Install quieter fans in my PC

>install quieter fans in my PC
>now I can hear the HDD noises

Other urls found in this thread:

inb4 the all-ssd fags

>Not using your computer with headphones

Get an ssd
Noise gone

>not putting your computer in another room and drilling a hole in your wall to feed the cables

I prefer drilling your mom's hole.


>install ssd instead of hdd
>now GPU starts coil whining

the words "ssd" and "profit" shouldn't be this close together

>kids who don't use computers for work that requires storage space

Install a ssd gpu, duh

>I need terabytes of porn and anime for work, mom

>what is NAS

Time for a server

what if my job is making anime porn

>Fix GPU coil whining
>now voices in the head start to chant

>shit OEM case
>2 phat heavy Hitachi HDDs
>they fucking resonate with eachother

>in Personal Computer
>in 2017

>take meds advertised on tv
>feel empty inside
>can hear tummy gurgling

>moar fans
>moar hard drives
>computer sounds like a plane taking off now

>put PC on a different room with long ass cables
>can hear the electrons moving inside them


>fix coil whine
>fucking atoms spinning too loud

the cloud

>video editing in le cloud
the absolute solid state of Sup Forums

>Hear the sound of the electrons moving

fucking marzbar fag

>Install all Noctuas including CPU fan
>GPU fan starts making noise

>Make yourself deaf
>can't hear no more sounds

hear atoms shifting in space and earth

>go into vacuum of space
>can hear sub-atomic virtual particles blinking into existence and annihilating each other.


>not video editing in the cloud
its not 2000 anymore

nvidia 10 series cards keep the coolers completely off until they go above 60c

>kill yourself to escape the noise
>wake up instantly because your consciousness exists in a parallel universe where your suicide attempt wasn't successful

But then you can hear the fans again

Am I the only one with a silent PC? I have a Dell Optiplex 7010 and the fan + 2 HDDs are dead quiet.

posted from my fanless ssd MacBook Retina 2016

>random timelapse of him buying something expensive
>scripts more vlog with random sound effects and shitty trap music
>installs LED lighting in his car then drives to office
>gets free money
>pockets money
>installs amazon products into people's homes and over charges them whilst his parents fund all of his autistic endeavors

Yes, I'm sure that's 100% completely safe and won't make any vibrating noise at all.

just bought a 4tb ssd wish me luck Sup Forumsentlemen

>turn off computer
>hear your life fading away

Why would anyone take away box from cute ket? Asshole deserved having his house burned down.

I don't see why people complain about computer noise do you not wear a headset

No I do not wear a (((headset))).

You can't escape the sound of your own thoughts.

>using headphones when not absolutely necessary

i dont feel right without my headphones on my head even if i'm not listening to anything they're comfy

Some of us live with our parents who don't like hearing Hentai at 3am in the morning. Dumb cucks

Installed quiet fans
Made GPU the loudest thing

Got GPU cooling solution
Hard drives now loudest

Got ssd
PSU loudest

Fanless psu
Now coil Rhine is the issue and its subtle and unfixable.

Kill me

I had to put a custom fan profile because the temps got way too high at idle, even having them spin at 20% reduces temps by 20c. Passive cooling isn't the greatest.

>not inviting your parents to watch hentai with you
What a lousy son you are.

Kots a shit

ur a shit

>He doesn't always wear over the ear headphones

they go
summon the spirits of the computer with our spells
summon the spirits of the computer with our spells
summon the spirits of the computer with our spells

Ur shit and an faget

t. virgin

gtfo unvirgin

poor fag GTFO

I work with big data and a 500GB ssd is sufficient. They also make reasonably priced 4TB ssd if you really really need lots of storage.

then get a fanless CPU cooler you fucking pleb

500gb is certainly not sufficient with actually big data, I have a single project for a 1 hour video and it's 326gb with all stuff included like the raw videos plus the release versions.

Well I'm dealing with big data for hundreds of millions of rows of raw data, not video. All my data takes up about 100GB. Different applications have different needs.

