>mfw everybody's bitching about some new $1,000+ phone I can't afford so I'm just sticking with my shitty S4 that's on life support and watching the world burn
for once, it feels good to be a poorfag. seeing all these richfags get butthurt for once is genuinely satisfying.
Mfw everybody's bitching about some new $1...
Actually yeah
I can afford it, but it's an Apple product, so I ignore it. Not an Android fanboy, but Apple and their OS has yet to do anything that impresses me.
my moto x 2014 is doing fine, battery life is shit but overall it werks
>Samsung S4
whaaaa I only can buy a premium phone once every 4 years.
Let's see you use this thing. The battery dies at 15% regardless of whether or not I root it or replace the battery. The phone itself is so slow I've literally watched people with $35 shitphones open standard apps like Google in half the time. Apps crash hourly and the phone wipes itself once a week.
No joke, it actually does that.
Same got a Droid Maxx thats only problem is fucking battery life
>nobody is ever allowed to complain ever
I bet you're one of those "DUDE JUST STOP BEING DEPRES" people, aren't you
That phone is fucking UNUSABLE nowadays. My mom has one and I swear to God it's going to give her a stroke one day.
The fact that it's a "premium" phone doesn't stop it from aging like shit, user.
Plus this was back when Samsung was really going batshit with TouchJizz, trying their best to stuff every bit of bloatware they could think of into the skin. The goddamned S4 comes out of the box with almost half of its storage taken up by TouchWiz itself.
Replace battery, flash Cyanogenmod or LineageOS, problem solved.
Older phones are built to last.
Newer phones have a built-in expiration date (think 1-2 years) so you'll be forced to buy a new one.
There's a reason why a lot of millennials keep begging for higher wages- it's to feed their consumerism.
Don't fall into that trap and waste your money on what's unnecessary.
Dude, just wipe it and install a fresh new OS, fuck the software it comes it.
>The battery dies at 15% regardless of whether or not I root it or replace the battery.
Come on, nigger. Read, dammit.
Not him but flashing isn't rooting
>"tell your 56 year old mom to root her phone lmao"
>needing to root your phone just to have it barely function
is this what android users live like?
my phone does that, I think quick charging did it but idk
Rooting a phone like that isn't exactly a user-friendly option, you know.
He should just do it for her.
I do this shit for my family. They aren't tech savvy and I know enough that I can do it for them or fix their problems.
>>"tell your 56 year old mom to root her phone lmao"
who the fuck are you quoting
Wat? The people who bitch about iPhone X are mostly poorfags like you, making an entire new fucking thread telling us how you don't care.
The Applefags who bitch about X, do it because of lack of touch ID, color options and the likes. No one in the first world thinks that 1k is much for a phone.
That's weird. I gave my mom my old S2 and it's works just fine, then again, she isn't really using it like a smartphone.
>older phones
>it's to feed their consumerism.
Or maybe it has something to do with raising costs of living (rents) and inflation ... it's possible, right?
S3 here. Just switched to LineageOS. Didn't give a flying fuck bout Applel and don't plan to do it.
>making an entire new fucking thread telling us how you don't care.
I didn't say I don't care.
I said I like watching Applefags squeal like pigs while being anally raped by the remainder of Steve Jobs' mutated vision.
>No one in the first world thinks that 1k is much for a phone.
Literally untrue. Where the fuck are you pulling that 'fact' from?
Again. I can afford new phones, but I've modified the 4 I have to do exactly what me, my wife and our kids need / want. It wasn't difficult, just time consuming. If it works, don't replace it.
You're talking about a fucking flagship phone from 2014. Full HD on a PHONE! 16GB storage at the very least. Plus an SD Card slot.
I run a $20 Moto E 2nd gen made one year later and it does everything I want just fine.
Where are they though? Applefags don't give a damn about the prices while they still remain perfectly affordable for everyone. It's not like it's 10k.
>Where the fuck are you pulling that 'fact' from?
Look at the sales number of already expensive phones, iPhone plus usually went into 1k territory with storage upgrades too, and most people buy silly expensive cases too. It's not a big deal anymore. In 2010-11 the flagship price was around 400, then it went up to 600-700 and now it's 800-1000, and the shit keeps selling well, people clearly don't mind.
Obviously you'll find some idiot who can't manage their money who thinks 1k is much and of course there are tons of people who don't even need a smartphone but assuming we're talking about the general smartphone buyers in the first world, they usually just grabbed the last Samsung or Applel flagship whatever the pricetag was, and will keep doing it since it's still not that much.
>can't use the damn thing but WOWSERS FULL HD
>this thread
fuck this bullshit; I'm going back to the dumbphone + generic mp3 player combo. this shit ain't worth it.
smartphones were a mistake. burn it all down and start over. how did it get to this point?
Or you could've just get SE for a bit more, offering the same and much more in one, plus updates for years to come.
I felt stupid not flashing my s5 earlier to lineageOS. Now I can install adway and still get the latest Android security updates not like when I was stuck on marshmallow on the stock ROM.
Also fuck sammobile for forcing you to download stock ROM at 564kb a second.
subscribed to this blog
I already have a budget phone moto e
I'll just end up getting a blackberry classic, I'll probably use it for calls, text, and music. I'm over the latest and greatest smartphone meme thing.
