How can android bois even compete?

how can android bois even compete?

Other urls found in this thread: consumption


android needs the iPhone to focus competition. otherwise the manufacturers of android smartphones seem to get confused and lost

where is the notch?

>Now with meme
I don't think we should.

By having 1440p OLED displays?

We have gigabit LTE. Have fun buffering video on your iLag.

>tfw only a few people ITT will get the joke

Why are brown people associated with iPhones so much. Is this really how they try to hide that they're on government food and housing assistance?



quite a stretch but I lel'd

>falling for the 1440p screen meme that drains battery even though its way more than enough

kill all phoneposters

nvm found out that apple fell for it too with the iphone x

Why the fuck should Apple give a flying fuck about T-Mobile? Literally a poorfag, poverty stricken carrier with a buffoon for a CEO.

Not their fault T-Mobile went with non-standard bands.

>protip: shill for UMPCs with raven ridge socks

This, it's not like they blew 6 FUCKING BILLION DOLLARS to buy that 1 Gbps LTE spectrum. Somebody just felt sorry for them and gave it to them for free.

fucking kek

By using a €2000 EIZO monitor on my PC.
Why would you use anything else for color-critical work?
Also, what's "True Tone"?

Essentially, yes. This: consumption

Especially since around the time of the "I'm a PC" ads, but before that also, Applel is very very careful about the type of models they portray as "Apple People" (absolutely no older white male business suit types - almost all 20-something "quirky/artsy/hipster" and always "beautiful" (though not always conventionally so))

>those clothes


>Xperia XZ premium
>4K display

>nigger on the advertisement photo

>Sup Forums left on suicide watch as ebony kings choose apple

Does any other US carrier support Gigabit LTE?

good ol' Sup Forums not dead

Why does apple always have niggers all over their ads?

>aplel use adhominens to justify their lack of useful cellular bands

t-mobile for now

That's the iPhone 8 you dumb fuck.

2010 called, they want their resolution back.

Any android up of $1000 USD have 1440 resolution and OLED

Doesn't at&t own tmobil?

Yeah user niggers gotta have the latest iphone and jordans

Because Sup Forums dont talk about technology: Coding threads dont are technology. "Chinese packages" you have forums in Dealextreme and ebay, etc

Not yet


Let's just admit that all phones are basically exactly the same these days.

Nope. Essentially Android phones are for sustained performance, multi-tasking, and doing more advance stuff. iPhones are for short bursts of performance, doing 1 thing at a time, and basic things like taking pictures with 10 filters to post on instagram.

Anyway all this iPhone vs Android bickering is getting old. I wish people would just admit not everyone has the same needs for a phone. iPhones for example although heavily gimped are perfect for children and old people.