Who are you quoting

Then it's not big at all.

>billion rows of raw data
>not big
yeah ok

a row of data would be the equivalent of a single pixel in a video so no, it's not big data

No, that would only be true if it was a single field. I have 1000's of fields (ie columns/variables). So fuck off.

You realize a a video project isn't big data, right? Or are you just a moron?

>used to the sound of pc fans in background noise
>cant fall asleep when pc is off anymore due to the eerie silence

A single frame in a 1080p video has 2073600 pixels, so a one hour video at 24 fps has 7464960000 pixels. Your little babby spreadsheet job doesn't even come close to the amount of data video editing requires.

>muh semantics
Call it large data then.

You're an absolute retard. This is more than semantics, big data is a specialized methodology for handling extreme quantities of complex information, not babby pixiels on your iToddler(tm) machine. GTFO faggot.

Wait I got it wrong, I forgot to multiple the seconds by the amount of frames.
It's actually 179159040000.

>thinking pixels is big data
wew lad

You're just arguing semantics, I'm not talking about Big Data™, I'm talking about large amounts of data.
Move along now spreadshitter, adults with real storage space requirements are talking.

If you guys can fit all of your project onto one hard drive and don't need a supercomputing cluster to run through it in a reasonable time frame then you aren't really working with big data.

I like to play around with large machine learning models, with matricies with a few million entries, but that's not big data, even if I am playing with a few million lines of text. Now, working on large physical experiments with hundreds of analogue detectors going into FADCs and wrapping all of those waveforms as well as their integrals and information regarding their pulse shape for categorization several thousand times per second over a clustered network of computers? That's big data. I got to work on something like that, but even then I bet I contributed less than 1% of what it took to build that system. The best part is that it would be considered trash next to what some private enterprises are able to set up.

tl;dr if you're playing with data on your own you probably aren't playing with big data

>computer noise thread turned into a storage space dick measuring contest
Sup Forums

1 cell holds 60 bytes of data
1000 variables
1000000000 rows

= 60000000000000
60000000000000 > 179159040000

335 x larger than your babby video project on your iFaggot(tm) machine

One 24 bit pixel has 3 bytes of data so multiply that by 3.
Also video projects have far more than the final 1 hour of video, a simple wedding video for example can easily go above 3 hours PER CAMERA, with 3 cameras minimum.
SSDs are just not up to the task for now.

>not having a comfy 4TB SSD
>thinks wedding video is big data
wew lad
I lost brain cells just reading your comment

>implying that jobs which do not require lots og storage are inferior
>imblygn nas is not a thing

Compared to what the retard though "big data" was (100gb)? It's certainly big.

And again I'm not talking about the specific kind of Big Data mentioned in some wikipedia article, I'm merely talking about large files.
You can keep arguing semantics all day but the simple fact is that SSDs aren't viable for video editing for now, especially when dealing with several projects.

>Live with parents
>Calling us cucks

Lmaoing at your life


all-ssd is such a stupid meme

>what is raid

>autists can't ignore other autists: the board
If people didn't engage faggotry, this board would be deader than wizardchan

HDD noises are comfy

>spend a lot of money on nice cooling systems, hardware, and headphones
>1 week later an explosion goes off at work
>tinnitus for life
wew lad

>Not just building a speaker into your housing that plays anime theme songs softly whenever power is ran through.

It's like you don't even try.

for no reason this caught me off guard and made me LOL

RIP user

Wew lad, you must have a 3Tb Seagate then?

>listen to music to suppress other noises
>hear DAC distortions

>wears headphones less than 12 hours per day

Probably more true than you imagine, since it is not uncommon in cases of hearing loss for auditory hallucinations to develop. Basically without exposure to adequate stimuli the auditory complex can atrophy, malfunction, or just plain make shit up to keep itself busy. I have an elderly relative who ended up with something called 'musical ear syndrome' where she out of the blue hears music playing or doorbells ringing.