Hey op I had an s4 until a few months ago and it was a terrible experience for the final year of its life
I bought a used LG V20 off of Swappa for 230 USD and couldn't be happier
>mfw my phone cost a third of what my uncle's Pixel cost and has a built in DAC
If you haven't checked out used phone prices you should, you might be surprised
When you buy a ton of shit you don't need (everything from iPhones to avocados) don't cry about "muh cost of living".
Learn how to not try to live beyond your means.
Idk. There is merit to the no smartphone route. But...
>Using paper maps / standalone gps to find routes
>Using paper maps to record where you've been so you can try to cover as much of your area as you can on a bike
>Using a pedometer to make sure you've walked enough today to be healthy
>Using a clock and a notebook to make sure you're averaging 7 hours of sleep/day on a rolling weekly basis
>Using a wind-up alarm clock to wake up (shit wait I actually do do this)
>Using a wind-up timer to boil your eggs
>Using a digital camera to take your snapshots and using a cable to get them on your computer instead of dropbox
>Using a folder full of cash envelopes to keep track of your budget
>Using an MP3 player to listen to music
>Using a notebook to keep track of your sets in the gym
>Using paper IOUs to pay your friend for lunch
>Using a pocket calculator for anything, period
>Using a notebook to keep track of gas mileage and maintenance
>Using a pen and paper to manually alphabetize 50 different models of shoe ahead of time that you have to stack on shelves alphabetically so five people can get started at five different sections and not bump into each other
Etc, etc
It's me, wannabe blackberry classic guy
Yeah, basically none of that applies to me.
I have a separate alarm. I don't like waking up to notifications in the middle of the night so I shut my phone off.
I already do this, I haven't really used it for the gym though, I just remember that stuff
Fair enough.
And I'm not sure why but I love this little Walmart shit. Maybe it's because I know there's no corner cases where being plugged in, at home, associated with Bluetooth speakers and with earbuds plugged in that will make the alarm inaudible. If it's wound up, it rings.
>Taken and resized with my Android
holy shit that reminds me of another thing
why does my moto e take the biggest fucking pictures
2k images at 5 megapixels with the fucking worst camera I've EVER had on a phone. Each photo is like 8 megabytes
my trackphone took better pictures than this
>worst camera
Well it was a $20 phone, what did you expect? You can adjust the image megapixels. Chances are you won't lose much detail even dropping it down to 2MP resolution.
Ayyy, s4 brother. I can't have phone calls because the signal cuts off or something and I just don't hear whole sentences of people talking.
You're the guy who has it too right?
Where the hell did you get it for 20 dollars? I bought mine through republic wireless for 200. I feel scammed.
>muh 10 dollar phone plan
I am. Bought it from Walmart, for Virgin Mobile prepaid, back like... 2 years ago now I guess. It was on sale.
I'm not a richfag but I live more than comfortably and I use a flip phone with a removable battery and a ThinkPad T400 with Libreboot installed because I care about privacy and security. The most expensive tech is usually the most cancerous. Oh, and I just ordered a Talos II workstation for $6500 because Jewtel and AyyMD keep putting management engines in their processors and I've just had enough of it.
well your S4 is AMOLED which the iphone is only just now getting, funny how it took this long for them to play catch up.
I need to install a custom rom on my mom's S4.
Apparently it comes preloaded with a remote IR app that got updated with ads over time so she was getting fucking ads on her lockscreen and it was draining her battery life.
Shits fucked.
I'm still using a Droid Turbo and it holds up pretty well. Battery isn't what it used to be but it's still solid.
I use an Nokia N900 but the higher wages thing is because the whole economy is fucked sideways and purchasing power is way down. You used to be able to own a house on a low wage if you saved a bit, now you'd be lucky to afford rent in a shithole part of town, and good luck having any cash leftover for food and utilities. Minimum wage full time gets you less than $300 a week, around $1200 a month. 1/3 to 1/2 for rent, and you've got about $600 for the whole month for food, utilities, car maintenance (gas, repairs, insurance), health insurance, etc.
That doesn't even factor in that you should also save some each month for disasters. Get sick and can't come into your job for a couple days? You probably won't have one anymore
Really the only logical option is find a way to get disability and collect neetbux unless you're lucky enough to find a good job you can actually get.
If you get any cards to play, you better play em right or you'll be fucked for life.
I still use my S3. but i only really use the phone for phonecalls,texting, sometimes gps and sometimes reading some news.
So don't really see the point of getting a 1000$ phone
so i went through LG G2, Xperia M2, Xperia XA in the last 3 years. it's annoying. i just want a brick phone that will let me go on Google Maps and won't shatter in my pocket for no reason.
currently running my mum's S3 with a new battery. it's slow and laggy as shit but it hasn't exploded on me yet. i remember installing CM on it maybe a year ago but camera didn't work. i'm getting tired of putting in money and effort into these stupid overengineered pocket gods.
This, basically.
Def. wont buy a € 1.150,00 phone. Doesn't matter how good it is. It'll need to suck my dick for that kinda money.
I bought an iPhone 7 in hopes of it not lagging, battery-draining and fucking up within a year of buying it. We'll see about that. But so far it's holding up better than my previous shitdroid devices but time will tell.
This kek