Do green text bubblex poorfags know they're a laughing stock?
Do green text bubblex poorfags know they're a laughing stock?
Jesus Christ you're making me want to switch off iPhone PURELY to spite your faggot ass posts
you choose the color of the bubble in the text app's settings , i dont see how its an indication of wealth especially since everyone will get the same color unless you specify different ones for specific people .
>tfw I turn off iMessage
>tfw doesn't matter anyway because I don't text niggers or children
I don't get it.
>people actually still use imessage or sms messages
Everyone I know who is a normie just uses Whatsapp
When did this even start? I used iphones until iOS 7 and all messages were in green bubbles, regardless if iphone, android or dumbphone users sent them.
>he never owned an iPhone
>he fell for the apple meme at least a single time
lol found the brainlet
Basically the only thing crapplefags have going for them is that they waste money, so they brag about it
It's a meme, but it's also a good way of filtering out worthless people.
If they care what phone you have so much they're not willing to talk to you- you can clearly tell that this person is so worth talking to.
>I am a tool, and an insecure teenager : the post
Fruitshaggers polluting Sup Forums again.
Living in society stupidifies an individual. So called social media and instant messengers show that's true.
>So called social media and instant messengers
why are they "so called"?
ifag here, what the fuck is op talking about? iPhone HAS green bubble
>t. Poor pajeet
it only uses SMS if the other person isn't using iMessage. a bot obviously isn't on the iMessage network.
>screenshot from about a week ago
>claiming it's his
lol okay
>She paid $1000 for a telephone
>he only uses his smartphone for telephony
lol okay
>still using SMS
Do americans really do this? Do they not have whatsapp?
the messages app is baked into iOS and iMessages took off in the early years when text messaging in the US was trash and data plans were even worse.
I hardly text, unless I need to due to technical reasons, verification etc, also I just realized I have iMessage off lol
WhatsApp is a botnet, but so is Apple's SMS hybrid shit
If someone I'm texting is that shallow, I probably wouldn't want anything to do with them.
>I just realized I have iMessage off lol
lmao lulz
>This is what android poorfags really believe
Poorfag detected
Sure thing povvo
>Quick, better get the social pressure of petty iphone users to make other feel poor
just stop, but forcing this shitty meme you're literally just branding anyone that unironically agrees with you as an apple fanboy or pushover that's retroactively trying to make themselves feel better about their phone of choice.
I rather buy a 1000 buck laptop than a cellphone
>using cellular messaging and voice
get with the times grandpa. you should exclusively be using something similar to facebook messenger
Because you're poor.
i'm sure you'd rather spend that money on rent than on a laptop, as well.
a thousand dollar smartphone isn't for people who are trying to stretch their last thousand dollars between a laptop and a smartphone. it's for people who have enough money to spend a thousand on a smartphone and not go hungry that month.
You know you've won when the only argument the opposing side can make is
>but mine costs more
>If someone I'm texting is female, that's not what I'm into
I fucking hate poor people.
But they're too stupid to realize they've lost
You can't buy a decent Macbook for a thousand. You'd either have to go for a second hand one, or have some super shitty dell prebuilt.
I'm I only owned used iPhones.
Like an iPhone 4s for 50€ after 8 months of it's release? Why not try it?
It was interesting to port things to it.
Green also happens to be the color of the Android mascot. Makes it easier to out poorfags with those phones.
This was intentional on Apple's part.
when did emoticon become emoji? pretty sure it wasn't like this back in the MSN days, but maybe I'm wrong
in 1999. wikipedia isn't hard to navigate, is it?
I can't relate to it.
Can you make an image where my anime waifu finally contacts me through a magical smartphone, only to be disgusted by the green bubble?
Mugi is rich, I think she'd be the type to own an iphone.
i've never used wikipedia in my life
you should try it. someday people won't feel so charitable and you'll be asking questions any idiot like yourself could answer, but nobody will be there to take care of you
it's a point of no return
if i use it now i will never be able to go back
it all makes sense now
>you should try it. someday people won't feel so charitable and you'll be asking questions any idiot like yourself could answer, but nobody will be there to take care of you
All iPhone users are like that though, you as well in some form or other.
Actually, if you read the wikipedia article on Point of no Return you would see why you're wrong.
It was green since the beginning.
>Implying anything on iOS is customizable xDdd
Who cares about which phone you have.
Are people in burgerland so fucking stupid?
Burgers are massive sheep and unable to think for themselves. That's why they enjoy easily categorisable brands. It's also why Mercedes-Benz cannot sell utility vehicles there. Burgers cannot understand that a car manufacturer can sell both luxury sedans and construction vans.
