How much space you got left f a m?
How much space you got left f a m?
how does one cure hoarding
I probably should delete half of the things on my network drive
>f a m?
Too dumb to dodge the world filter?
Just buy another hard drive desu
Normally I don't use more than 200GB but I've been doing a lot of downloading before (((they))) start cracking down.
Im thinking of NAT and RPi on top of it for storing all my FLACs. Can anyone recommend some music streaming server software that can run on raspbian?
5/31TB, running very low.
The shitty part is that I can't even think of buying more storage until I've built my backup solution.
>they call this hoarding
> not hoarding atleast 10TB of porn/movies/anime on their HDD
>look at me, I'm such a _hoarder_
Nice reddit tier meme faggo...hipsters
>140gb used
OP uses 28 out of 444GB.
I would fill so much more if I could.
Not autistic enough to Raid, too autistic not to horde.
I've got way too much porn for my needs and also some live concerts of L'Arc~en~Ciel which I totally cannot lose. I need a bigger drive.
>tfw could have bought 1TB from the beginning but was too jew
> all post WINDOWS screenshots
linuxfags btfo xD
Why do you need 14 Blu-ray drives?
Every time I mount an image it creates a new one and I havn't cleared it in a while
How do you afford this
Most of it is memes
refurb server drives are just 40-60 shekels a pop depending on capacity.
I want to setup a NAS, but I have fuck all as it is. Admittedly, my internet is shit so I don't bother downloading much.
anime porn and anime movies. why waste space for other shit?
this much.
Here you go OP.
i think ill be ok for a while spacewise
and no i cant raid the two terabyte drives one is blue and one is black
forgot image
>Arch Anywhere
Fuck off kiddo.
>doing more work than you need to just because
why setup arch manually when i can have something do it for me? the notion that doing it manually is hard is absolutely laughable
Enough for a copy of Queen - Don't Stop Me Now
queen is an awful band
i need to download some more space
Where are my data hoarders at?
There's only like 2 anons in this thread who even barely qualify.
Everyone on reddit's data hoarder has 40TB+.
You guys are fucking normies.
call for help
tru, your gay music is much better
well if my ISP didnt grandfather me into bullshit while new customers get 60 down minimum my drives would be much fuller
there's a setting to disable this behavior
nas00:/volume1/Public 39T 32T 6.8T 83% /nas00
nas01:/volume1/Public 11T 8.1T 2.8T 75% /nas01
nas02:/volume1/Public 11T 5.7T 5.2T 53% /nas02
nas03:/volume1/Public 25T 20T 5.1T 80% /nas03
nas00USB:/volumeUSB1/usbshare/ 1.8T 1.3T 505G 71% /nas00USB
So, what are you using 88TB for?
Besides hoarding, I develop software for weather satellite applications and need a *lot* of test data...
Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
47G 6.3G 39G 15% /
407G 19G 368G 5% /home
467G 22G 446G 5% Windows 10
It's gonna be a while.
4k animus when?
forgot pic.
>Tons of individual drives in JBOD
How do winfags think this is acceptable in the year 2017?
Get an advanced filesystem and pool them on it.
>unironically being a frenchfag or worse, a CANADIAN
What is wrong with being french?
Is it not allowed?
Fuck you. Name another country that trained french people to play hockey.
chillax just messing with you,
I only have 18TB left free.
>calls others plebians
I really thought I would have filled up this 4TB drive already.
Just gonna nuke my 1TB Windows partition once this fills up.
>he probably downloaded shitty 240p web rip animes
(E is an encrypted volume on das Kloud. I can read it, Kloud provider kan't.)
C = Samsung M.2. nvme
D = hardrive (not a seagate, lol)
E = Older OCZ SSD
>(not a seagate, lol)
this is an unnecessary qualifier, user; no one in their right mind would use a seagate.
C is a Corsair Force 3 bought and used since late 2010. I keep games I currently play on it but tend to avoid writing on it otherwise.
D and E are two Samsung HDDs that are older than 10 years, 5400RPM
F is some ancient Hitachi that just won't kick the bucket.
H is a Seagate (it was cheap, CHEAP) and I just kinda hoard TV shows/anime/movies on it. 2012
I've got four additional external 1TB WDs, some old 500/320GB Fujitsu/Toshiba/Logitechs that have shipped with retail packages friends or family have bought.
>Using iCloud
Plenty of space on 120GB SSD
i dont! it showed up after updating itunes. bastards...
>CPU~Hexa core AMD Ryzen 5 1600X Six-Core (-HT-MCP-) speed/max~3992/4000 MHz Kernel~4.13.0-041300rc4-generic x86_64 Up~14:08 Mem~2028.6/16043.2MB HDD~870.2GB(5.8% used)
Looks like I've got a bit of space
>Using iTunes
i found an iphone on the side of the road and wanted to get it working. i use windows media player, i swear
Lucky.I would use an iPhone if too I got it for free.overpriced applel shit
I hope you returned it. Doesn't matter if it belongs to some frat boy or retard with too much money. Stealing is bad, and so is looking through someone else's stuff.
W polszy jak w lesie amirite?
> Stealing is bad, and so is looking through someone else's stuff.
already reset it and live in a different state i found it in. i kind of feel like a nigger but im past the point of no return. but hell, i bike to work so whatever karma i have coming to me is made up in my reduced carbon footprint... right guys?
Is it as easy as taking it to the right network which does "bring your own phone"
Sup Forumsuy...
i've been enforcing a rule to delete any video game i haven't played for a year and it's kind of manageable now
I've got about 9.6TB left, not at computer at the moment.
>10.7 GB free
>OS takes twice as long to boot up because of it
Blasted SSD meme, I blame you.
>no one in their right mind would use a seagate.
We have to remind them. Don't want to add suffering into this world when we have so much already.
You fucked up, have fun with no internet