Terry is alive and well but homeless and living in a NEETbus on the streets of Vegas.
New videos and a brief explanation of what's happened at templeos.org
Previous thread
Terry is alive and well but homeless and living in a NEETbus on the streets of Vegas.
New videos and a brief explanation of what's happened at templeos.org
Previous thread
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What a sad man.
I'm homeless
>old version
fake nigger thread
i want a neetbus
damn nigga, that's some sick quints
living the dream
Beep beep, here comes the NEETbus.
Anyone have the link to the video where Terry blows up on his mom about watching TV, but then he catches himself and says something like "I'm sorry, I don't know why I went hatred. I need to try to remember why I love you. You're the best mom in the world." ?
that looks super comfy
Archive of most of Terry's videos going back to 2013: archive.org
How can we be sure he will receive our donations?
>there are still people who care about the internet
I love you guys
In a more civilized place like europe, this guy would have been involuntarily committed and forced to get the help that he needs. Instead you let mentally ill people like him suffer because "muh freedom".
I want one!
It's a shame he's a bit of a loonie, since he's genuinely a really smart guy.
Doesn't it just? But there are good ones and there are shit ones and I'm guessing Terry lodges in the latter.
>smart guy
>lives in a fucking kia sedona
u're a idiot
Yes, and in these civilized places, they take your children away, if you folow 'extreme ideologies', such as UKIP. In these civilized places they jail you if you post memes on krautchan.
It's a scam. Terry has said multiple times he cannot receive donations as it jeopardizes his disability checks. A guy selling templeos t-shirts emailed him offering to donate him money and he said this.
no u dum
Luckily for you it sounds you've never been through the NHS mental health treatment system in the UK. Do you fuck "get the help you need." You get a bunch of Jewish potions that fucking ruin your brain forever, you get laughed at and you get released back into the wild with basically no counselling or therapy whatsoever.
How could i fund anyone if i am homeless....
You could steal a potato and give it to Terry.
I need that potatoe tho but i would im nice
Truth, despite the sensationalized verbage. If you do a deep study on the medications that they would give us, you'll find that there is no data to suggest that they work, and that there is data to show that they cause irreversable long-term effects. You'll also find that honest behavioral health practitioners admit that their job, and it's textbook the DSM, can be very subjective at times, leaving room for "clinical judgement" to legally override your own even if it's wrong. *And* they say you have the right to refuse any medication, but in truth they can override that very easily. Then you're sucking down lithuim in a small cage. Do that to any "normal" person even and they would become crazy. It's made to keep you in for cheap labrats.
Polite sage for Sup Forums irrelevance, except that many traits that a good problem solving techie has falls under mental illness. Shit, us and all the mods can be shitcanned for simple antisocial and defiant disorders.
>things that never happened
Who's 2 say that schizophrenia is not a step toward true conciseness
Source for the first claim: telegraph.co.uk
And here's a source for the second:
Now go kys. I absolutely hate arguing with leftists, since your ignorance and arrogance is surreal.
How many programming languages is Terry proficient in?
i bet you want to live in a van too
What makes you think that?
One, of course. HolyC is all he needs. All anyone needs.
He won't. That scammer is looking to get enough money to buy himself an iPhone X.
Please don't paste that fools face on my savior. I bet he has a small penis, unlike Richard who clearly has a 10 inch penis (which I dream about sucking).
What do you all think about the theories that Terry Davis worked for a major defence contractor and something happened there that unhinged him and made him go crazy?
I assume x86 assembly, C, and HolyC.
You forgot x64 assembly as well sempai :3
its hexes u mathlet troglodyte
Terry's area of Vegas (presuming he stays there) is pretty nice, right? How likely is he to get himself killed out there?
Do you have the original (without Terry and the moaning)?
If it wasn't incitation to a violent crime, what's beneficial in stupid jokes like " gas the kike"? What good does FoS do when you can't commit genocide or abolish PPotMoP anyway? Why does the right think there is a difference between nation and government?
The article mentions that the left was also targeted.
But burgers think centrists are left.
did they threw him out of his disabled outpost because he pissed them with the drum set bought by anons?
It all started when that one user bought him drumsticks damnit.
He'd been steadily deteriorating mentally for about 6 months before this. The drumset is just one of many, many factors bringing about his homelessness.
It all started long before the formation of this earth. The drums weren't the problem.
Got any more rare Terry?
Why is he so likeable compared to torvalds and mememan?
Explain the full story for everyone in detail
Because he's fucking mental.
because he has a soul. most it professionals don't.
>user buys terry pair of drumsticks.
>terry posts epic drum videos.
>user buys terry desktop drumset.
>more epic videos.
>terry buys 4 more sets of childrens drums.
>anons pitch in and buy full size drum kit.
>terrys last post before going MIA was him dancing to hava nagila infront of a huge fucking drumset.
>terry now lives in van.
>10 inch penis
so stallman is a big penis, seems about right.
holy shit
Just stop. Both the US and Europe are massively dysfunctional.
is this terry?
>We should forcibly commit people because someone from the government said they're crazy
Glorious idea comrade, you would have to be crazy to oppose the future of communism
>free of job and shit like that
>in his comfy van coding his own os
>smart af
>has a "big" online following
man i wish i was him
the virgin gnu and chad templeOS
this was the best greentext ive ever read
put the right face on
>pic related
>He couldn't update templeOS on the computer that had templeOS natively installed because of faulty CD-ROM drive
Why didn't he update by USB drive then?
No USB support in TOS monkey nigger.
God said no networking, he never gave an order over USB
What the hell is the point without networking????
Geez. You are still a nigger after all. Do you even fucking understand that there's no USB support in TOS? USB is stupid. God wants high speed super simple serial and not niggerlicious features.
God never said that, dumb LARPer
Terry doesn't like USB
This is Terry. Hi Terry.
I think he mentioned that in the old streams that they overcomplicated USB.
Its obvious when you try to read the spec, its an abomination.
I don't want to hear your opinion, I want to know what terry said
He said that more or less
Post link to video if you can remember it
Just STFU already: archive.is
Took you long enough to post what terry said instead of larping like a little faggot
Based Terry, FUCK USB
>Computer mice will all have two buttons and a wheel.
Dammit Terry
Reading that again, Terry may be the only sane man in the room.
He was ranting similarly about how people wanted you to use GRUB instead of the real bootloader process(ie 1 sector that load the rest)
I wish his streams were up.
You could just as well find it easily just like him.
Whats the rundown on the terry & physics girl plotline?
His recent interactions with her online usually took the form of him indiscriminately emailing her or her imposters blocks of absolute gibberish, from what I could make out from the live streams. The imposters lead him to believe she loved him as much as he did her, which he eventually fell for, and he tidied his room completely because he thought she would be moving in with him. He also sold his computer to buy her a wedding ring. When she didn't arrive he realised it had all been a cruel trick and he turned to alcoholism and forget to keep his madness under any semblance of control.
What a comfy stream
Anyone who fucked with Terry like that needs to be gassed. Chris-chan deserved it, but not Terry.
>Chris-chan deserved it
Chris-Chan was an idiot who fell for the most blatant obvious pranks, only weens desperate to be the next big troll still care about trying to prank him however