
Did you know that forth is the spiciest meme on Sup Forums and if you don't hop on it you're a total loser?

Other urls found in this thread:

>3D women
get out faggot

stop posting this shit everyday
nobody wants to use Forth
nobody will ever want to use Forth

I hate kissing. I hate the look and sound of it. Especially the sound. It sounds like macaroni being stirred around in a bowl.



I was going to call you a lonely neckbeard virgin, then a faggot, but desu I can't figure out your problem at all. Are you a wizard? Have you spent 20 years watching porn without even kissing another girl and now it just seems redundant and irritating because it's not porny enough? Seriously what's your deal? I'm fascinated.

Sauce please
>inb4 404

It looked for an instant that they were about to start tickling each other and now I'm so disappointed that I'm going to go cry myself to sleep. Maybe I'll kill myself tomorrow. Hopefully.

Again user, thank you.

shit this would have been so much better. why do you do this to my dick user

What counts as being addicted nto porn?

Remember, you have no excuse.

Did you know that jacking off at least 21 times a month prevents prostate cancer?

I hope you kys too, user

Masturbation =/= porn. Masturbation without pornography isn't comparable to masturbation with porn. It's the porn that's bad, not the jacking off

Yeah, people like to get high.

looks like there's a little penis on the porn brain

are you retarded?

>Did you know that jacking off at least 21 times a month prevents prostate cancer?
No it doesn't, your body has nocturnal emissions to self-regulate this. You should only perform a controlled relapse only if your medical doctor prescribes it to you and your study is misleading because it only applies to a certain segment of the male population. PMO addiction on the other hand is a lot more harmful.

Would capture both of them and and keep them chained up in my lair.

But it's not good for you.

Thanks, now I don't want to fap to OP's source.
I want to go to the source page to tell people porn is bad.

me on the right



uh, mods

>jerk off so much you start growing extra dicks
>start jerking those dicks off
>unlimited dicks
Foolproof plan.


we have dicks in our brain really makes you think




really made me think

Don't bump this please.


I want the sauce mang.


use the report button, faggot

Fucking archives react faster than mods.

where is that from

Y'all can't react like that and not tell us what it was


No sauce? XD

Clear cache, cookies, history and everything else ASAP

FBI will knck your door soon.

You seriously clicked that shit? user you gotta destroy that hard drive soon. I would recommend drilling at least a couple of holes in it.

Are you on incognito?
If not, I'm afraid you will have to install adobe reader

There's generally one subject matter that will cause people to react on this site.

I'll give you one especially cheesy guess as to what it was.

go back to reddīt and ask there

stop using


here you go

wow gj you fucking weeb

great work mods, deleting replies instead of the thread itself, no wonder why are so fucked up

>redditors shitting their pants over literally nothing

Explain how that is "nothing".

I do

>what is old Sup Forums

What's wrong with his study?

Sure, but the feds run 4chinz now and even incidental possession of that shit can fuck you for life.
People aren't freaked out by the actual content, but moreso the risk of jail.

There aren't any mainstream torrent aggregators where you can find such content, so I thought it was better on nyaa than having to use a link from some shady chinese website

What if you don't live in Murica?

Then browse away, from your eastern europeen freedom den.

Thanks senpai. I won't let you down.
