Good deals thread

Exchanged my 6700k and shitty H170 mother board for a vega 56, moving to a ryzen

Other urls found in this thread:,31.html

You've done goofed.

link pl0x

yea i sure did mate, the 6700k has a resell value of 250 bux and the motherboard is like 50 i cant even buy a 1070 for that fucking price

Bought a Thinkpad T440p for $120

wait for AIBs faggot.

nigger i already saw the asus strix version, you can get the refference to the same temps if you undervolt it without losing any performance

Got a 6tb Toshiba x300 in Orico USB-C case for £128 delivered.

>flashable with R64 bios

Aye. Got mine running sweet.

56 flashed to 64 btw. Got mine for £380.

how big is the risk, i know it has dual bios but i just want to be sure, i've only ever done overclocking on a 980

Zero risk. If you get a bad flash switch to second BIOS. Boot up. Switch back to other BIOS and reflash.

allright sounds good, i've only increased the power slider to 50% for now, also what happened to the whole windows secure thing where you couldnt flash bioses on the Vega(watched some youtube vids on it)

literally need to be brain ded to fuck up

For comparison. One of the fastest GTX 1080's (Note the graphics score in the screenshot. Not the stupid system score they always use).,31.html

Oh and cheapest Gigabyte Aorus 1080 in the UK is £476 :)

Sorry £493. The other was reference lol

vega 64 underclocked to fury x speeds yields the same performance.
vega was a mistake. should have made moar coars instead of those broken shit and no driver.

oh hi mr.goy did you overpay for a 1070 and are now sour?

You love noise and heat.

ah i see you live in 2015, this isnt the 290/390 days, the card is pretty quiet unless you ramp up the fans to max and the temps on my refference are around 75C(thats how much the asus strix model reaches)

>implying Richard has any idea what he is taking about
He is way above his pay grade here,he should go back to making promotional videos for hp laptops.

>tfw 1080ti
I'll probably get whatever comes after Navi if it doesn't suck.

My 4770K is faster than any Ryzen garbage in games, paired with a 1080 Ti, and a 144Hz monitor.

The problem is the drivers as always. The UARCH is not enabled yet. Primitive Shaders etc will expose the difference btween the two GPU's (if they can get it working properly that is).

Vega56 is a good card to have in the stable. More important is a solid Ryzen setup for the timeline ahead. I currently am stocked with Intel hardware. AMD hardware. Nvidya and Radeon. Can't go wrong w/ mid tier GPUs from either company. Enjoy desu

This. OP you're gonna deeply regret not getting an Nvidia©®™ GPU. So much you'll commit suicide TWICE.

>Fury X already had scaling issues
>just throw moar ALUs
Is this peak shitposting?
The problem lies in what they've done.
It's not represented in any APIs.
Heck it's the biggest "FUCK YOU" possible to Khoronos and MS straight from le ebin first DX9 compliant GPU man himself.

>5% faster
>20% more expensive
Maybe if it wasn't for that power consumption and prices I would consider getting vega.

kekels i bought mine for 499, and that power consumption argument is fucking laughable, if you want low power just fucking buy a 1050ti

Aren't the vega cards significantly overvolted? Isn't that why they became so insanely popular with miners?

They are not insanely popular with miners.

Literally your opinion doesn't matter, $400 is the starting price for 1060 here the cheapest vega starts at ~750.

nothing stops you from lowering the voltage there are no negatives to it, you keep the performance and lower temps and also lower power consumption but even at stock it doesnt exactly matter

psssstttt im a european cunt i just know where to look

> a uv vega can beat a midrage card!

I'm shocked, more news at 11

Maybe I would believe you if that 499 was in euros, but even then I doubt it.

1080 being mid-range, good laugh, shill

that 499 is in euros

My £380 for RX Vega 56 was well spent.

The 1070 now is a highend card like the 970 3.5 or the 770? Good job.

yea i bet you have a 970 or a 1050 or something and you're just shitting on better cards because you cant have one, grapes are always sour when you cant reach them

>post the GTX 1070 vs V56
>talk about the 1080

inb4 Dirt 4...

dont worry friend nvidia gimpworks will fuck you over sooner or later and you'll be on par with the rx 580 or something

Literally what?

Well nobody seems to have a ton of gaming benchmarks on an undervolted/overclocked RXV56 yet. Hardware Unboxed could not get their clocks to stick (doing it wrong) so they don't really count. Also flashed to a RV64 nmakes a difference too because HBM gets an extra power boost so can clock higher.


