I need a reliable, stable, fast, non-SJW script-kiddie infested static site generator for a personal blog. I refuse to use Jekyll or Hugo because they are written in Ruby and Go respectively. Is Hakyll the only option?
What is the C of static site generators?
Other urls found in this thread:
Didn't exist
Write your own.
I was afraid this was the only option.
Just put everything in one static HTML file and manage it like that
>Sup Forums tries to program
hey cutie
Pelican is good desu. I use it on my blog and I've never had problems.
It comes with botnet intergration (Google Analytics).
> just not use it if you don't want it
Can you imagine gcc coming with a flag that enabled an NSA backdoor? No thanks.
How about spending this energy on actually writing this blog?
What the fuck is a static site generator? Isn't that just called a website?
o-ok desu
thanks for the suggestion tho
very good idea, I'll not spend more than five months perfecting my setup
plaintext in, HTML with paginated pages, indexes, RSS feeds and permalink pages out
just use bootstrap you fucking nigger and you can just look up some javascript for certain flashy features if you are gay enough to want them
>he needs a generator for static sides
you are whats wrong with todays web
>I refuse to use Jekyll or Hugo because they are written in Ruby and Go
there may be something wrong in your brain
write it in markup.
bootstrap is not a static site generator
Is thymeleaf (most likely together with spring boot) an option for you?
he wants a static site generator so I don't think running an actual backend is an option for him