post your uptime user, no fakes, i think im going to collapse

Other urls found in this thread:


>keeping your pc on for epeen points
nice autism

good night

Who more?

uptime && uname -r
18:37:14 up 1 day, 6:23, 1 user, load average: 0.59, 0.44, 1.08

but uptimes are kept when you suspend, you don't need to keep it always on.


user u crazy

My grandparents actually had a p4 winxp machine with 9yr uptime they never turned it off and never had any power outages. At idle it was consuming 3.5gb of its 4gb ram... system services were all jacked up

i dont believe that, windows cant keep that long even if its xp

up 2 days, 7:33, 2 users, load average: 0.17, 0.22, 0.19
That's it on my server, had a power outage.

Skipped all kernel update as ubuntu release them pretty often.





>18:18:29 up 4:22, 0 users, load average: 0.52, 0.58, 0.59

$ uptime
19:08:25 up 322 days, 20:17, 1 user, load average: 0.19, 0.19, 0.16

shell is wrong obv btw

someone tripped the breaker three days ago

just changed to mint yesterday on my shitposting box

It had been up since I installed duvean about 2 months ago, now less than a day

13:23:04 up 8:16, 1 user, load average: 0.20, 0.49, 0.51
running on a laptop with a failed battery


gimme that wp
suspend so much?
nice user
dont shit please
keep up with devuan user! keep linux community proud!

I just leave it on when I go to work and go to sleep.
If I have to take it anywhere, I hibernate and take the battery out.


What are you run on it?
Post your boipucci and you will got it.

>torrent, vpn, ftp, owncloud, irc


Beat this faggots

17 hours, a fresh reinstall of 16.04, before that it was about 5 days since the last power outage

Your kernel is way out of date. 4.12.12 is in the portage tree now.

no point in updating for now



Dobt u have to keep arch updated which means no long uptimes?



4.4.4 best android

Fuck off Kevin

No u

what do i win

dont shit and give us the wp


only 15 hrs

why is she trying to eat that walkietalkie

pretending it's a p*nis

Did I win?


>using kernel 4.12

you are cheating user, what the fucking hell


>Arch not crashing for 9 days
this is shopped

this is really neat.




op we need to discuss your peasant tier resolution

how about over a month with win7?

Kernel update 3 days ago.

Pleb. See

>he doesn't do live kernel patching


Win10 pro

20:11:36 up 8:34, 1 user, load average: 0,91, 0,91, 0,89

>1 month

no, you can't even beat windows 10

Mine will last forever. It will only increase. Will yours?

I don't have it hooked up to a UPS but I don't live in a 3rd world country so the chances of it going off are pretty low.

How did you not get that ripped by automatic updates? Teach me your ways.

I had 14 days but my battery ran out without me noticing


He is shitposting from his office server.

About to get dwoorfing.



Usually restart at about 2 months or so. Win10, some really early build. Disabled all updates and shit pretty much from day one.

What am I looking at? Is it FreeBSD on top of macOS?



wiby server


Love the wp. Link?

jamin@polaris:~$ uptime
22:27:47 up 248 days, 6:37, 1 user, load average: 0.01, 0.01, 0.00

I really gotta ask you. How are is your package number so low??
What did you do?

Uptime usually gets to about 6hrs before it crashes and I shut it off


why the fuck are you running on Atom?



Not him, but I wanted it too and since Im not a fag here are the links to two versions

like 670 days on my debian dedi

Thinkpad is 9 days so far I think

I hope Dino wins this season of Master Chef.

Open task scheduler
Microsoft -> Windows -> UpdateOrchestrator
Disable the "Reboot" task.

It's not hard to avoid automatic restarts in 10 at all, the option just isn't exposed in the settings "app"


Wheezy Joe and Jessie Joe.

ip-172-31-20-16:~> uptime
04:30:43 up 495 days, 4:10, 1 user, load average: 0.08, 0.03, 0.05




Only got what I needed. It's a server.


>what's a Debian Testing