I've been "blocked" on a liberal forum for making multiple accounts and ruseing people

I've been "blocked" on a liberal forum for making multiple accounts and ruseing people.
If I go incognito mode and use a private VPN the site still detects me.
What am I forgetting? What data is identifying me? How do I get rid of said data?

How can I become like a ghost in the night?

followup question: what are some good tutorials on writing bot scripts? the site in question doesn't have any captchas or post cooldowns.

Other urls found in this thread:


Why don't you try getting a life



kill yourself and haunt them as a ghost!

the cookies block your ip usually.

but doesn't going incognito disable cookies?



use a VM in addition to your VPN and use Tor with noscript

neck yourself

Your mistake is using Chrome faggot.


I use Chromium

They block Tor exit nodes but I will try the VM thing thanks. Out of curiousity why would the VM fix the issue? How are they identifying my machine?

>posting on Sup Forums
>"get a life!"

What the fuck? You can follow people on facebook?

I know the answer but won't tell you as you're an obvious faggot

Please blow your brain cell out.

if you can't evade a ban you don't deserve any help



get a life

yeah no wonder mongoloid


>all that effort to accentuate your butthurt on an Laotian flyfishing commune

honestly if you can't find how to bypass the block you don't deserve to troll them

kurva anyƔd

>if you can't find how to bypass the block
but he just did
thanks faggots
Sup Forums should have "rused" this nazi instead

>all that effort
It took less than 10 seconds guy

that looks like a younger, more ginger michael keaton

why do you need to bait them? It's more fun to watch SJWs naturally overreact to the tamest shit

install gentoo so they don't ban the MAC address of your NIC

Try clearing your cookies. Some sites use those to identify users.

>i got banned from a liberal forum for being a nazi!! how do i ban evade Sup Forums??????????????????????
go there and stay there

Sup Forums btfo

Time to grow up

You've probably got a DNS leak or something

check dnsleaktest.com and ipleak.net



Who /polg/ here?

seriously OP, you have nothing else better to do? your life can't be that pathetic

>Icognito mode
That meme shit doesn't do anything, just clear your cookies you dumbass.

Also kill yourself

There's a view/comment/like botting site I made a script to cheat free points for. Worked fine for months, always signed in inside a VM, with a VPN, cleared all cookies/history/cache and changed VPN country while switching between accounts. I've been banned a few times before, but not like this, now when I try to sign in, even on freshly made accounts, it logs me into the homepage, then auto logs me out as soon as I try to switch the page. I've tried using different vpns, no luck, I tried to log into one of my accounts on a homies pc over teamview and it worked fine. Just tried it without a VM on the same VPN that was auto-logging me out, and it worked fine. How are they detecting my VM wtf?

10 seconds too much.

Forgot to mention, I even made a fresh VM install of Windows 7, and tried with no VPN, and it still auto-logged me out, so I don't think they fingerprinted the old VM or anything, they just block logins from VMs.

I can dislike a libcuck like any other reasonable person OP but seriously, this.

Elite haxor here. Buy a new computer every time you get banned. Works for me everytime. For shizzles!

what good do you honestly expect harrasing them to do?

OP here
I don't know why I bother trolling liberal forums when I can get just as much salt from you faggots

>i was only pretending to be retarded


so you are doing it just for laughs? i mean if thats your reasoning carry on just as long as you dont pretend its doing any good or trying to justify it as anything more

>in 2017

Go back to r/T_D jesus christ.

i frogpost 24/7 and there's nothing you can do to stop me

pic related, my mousepad
i've been frogposting since pepe was but a mere /r9k/ tadpole

>i frogpost 24/7
So you're autistic?

Righties forever confirmed for being brainlets.

Ah, the butthurt in this one is strong.

someone making sense

post from a cybercafe idk, not in your computer not in your network, dumbass.

no salt, just love reading your dumbass posts

>some kike false flagging as a Sup Forums user on Sup Forums

Rekt n kekt

Cuckoldry can be detected through the internets, user.

what's that movie/show?

change ur MAC

An ATT Original series called Mr. Mercedes.


kill yourself retard
go ask your fellow redditors on

>there's no way us defenders of the West could be this dumb! this must be the work of (((them)))!!

Serious answer, someone else likely used your VPN to spam them before you. Your browser does leak identifiable information even in incognito mode, like your screen resolution and many other tiny scraps of information that can be combined into a unique fingerprint. But it's unlikely the website in question is technical enough to use that, if they don't even have captchas.

>How can I become like a ghost in the night?
Aren't you wearing your ghost costume right now user? It's a bit early for Halloween.

>what are some good tutorials on writing bot scripts?
Go home script kiddy. You won't accomplish anything but make your "movement" look even more like a joke. It will take them ten minutes tops to remove your posts and block your new IP.

That's actually a pretty nice looking setup. I need to get myself an autonomous firetruck. Anyone got any suggestions?

god Sup Forums has changed...

I didn't realize there were so many pussies on this board

OP absolutely btfo

Put me in the screencap

Literally came in to post this exactly

You mean /polgbt/?

First install Fedora GNU/Linux. Then install the Waterfox browser with uBlock Origin, HTTPS Everywhere, Self Destructing Cookies, and then try a different VPN.

Depends. Usually not.

Sup Forums really is the new Sup Forums holy shit.