why is everyone shilling thinkpads? pic related is best laptop
>great specs, gtx 1060 gpu and i7 7700hq
>thunderbolt 3 with egpu support
>unibody aluminium body
>best keyboard with chroma customizable keys with
>4k display
>good trackpad
>can suck your dick if you ask it nicely
Why is everyone shilling thinkpads? pic related is best laptop
too much for NEETs here
A bit unnecessary if you have a desktop or don't game.
We care about price because of our limited NEETbux.
It is a good gaming laptop, but its expensive, and it is for gaming.
Thinkpads are obviously not for gaming, but they are reliable and cheaper, especially the older models which have lots of build features people like, like the durability, keyboard, and clit mouse
No clit.
>a MacBook Pro for gaymurs
Fuck off.
>no SD card slot
Slim down the bezels, remove/tone down the logo, ad an SD card reader, and lower the price 10-20% and I'll buy one ASAP
they have that option
That just looks like a MacBook clone for gaymur kids and 4k on that small screen with OSes that can't scale shit is fucking retarded
>touchpad instead of trackpoint
>non serviceable, soldered cpu
>soda can aluminum that bends after a small bump
what a fucking waste, also
I'm not 16yo anymore
That's the stealth.
That's why I'm waiting for them to update the 14" Blade like they did with the stealth.
The stealth has integrated graphics and the undervolted processors. It's not the gayming laptop.
But if they update the regular Blade similarly, I would def. buy one (but from the Microsoft store so I could return all the duds)
>aluminum body
Doesn't it have terrible coil whine and shit quality control?
Those specs sure seem excessive to run Ubuntu
this is a pretty nice laptop, would just put a wrap over the outside of the laptop to hide the ugly ass logo and if possible to set the leds on keyboard white it'd be perfect.
>best keyboard
>no numpad
uh huh
You're thinking macbooks.
>buying a Razer computer
Those fuckers can't even build a mouse that won't fail in 18 months, who in their right mind would trust their QC with an entire computer?
Probably the same sheep that buy apple trash.
because i want my battery to last longer that 1 hour
>great specs
Shit cooling
>TB 3
Expresscard on older models with TB3 on newer thinkpads
>uniform alumemeium
Literally a meme
>best keyboard with raingay rgaybj
Sorry I'm not gay
>4k display
Also on p series thinkpads
>he think he can do anything with a 1060 on 4k
>good trackpad
Who cares
It's not a trackpoint
>can gib succ but only if you're a cuck
I'm sorry my thinkpad is already sucking me off right now
Didn't even have to ask
What is the least shitty laptop I can buy for 6-700 USD that is under 13" and has a resolution higher than 1366 x 768
>soldered cpu
no laptop post 2012 has a cpu thats not soldered on, fucking jews at intel want more shekels, its not razer's fault
Because when I pull a coffee over my x220 keyboard, I can simply pull a glass of water over it to clean it. Milgrade hardware ftw!
>quality hardware
choose one
>falling for the RGB meme
the hardware isn't made by razer, its made by nvidia, intel and samsung
Literally only reason I won't buy this. It'll be dead with in a year like all their other garbage.
You're both thinking of the XPS 15
>Thin enough to bend with one hand
>Only 1 USB port
>trackpads ever being good
>arrow keys are fucked
You can turn them off,, Or set them to all white
>Only 1 USB port
Has being this retarded ever affected your daily life?
God that's fucking hideous
Same with a lot of the GTX 1080 MaxQ Laptops
So much potential with how thin they can be but they manage to make disgusting design choices like the godawful branding everywhere and the stupid keyboard layout they chose for this
>buying any laptop with a lid fedora
>non serviceable, soldered cpu
All the laptops have used BGA for a better part of the decade. Also, what the fuck do you want to "service" about your CPU save for reapplying thermal compounds, you insufferable faggot?
laptops with non-replacable CPUs are literally for wage-slaves that throw away perfectly good machines every few years.
it's what keeps them poor and subdued.
you will never grow wealth when you're living in that wasteful mindset.
respond or ill fukkn hang myself
Some chinkpad I presume.
Xiaomi isn't terrible.
the Air 13 (2017) was $747 USD recently but the 2016 model with the 940mx is $699 USD with shipping.
> i5-6200u
>13.3 inch IPS saphire glass 1080p screen
>256GB SSD with extra slot for another m.2
>type C connector and two type A 3.0
The air 12 is even cheaper and smaller but it uses an m3 and only integrated graphics.
