/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


First for shitposting

second for install linux

How's Devuan's armhf builds?

Systemd no longer wants to follow

This seems to have started with systemd 234.
When i go to login via tty it will take he username and password but it will pause for 2 minutes, then checking the log the system is trying to mount that mountpoint despite nothing touching it. It hangs all tty's for 2 minutes until the drive is manually mounted(its a crypto disk i manually open).Am i not using the right switches?

probably shit. just install gentoo

th for posting questions itt before even trying to search the answer .


runit > systemd < openrc

>radical centrist

Sysvinit > runit = upstart > openrc > systemd

Is gentoo available for odroid c2?

probably. learn to build gentoo for arm

Where? I don't know where to start

RTFM my good man
There are parts that talk about ARM, it's different from the regular x86 or AMD64 install, but it's possible to install on ARM.

You can check if some systemd unit file is trying to access it by searching through the installed units in /usr/lib/systemd/system/ (might be different on your system, but not to be confused with /etc/systemd/system/).

I'd have to see your fstab exactly and your journalctl output to see what's happening exactly.

figure it out yourself. i did it by booting the stage3 with a binary kernel and figured everything out from there. there isn't much documentation on gentoo arm because of arms fragmentation

I checked all the active running services and none of them are touching the device

The only error is
UUID\the uuid\name.mount failed to mount.

defaults,noatime,nodiratime,noauto,nofail,nodev,nosuid,x-systemd.automount 0 0

Systemd? More like

Is gentoo a meme?

No. Installing gentoo is a meme

"Install gentoo" is the meme, the distro itself isn't a meme

No. It's great.

Install GuixSD

Install Void

I want OpenRC

Install Alpine

Install slackware

I like runit better

Guys I want to blow windows right now from my desktop PC.
and I want to install linux

so what distro should I install
(the fucking link about it on OP is dead atm)

I guess I'm a power user of windows. but I don't care of games that much.
I don't care about having a windows like desktop either.

I just don't want that garbage phone like ubuntu desktop.
also the last time I used linux was back in 2010 for about 3 months

enlighten me

also unrelated pic

The error isn't important; I'd want to know what's causing it to try to mount it even though it has noauto.

And I said check all services, not just the running ones, because many services are static and aren't running after boot.

Install Arch

Install TempleOS


>no icecat

>(the fucking link about it on OP is dead atm)
Install Ubuntu, don't torture yourself. Ease into something new or you'll overwhelm yourself.

Install botnetium



How do I install icecat on debain based systems? I downloaded it and just run it from terminal ie ~/Downloads/icecat/icecat-bin

Just switched from Debian to Fedora.

Debian Wheezy/Jessie was great.

Stretch fucking killed it for me. Gotta say the Fedora workstation is pretty comfy. Most shit just werks on this old Sony Vaio

No, I won't.

install gentoo




IceCat does everything I need in a browser and nothing I don't need

Fuck me I was wrong. How come I can't Ctrl + A for select all and other Ctrl shortcuts don't work?!

In what? I'm thinking you've probly got the wrong keyboard layout since those are basically universal among gui toolkits.

ubuntu, really?
I don't think all the linux stuff is going to overwhelm me that much.

Fine. Bunsenlabs.

There is truly an enormous amount of bullshit that can go wrong and no matter what you're looking for you'll get only 2 results when searching. Ubuntu questions and archwiki.

Yup and I'm a retard.

Got any idea why I cannot use the backspace key to navigate back in the File Manager?

Also I'll ask the second stupid question. How do I display my all my Computer's information in terminal like on those stupid desktop threads? I don't care to post desktop, I just want that information

install screenfetch


No, but you do need vrms. People stopped posting that in "fetch" threads and it should return.

Fuzzy finder github.com/jhawthorn/fzy
Fast directory changer fbb-git.github.io/xd/xdman.html


Ubuntu is the most documented, updated, supported, and used distro.

Use it unless you know why you don't want to. You'll thank me when you're compiling a thousand different packages on some arch box when you could've done an apt get.

>B-b-ut I want to be advanced! I have teh brain!

Only thing different is the architecture

>Ubuntu looks so plain

Install whatever desktop you want, no need to swap distros when you can have a better supported build with the same desktop. (kde don't fall for gnome meme)

>gnome meme

what does that mean .
I do have to install kubuntu or I can change the desktop shit on every distro?

mate and kde plasma looks kinda nice.

arch or debian sid?

the names/packaging varies with versions but usually there's metapackages like ubuntu-desktop and mate-desktop though IIRC you'll still need to set up your display manager.

Neato. Fedora isn't exactly memory friendly however. I'm noticing this is actually a pretty heavy distro


Best Linux compatible wireless adapter via usb? And wireless card if it's worth it.
>inb4 ethernet
None in the room, but plan on getting powerline adapters as well.

>hating gnome

It's what came installed. Besides, frankly I don't see a whole lot of issues with it.

