hiding

Dirtying still gets you fingerprinted.

They're probably using the IP you're connecting from to roughly guess where you are.

Go to any conference by them, because they are so disconnected with the need for privacy they say the things they do straight off.
You aren't safe even host filing them because they'll get your real name and addresses from other people's contact books.

I don't think you are clear on the concept of those two addons here.

They are meant to do two different things.

One is for advertisement and to prevent you from being bombarded with targeted ads and the other one is for search profiling. They both use same technique, ie, they flood the ad/search providers with random data.

But in adnausememe's case, it is actually risky and harmful to your device since it downloads ads and gives away you IP to advertisers, so they know about you anyway, they just dont know that why you are look at all kind of ads and clicking them.

The other addon is not involved with ads at all. It only spams search engines with random searches so they cannot accurately track your search habits and make a profile based on it.