2012 13" MacBook Retina. ~650$ on eBay
>buying a new laptop before ryzen mobile
Is it business class? No? Into the trash it goes. Consumer class shit breaks in two years and is therefore a waste of money.
wtf is that, you literally posted an image of a gray slab and expect us to know what laptop it is
aren't these fanless? seems doomed to failure
is an almost 6 year old laptop really the best option. especially on ebay where it will arrive and die within 24 hours
how old is the razer taipan? 5 years? thats more than 18 months here
Reverse image search says it is a Xiaomi Air 13 inch.
Do they even sell laptops with replaceable CPUs nowadays?
No thanks
the 12 is fanless, the 13 is an i5 with a fan.
>Implying replaceable CPU matters when sockets update on a yearly basis now
>is an almost 6 year old laptop really the best option. especially on ebay where it will arrive and die within 24 hours
Buy from a trusted refurber as they normally have their own warranty.
>not just soldering pins to make it work
normies I swear
>no trackpoint
>no thinklight
>no easily replaceable battery
>gaming razer meme
>somehow is """best laptop"""
great bait
can you take it apart and put in components you like
every god damn peripheral is hardware, razer buys shit, puts it together and puts their logo on it. razer is known for poor quality components and overpriced gaymen shit.
the amount of retards on Sup Forums is really astonishing
let's talk again in two years when your consumer shit breaks.
> 4k
immature tech
yeah it's only been out for like 4 years
razers are for kiddies
macs and thinkpads are for pros
>razer anything
Enjoy filling out those RMA forms
Back to stupid nigger.
are there any laptops that have this SAME design, but aren't Razor and aren't meant for gaming?
I'm loving the slim body and the brushed aluminium on it. I just want that and for it to be reliable. I'm currently on an acer laptop I bought for $600 but something that looked like the Razor Blade would be a much nicer laptop to use and carry around with me everyday.
>coil whine
Pick one.
The QC issues that razer has on these makes it the literal MacBook of windows laptops. Throttles like hell, mosfets fail once a month on both this and the pro model, has the worst surface temps on nearly anything made in the past decade, also 4k is trash on what is essentially a 1050 ti. I laugh at people that are too stupid to get a better value gaming machine and then a dirt cheap work laptop. Tfw G751 (980m) for 850 and then x220 for 200.
Why do newfriends think Sup Forums shills brand new thinkpads.
Because thinkpads are business tier large scale produced and razer is a joke of a company in comparison with gaymer appeal marketing on top of it
>no trackpoint
> the only nipple you will ever feel
>not vagina
go away incel
Did they literally Just copy acer's designs... ROG is desperate for attention.
>no trackpoint
fuck your shit
>tfw you want one but can't afford it so you're going to have to wait 2 more years.
>that keyboard
you're the cuck.
hey man if you need new hardware for work what would you rather have? I like the old keyboards too but i can't use my fucking t61p running slackware for modern workloads.
>internet full of people whining about 100+ celsius temps
>throttling making it perform like a core2duo at best
>brittle alluminium sucks vs quality plastic
>rgb meme keyboard
>thinkpads also have 4k
>trackpads are garbage of macbooks
how much?
2017 imac does
That's not a laptop and it uses a desktop CPU.
> Not knowing tracepoint tips are called nipples.
>not knowing trackpoint knobs are called clits
what are those specs? quadro and xeon in a laptop? how does this compare to a 6700hq and 960m?
>what are those specs?
Mobile workstation specs.
fuck, now i want that laptop just so people will ask me what the hell those specs are
>best keyboard with chroma customizable keys with
Fuck why have i been buying thinkpads when they didnt have chroma.
Get them user, you'll feel special, atleast for a while : )
and graphics
>unibody aluminium body
So it gets blistering hot and dents easily?
No thanks.
Also, no trackpoint or external battery.
>my friends have never heard of xeon or quadro
You need better friends.
>being a nu-male faggot
He says while owning a smartphone and 10 year old chinkpad.
Also, why can't anybody appreciate how good their old mice were?
>it's the CAPS LOCK autist who defends iphones in every thread
>mouse dies while doing important work
>sorry boss my work go delayed because apple has more control over my shit than myself
Not him.
>defending the autists with your edge case
>not charging it before it's an issue
You can't read, can you?
Apple fags, everybody.
>unibody aluminium body
As soon as you see somebody tout this as a good thing, you can safely disregard their opinion.