Why can't I get a fucking display manager or tablet input drivers working on Void? Fucking X220 Tablet how the fuck do I get this shit to fucking work!!!!! It fucking locks up the system whenever I install them!!!!!!!

I can't understand how people can defend this shit.

OpenRC > s6 = runit > upstart > sysvinit > systemd

It's not a bug, it's just the user's problem for running their system in an unorthodox way!


ThisUbuntu is unironically the best Linux distro. Only autistic freetards avoid it.
gnome sucks.

Which distro you choose mostly depends on personal preference and how much you want it to just work.
For just works distros you have all of the ubuntu flavors and mint. For mostly works you have opensuse, fedora, debian and solus. For super customization you have arch, gentoo and void. There are tons of other distros but those are some of the more common ones, distrowatch has a pretty good search function that lets you select things like prefered init.

That shit doesn't render images right in xfce4-terminal and it pulls in a shit ton of dependencies.

I have dual boot setup with Windows 10 and Ubuntu Gnome, each on separate SSD. I liked Ubuntu Gnome at first but now I hate it and want go back to Xubuntu.

Can I simply install Xubuntu over Ubuntu Gnome like normal without fucking up the dual boot?

>not just installing ubuntu from windows store

>I liked Ubuntu Gnome at first but now I hate it
>let Sup Forums memes influence you
Do you have a thinkpad, mechanical keyboard, chink phone, sennheiser headphones, and i3 gaps?

>each on separate SSD


MAC adresses represent a security/privacy issue?

How to check if a drive is encrypted?

I have a SSD, that has the home folder and other things, and a HDD, which has media and files. I know that the SSD is encrypted because I have to enter a password during the boot. But I don't know if the HDD is encrypted.

I ask because I plan on installing another distro. I'll just move the files from SSD to HDD if the HDD is not encrypted.

I don't use void anymore but the xfce version came with lxdm and that worked.

I run gentoo but I freely admit that ubuntu is the best for most users. I run gentoo for OpenRC and muh customization.

On the official ubuntu flavors the seperate flavors are actually just packages. Try doing an apt search for xubuntu and seeing what packages come up thne install those. Once you're in xfce you should be able to uninstall gnome stuff.

Funny how even when Linux is 100% removed people still want to call the OS "Linux".
It's almost as if the kernel isn't actually what characterizes an operating system lol.

Of course anti-GNU fags will defend it saying
>0% Linux is still Linux b-b-because stallman eats toejam and I haet freedoms

Hey guys, I came across netgear WNDR3400 from savers thrift store, and apparently it has telnet enabled, and telnet into it. I have been wondering how to do reverse shell on it, but there is couple of problems
>no netcat
>/dev/tcp is non available
>there is /proc/net/tcp, but cant seem to get it working.

when I double tabbed these were the available commands

Any ideas on reverse shell?

MAC addresses are meant to be unique to each connection device (like every usb wifi adapter and every ethernet card has their own). A big government agency or maybe a dedicated hacker could use it to track you, but you can randomize it or just change it through software

Probably microsoft doesn't want to give GNU project attention because linux foundation is more corporate friendly.

Anything Intel or Atheros should work. Realtek is hit or miss, and Broadcom is trash.

Bois, I need a very light very normie friendly distro for an atom netbook. Only thing it's supposed to do is play youtube videos and require no maintenance. I went through some but they all seem either heavy or not normie friendly. Thanks for any input.

Either xubuntu, lubuntu or maybe ubuntu mate.

ubuntu is the definition of heavy

Only mainline ubuntu and kubuntu. The ones with lighter weight desktops aren't too heavy.

Thanks, user. Using a rosewill wifi adapter. I believe it's realtek. It "works", but it some x amount of time to finally decide to search and connect to wifi hotspots.

As the other said xubuntu or lubuntu. Not sure about lubuntu but I use xubuntu quite a bit and it doesn't come prepackaged with a bunch of extra crap. I know lubuntu is suppose to be lighter than xubuntu, or from what I hear.
Puppy Linux, though I don't know if you really install puppy, or anything else with the XCFE DE work.

>because linux foundation is more corporate friendly.
Just how fucking friendly they have to be so they call Ubuntu from the Windows Store "Linux" when it literally contains no Linux?

MS did their implementation of a Linux subsystem, using clean room engineering only and supposedly no code from kernel.org. Windows Store Ubuntu/Suse/whatever are not Linux, not GNU/Linux maybe "GNU/NT".

It's literally windows-linux-subsystem. It's not none linux.

Since you seem to be such a knowledgeable systemd and general user, why don't you tell him how to fix it? You appear to know it's a systemd bug and not PEBCAK so help him out.

Is it really better than fzf?

>Don't dual boot Window & GNU/Linux
>Don't dual boot Window & Linux
>Dual boot Windows & Ubuntu!
fucking nlp faggets