>green text has jpheg artifacts
>grey text doesn't
Oh look another one of those people.
Explains it all. Enjoy your cans and string.
Well now the color green is associated with Android. That's where the green bubble stigma comes from.
Sup Forums is more obsessed with this than the whole of twitter and green bubble faggots
>being able to buy an $1000 phone via contracts and monthly plans
>thinking you're rich
lol, applefags are the worst. Most rich people I see with Samsungs S line anyways. So they are too poor, texting from their amg tuned mercedses because their text messages appear green???
just kys you stupid fuck
Nobody users that here
>using SMS
America confirmed as still being a third world shithole.
>tfw in your country actually poor people prefer iPhone because "mah status"
Despite the fact that they are going to pay for the phone next 2 or whatever years.
>Most rich people I see with Samsungs S line anyways
>So they are too poor, texting from their amg tuned mercedses because their text messages appear green???
See how buttflustered android-poors get, they have to make shit up.
How many Mercades do you perv into from your cardboard box, green bubble?
yep, in roman empire poor people stole perfumes so they smelled like rich people lol
now poor fucks buy expensive phones (because thats the only luxury item they can afford somehow)
BUT majority (if not all) people like that are from US? Rrrrreicht???
can anyone imagine this guy being more buttblasted?
lol, stupid fuck doesnt even know how to spell the name of the fucking care, let alone ever owning one
enjoy your iphone jamal, thats the only luxury item you can ever use to impress girls and try to trick them into sucking your shit looking dick
What's worse is those too poor to even afford the luxury phone, and have to settle for some android chinkphone.
What's even worse is then pretending that the android chinkphone is superior because it's all you could afford.
T. green text bubble
The note 8 cost $900 And is a better phone than I phone.
>falling for advertising tricks this hard
Either we need to genocide the capitalists or low IQ people.
You say "no" but you mean "yes", right?
Really, retarded thing like "ewww, you don't have an iPhone" sounds so American.
Just like heart attacks and rednecks.
>Tries to correct someones spelling
>'let alone ever owning one'
>not a single full stop in the entire, multi-line, post
This guy totally isn't buttmad that he's too poor to be able to afford an iPhone. Totally.
Will shove you into the oven 1st for falling for low quality bait.
SMS is fucking gay anyway, WhatsApp and Telegram are better, using carrier services to send messages is a dumb burger thing.
then again, many things in burgerland are dumb burger things, for example: still using fucking imperial because your people are dumb as bricks and too lazy to make a change to the clearly superior and widely used metric measurement system.
another thing is not using credit cards with smart chips on them for extra security because "muh too costly to redeploy" and on top of it all crappy public transportation, shitty healthcare deals and rampant government corruption
no. no means no.
>triggered poorfag
And you wonder why you're a virgin.
>yo, fags too poor to own iPhone and beats headpones
t. tyrone
10 cents have been deposited into your account pajeet
the dumb thing is that the specs on an iPhone are worse than cheaper phones, so whats the bragging point? most of them are tied to contracts anyway so they haven't even paid outright for them. and obviously you can get android phones on contracts which cost the same as an iPhone plan so what point of difference does it make?
also these dumbos also don't even know how to use iPhones and probably don't understand that iMessage is an optional service
i googled and couldn't find that specific site. you're not literally so desperate that you're making shit up, are you?
>T. Green text bubble
>lol, green text
t. jamal
it's a better phone that not everyone can get.
why do autistic people have so much trouble with this?
>what is volvo
Not him, but I always thought "social" was a weird word to describe it, since you're not really socializing. Maybe on Facebook, kinda, in the same way I'm socializing right now, but I don't really get what's "social" about Reddit or Twitter. Other than people use it and other people on the other end see it...
If I ever got an iPhone I just wouldn't register on iMessage so all SMS messages I received and sent would go through SMS instead of data.
And then I would laugh at anyone who complained about SMS because they're fucking free anyway.
Because they failed at life.
Their superiority complex comes out of insecurity.
unrelated: I just forgot my iPhone password. How do I recover it without bringing it to apple store??
>that not everyone can get.
are you retarded? literally everyone can get it via monthly plan.
I bet 95% of people owning an iphone wouldnt have one if they had to cash in $500/$600 themselves without finacing options lol
Sure thing povvo
>I bet 95% of people owning an iphone wouldnt have one if they had to cash in $500/$600 themselves without finacing options
Projecting much, poorfag?
Pajeet it back, Jamal