Most others have not been able to acieve that from reading around and Youtubers. The 130w thing is also very dubious. Powerplay tables might help perhaps. It's a lot of tweaking regardless and the cost of RX Vega right now makes it not worthwhile.

Each Nvidia generations has a big performance jump (7xx to 9xx to 10xx). Just wait™ Navi or the drivers.

Please remind me what hashrate the 1080 achieves

oh yea totally a big performance jump, remember the 970 vs the 390, the 970 used to beat it but the 490 started stomping on it and these benchmarks look like shilling for nvidia

Where are the AiB models?

>Stock settings
I really want someone with brains to test them based on what they CAN do rather than just what is set at stock. OC 1070 vs UV/OC (possibly flashed) RX Vega 56. It would be far more interesting.

asus strix releasing soon but the temps dont exactly look promising to me, you can achive them with just undervolting the refference model and still have the same performance

They don't do OC benchmarks on every part because every part has different overclocking potential. Stock clocks are the clocks guaranteed to work on each card.

What they can do is based entirely on the silicon lottery

Ok I found one for 510 euro I'm willing to believe 499 now, still with shipping it's more expensive than 1070. Now I'm considering vega tho.

I don't want to deal with ANUSes horrific customer support.
Where are XFX or Sapphire?
It's been over a month already.

the g1 gigabyte 1070 literally costs 495 on

not sure only thing confirmed for now is the asus

So AMD is delayed the AiB cards.


BTW, the 390 is a OC 290 and the rx580 is a OC rx480 user.

I know that but there must be a middle ground. I am pretty sure 99% RX Vega 56 can run at 1471Mhz (the boost clock) and 900Mhz memory without throttling with a slight voltage reduction.

noice, pics?


Have a wild fucking guess.

i dont think AMD did that on purpose to be honest, im sure the AiB manufacturers delayed it for one reason or another, it would be pretty stupid to let Asus get the first gpu out considering they have exclusive partners like the sapphire and XFX

I literally have no cameras but it looks more or less flawless

I think the previous owner just didn't realize what she had

ANUS is back at being AMD's pocketboys tho.
>i dont think AMD did that on purpose to be honest
Oh they did.
They've already traded mindshare for happy shareholders twice.
They don't need to do it the third time.

and the 390 still beat the amazing, the magnificent, the cream of the crop gtx 970 which was the pearl of nvidia

asus isnt exactly AMD property though unlike the aforementioned XFX and sapphire, there is absolutely no reason to let ASUS have the first shot

Anyway AMD is staggering the AiB launch.

It's in frogs but.

why tho, why would they handycap themselves, they know a lot of people are waiting for it and no one refuses free money

Have a wild guess.
Checks out.

i literally have no idea and i dont think you do either

>i have no idea what is wrong with Vega

nothing is wrong with vega in its MSRP variant, its not AMD's fault everyone decided to go insane and raised the price about twice

Everything is wrong with Vega, and we all know why.

allrighty there is no point in talking to you, why are you salty little boy? did you buy the 1070 for more it was worth

>denying that Vega is not working properly

which part of it exactly isnt working properly

Have a wild guess.

go fuck yourself

>nothing is wrong with vega in its MSRP variant
Except for knocking out neighborhood transformers when it turns on.

Aww, no need to be so angry, brainlet.
Anything GP102 also does exactly that i guess.

if we'll use old memes, i'd rather have the transformer explode and not my EVGA 1070

>buying EVGA after the royal fuckup that was their 10 series cards
But why?

>Titan Xp performance at 250W
>GTX 1080 performance at 350W

>4k ALUs at 300w
>3840 ALUs at ~300w
So no difference?

why are all mobos and gpus still so high demand

fugg you miners
i need muh ryzen T_T


>implying they dont have the best warrenty

i got a 5 year warrenty for a refurbished gpu

Don't worry, it should go down SOON.

China FUD has been driving the price of cryptocurrencies down.

My portfolio has taken at least a 20% hit because of China.

>get rid of a CPU that has easily half a decade of life (read: not being a bottleneck) ahead of it, only to pay the full price for a sidegrade CPU and mobo
>exchange it for a power hungry, hot garbage reference GPU at the single worst moment you could have gotten a GPU in the last decade

More like "poor life choices thread."

release WHEN

>moving to vega 56

I really wish I could afford vega, but even 1060 is too much for me right now.

just get 1050ti