Guys, what's happening?

Guys, what's happening?

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Why do companies still let Pajeets write their code

Because the company leader is a pajeet

Because it's cheap and Trump hasnt gotten around to taxing them yet.

>Trump hasnt gotten around to taxing them yet.
What is outsourcing?

doesn't happen on my rig

Mine neither. I never give windows VMs any internet access

sorry for the shit quality, but i got the same thing.

This is microsoft subtly telling you that it's time to install linux.

I made the switch a month ago. It is not as painful as you think it is. It's not going to go totally smooth either - always hiccups. But I do have to say that linux is insanely comfy and I don't miss windows one bit.

That's horrible

you must be really smart to accomplish something like that

I can't wait to hear about someone's render or compile getting aborted because they went to check their calender and hit that reboot button.

this doesn't make any fucking sense at all. first MS said they would stop doing this shit. 2nd Windows is supposed to update when you don't use the computer. and third why are pajeets so obnoxious

What is that, goy?
You want to check the time and date?
How about you install these (((update))) goy?

Was thinking about upgrading to windows 10. Now I'm definitely staying on windows 7 until linux stops being a joke or supports ends.

Stop phone posting

Direct X is the only thing keeping Windows alive.


yea pretty much.

I just got this shit What is this update anyway
why won't it tell me

Is this shit for real?
Using windows is fucking horrible then.

Imagine being this cucked

Wow I didn't want to believe it but holy shit
I'm so glad my rig hasn't done that yet I think it would be the straw that broke the camels back in terms of me actually giving up on this bloated shit

"but muh gaymz" is the only thing keeping it alive


>only 14 posters twice as many posts with the same images
>this webm again
um mods

Keep moaning, winnigger

this is why I only run windows on my gaming desktop rig at home.

its really too bad though
I've spent a lot of money on pc games and its kind of made me a slave to windows. I don't think I'll ever be able to fully let go just because of a few classic pc titles

it's a meme you dip

HAHAHHA. This new update that is rolling out is bricking peoples rigs.

>Using windows
They deserve it

>5 more posts
>im the only new poster
circlejerking in 2017 mods pls ben

>can't wait to hear about someone's render or compile getting aborted because they went to check their calender and hit that reboot button.
That's fucking malicious.

>you """"((((need))))"""" to uninstall other applications because they are in our updates spot on your hard drive

But I'm tabletposting.


> Sup Forums has release threads celebrating debian updates
really activates the almonds

developers only deploy for windows because windows invests a lot into keeping Direct X the best graphical engine out there.

> mfw Vulkan
yeah nah, DX isnt worth shit anymore but people still deploy on it. Brainlets

because their updates don't break everything

Your operating system is telling you what to do. Comply, peasant.

>classic PC titles
These should run fine on Linux via WINE as long as you're not playing like The Witcher 3 or something. Just use a dual boot

Windows shills will vehemently defend this, call you a retarded normie for wanting to check your calendar and you somehow brought this upon yourself

linux updates are actually exciting

I look forward to them

windows updates bring pain and misery, nobody wants them and they get forced on you anyways

It's not rocket math buddy

linux updates fucking rock man

windows? fuck every thing ! stop what you doing and kys

One poo for your loo Sanjeet

>check my linux updates whenever I feel like
>can set my update manager to prioritize updates for security/reliability, never update, always update, etc.
>can see and choose what repositories I'm using or want to use
>can view a log of all updates I've applied
>updates are graded on a 1-5 scale depending on how well-tested and reliable they are
>I can pick and choose what updates I want
>I can read the changelog to see what each update does
>update notifications can be completely disabled if I want
>I'm not forced to update if I don't want to
>I don't have to reboot if I update
>Every few days there is a new update for something, programs are constantly getting new features or bugfixes it's almost like an rss news feed

I had 5 updates available earlier today. I installed three of them, which were all security fixes. The last two are kernel updates which I usually leave alone unless they're a security fix. (In this case the kernel updates improve compatibility with some devices I don't use or have)

pic related

Microsoft defence force really active tonight

>What is outsourcing?
Something that needs to be taxed into the ground.

Not possible

A retard is shitposting on Sup Forums.

AMEN! Preach it brother

>no other choice



my linux machine doesn't have this problem


Mostly. Thank god that we got Vulkan... except for the stupid developers.

Everyone look at these retards and laugh.



Die, bitch.

Oh my god and people tough that vista was a flop

You mean someone intentionally trying to make windows look bad by posting fake shit? Wow that's really weird on this board I thought we were better than that

Remember when X button on the upgrade to 10 dialog actually didn't cancel it and you had to go through fine print links to actually do shit?

restart now goy.

>tfw win10 ltsb
>none of this shit.

Looks like you got hacked by Communists.

How would I know what they installed on their system..

Maybe some buggy insider preview.

So glad I fell for the 16GB of RAM memerino before the price shot up to double what I paid.


Just do it


>unironically being a member of the cUcK

I feel sorry for you

Welcome to the botnet

>Forgot to not use 'online account' on my new win10 laptop
>after a few months windows change the password or someshit
>Cant login
>30 days to reset password
Seriously fuck those guys