Current state of windows
Current state of windows
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Gee billy how many notepads can one person have open
Windows bar won't open to programs. Alt+ctrl+delete, end process, repeat daily on every fucking device I own.
It's so broken and what drives me crazy is how it's not even one computer I have these problems with.
I've started collecting shitty windows webms.
Anyone got anymore fuckups?
"I found a bug that happens when I act like an idiot and open 1000 instances of the same program"
the start bar has been doing that to me too. weird as shit.
thank god I didn't switch to 10
oh man, there was one win10 pic where it showed how windows had 5+ different ui styles
>when you never had any of the problems described online
>when you never had ANY problems
>That tooltip animation
*Windows 98 theme plays*
Stop using Intel plebs, never had any of those problems.
Glorious Ryzen master race
weird never happened to me
I'm undervolted at 1.1 and clocked at 3.55, hit it on first try and didn't bother tweeking desu, what about you senpai?
why go there?
people pay for that honking pile of crap
So this is the power of AMD graphics...
Why do you have so many notepad tabs open?
I'm learning to hack windows
Works on my machine.
I thought windows can handle a few notepad windows
Meh, I'm all vanilla, I let the BIOS use the autoconfig mode. It's probably at 1.2V and 3.6GHz man clockspeed
Perpetual state of lunix.
The absolute state of wankballs
The ultimate state of lunix.
top kek
>All that wasted space
Works fine on my machine. How do you guys provoke some errors like that?
Yeah I said that too and then my system went to shit
bravo microsoft
>How do you guys provoke some errors like that?
It's a meme. They break their system on purpose and then take screenshots. In reality, Windows has always been more stable than loonshit. Been running Windows 7 for years without a single crash. GNUtards BTFO.
That's pretty common under Linux + Nvidia
Found your problem
Good luck running tensorflow on AMD, faggot
Fuck off with your vendor lock-in bullcrap, faggot
>He fell for the machine "learning" meem
>not switching to pytorch
>muh python+cuda meme
and its still better than linshit lol
Where do you get enterprise iso?
I don't have this problem on Windows 10.
wreks on my machine!
lmao at you winpajeet subhumans
Just torrent it, senpai.
You sure it wont have bloatware on it?
you must be above 18 years old to post here.
>Install LTSB
>Start having second-thoughts due to the layer of abstraction hiding some things and turning common registry changes into having to actively having to crawl the reg instead of just messing with program settings
>Creator Update happens
Well I certainly feel justified.
Nah, that's just grsec, an unofficial patchset, fucking up. Torvalds himself has said that their "so what if we break some things? That just means it's extra secure" ideology is cancer.
I had visual glitches like that whenever I left my Windows 8.1 computer on for around 12 hours or so. The only fixes were rebooting or ctrl+alt+del and closing+restarting explorer.exe. Repeat that every 12 hours. It might not be a thing on Windows 7, but it definitely is on 8.1 and probably 10 too.
>using Winblows 10
Serves you right.
>using LTSB for 7 months
>0 issues/BSOD
>0 MS annoyances
>it just werks
Do you ever see people starting loonix threads or zerging them?
Of course not, because this O.S let you do more than rice your desktop and you can use actual software so you don't have the time to be mad about stuff that works or software you can't use
>muh gimp
>hello sir i am brum microsoft is your computer running
>yes actually
>den you better go and catch it :DDDD
>Not portable
>Still in beta
Also it's **literal** shit
Stallman pls go
>Sour grapes
>Not portable
>uses CUDA trash
Runs on:
>Windows (desktop AND phone)
Now will you shut the fuck up? Let the grownups play
>when you made the wrong choice switching to Linux, but to protect your psyche you have to go online and defend your OS
>this O.S let you do more than rice your desktop and you can use actual software
>not like any of that software that runs on linux though, because this is winbows
>installs windows
>manages to fuck it up
wtf I hate Windows now
>be intel cuck
>run shitty versions of windows 10 like Pro,Home or Preview
>complain about an obvious shitty version of an OS
>but muh arch & other fedora-tier distros don't have this cancer
it's like people deliberately like getting fucked in the ass then complain about it
>using debian for windows
Enjoy your 2 year old "new" features faggot
Not an argument.
You seem hurt.
>debian for windows
lmao @ your life
I don't need cortana,windows store or other cancerous ""features""
This is what mental illness looks like.
I've been having problems with the thumbnail caching.
After leaving my PC on for a few days it wont clear the thumbnail cache and then starts not loading thumbnails at all.
Also for some reason at this point if I right click on a file and go to "Open with" it freezes explorer.exe and has to restart the process.
Only way to get around it is to manually clear and restart thumbnail cache, or restart the PC.
Takes 24-48 hours for this to start showing up, and it generally only happens when I leave 2-3 folders open with 100+ thumbnails open.
you're talking about yourself?
Meanwhile I have a Linux box that's been running for 6 months and nothing has stopped working.
But AMD is shit on Linux. NPT bug on the CPUs, fucked up rebinding on the GPUs...
Majority of linux shills around here just use it to browse the internet through chrome/firefox, they have nothing better to do than save windows webms and spam threads 2bh
it's easy when you break something first
like the op did
I thought that was just the graphics support.
>chroot denied
>SElinux attempted to kill the init
What in the fresh fuck unicorn shit is happening here
All AMD CPUs (Ryzen, Threadripper, and even older ones) are bad with virtualisation because of a ~10 year old bug to do with NPT. Threadripper has even more issues with virtualisation.
AMD's latest GPUs, the RX Vega ones, have an issue inherited from Fury where rebinding doesn't work. That means you can pass them through to a virtual machine once and only once, then you need to reboot.
So if you don't need VMs, there's not much to care about? Minus the shit graphics drivers?
I used to have probls with my W (0 all the time until I stopped trying to block telemetry.
>Your PC ran
Yeah, until I put Windows 10 on it.
ran so far awayyy
>and nothing has stopped working
how can anything stop working when nothing is working in the first place? ;^)
EEeeeehhh... I never got that update.
>not using LTSB
>not blocking all Micro$hit servers in router
>not setting for best privacy
Fuck you happy go lucky faggots.
This is why I use a Mac.
I think I made this OC. In fact I'm pretty sure I did.
I guess it should be updated to "Mac master race" now since they've dropped the OS X brand
Nostalgic. I loved this on Newgrounds back in the day. Doesn't paint cause a complete failure?
It was the little things, like the clock changing time and the CRASH option in the start menu. So RealGoodTM