Soon Apple will have 3D images of millions of iPhones users and probably everyone who get in front of the face scanner

>Soon Apple will have 3D images of millions of iPhones users and probably everyone who get in front of the face scanner.

Is it the future we deserve?


It's the future you chose by buying surveillance equipment.


they already have your fingerprints, now they have a face to match

>Is it the future we deserve?
Yes. Customers buy iPhones, they support this.
If everyone didn't buy iPhones, they wouldn't be doing such things.

what will they do with it? sell them to whom for what purpose?

also, would be nice to have full 3d body images of girls taking selfies.. then we could render them in different poses with 3d sofware lol

>everyone with an iwatch or with a fitness app also sends their other biological data to apple
it'll be easier to keep track of what they don't have access to

All around me are familiar faces!

GOV, i don't think they need money

It's for the government to gather intelligence about their biggest enemy. Yes, their own people are the government's biggest enemy.

Why does it feel like we are starting to get closer to the future in Johnny Mnemonic

It shouldn't be too hard to prove that they send the data instead of keeping it on the phone.

>what will they do with it?

1: Controversial non-establishment candidate runs for U.S. president.
2: A front cam video of him/her beating it to a pr0n vid "leaks" on the internet.
3: Said candidate is ridiculed and can kiss his/her campaign goodbye.
4: The establishment effectively controls which candidates can have a shot at presidency because they have character murdering material on literally anyone.
5: ????

I'm sure nothing nefarious will happen with all this personal data Apple and other companies hoard...

It is when the phone is exchanging encrypted data with multiple parties all of the time. No way to find out which part of the noise is actually your biometric info.

So you get a couple of phones.
Some of them have the face stuff, others don't.
Put the same data on it, have it sync to different accounts.
Monitor all traffic.
If the face phones send more data, then maybe.
If there is no statistical difference, nope.

Feed it to global surveillance botnet. Then you'll be trackable absolutely everywhere like in minority report. Even if you run away in some remote south american shithole, the second you come close to a phone or a laptop or even a fucking fridge since now everything has a camera on it, you'll be detected.

There's no way to correlate this. The normal variance in traffic will completely obfuscate those few hundred kBs of biometrics.

One would think that would be stored in the "Secure Enclave" which Apple doesn't have access to.

It gets worse when chinese phone makers copy this feature

They can also use this to frame you for crimes you did not commit. RMS warned you, and you never listened.

How? The chinese government cannot detain you. Your own government is a far bigger threat to you.

They said exactly this on stage.

chinese phones runs insecure android
google or 3rd party applications could have access to your facial data

The futur we deserve is where people pay $1000 to give their fingerprints to the NSA.

This is why you exclusively buy phones with unlock-able bootloader and run a custom ROM wihtout Google apps.


The fingerprints and face stay on the iPhone dumbass

>I unconditionally believe everything said by one of the biggest companies in the world.

The platform is proprietary and closed source, so there's no way to back that claim.

Isn't there proof of intel chips having government backdoors?? Hardwired, physical connections that give full software access?? I might be wrong

Fools think they will sell the data.

Hint: they don't need the money.

This desu.

Now, if it was Google I'd be more inclined to believe they'd "offload facial recognition to the cloud".

>I might be wrong
You might because we don't know. It's safer to assume otherwise, though.

i read that article and they claim the AI got it right like 75 percent of the time

what the fuck is going on with this earth?

A government that no longer has its people's best interests at heart and is therefore terrified of a civil war, yes.

Government is too big practically everywhere. America should've known better, being so young and having is Ammendment giving you guidelines on how to keep the country free.


Mother fucking bump

>Eve listened to the devil and took a bite of the apple
>Apple logo is literally a bitten apple


you can already be identified and picked out of a busy crowd in realtime with cctv. this adds nothing.

This adds more cameras to the same system.

it's part of the think different theme
in the sense of
rebel against authority
try out something others fear
you will become smart

I'll get the iphone X but won't bother setting up any of that trash. I don't even bother with a passcode.

why would I? nothing to hide and even if I did my phone is always in my possession?

If they want to think different and rebel against authority, then why do they design only very conservative phones with government surveillance equipment?

Run them through the AI that detects gays

100% hit rate tbqh

Is everyone trolling or are you really this ignorant?

The data is in the secure enclave and it isn't even a scan. It's just a mathematical representation. It's exactly how fingerprints are handled now.

This thread is sad.

i did not say that they want to do those things
i said it's the theme they want people to apply to them.
consider the following
apple says they care about the users privacy in public, but in reality they happily give out data to the government


It's true the data isn't an actual scan but just a plot of points like the corners of your eyes, lips, and mouth.

But even that data is extremely personal and potentially dangerous in the wrong hands. I would never give my finger print to a company.

Not after it arrives on android phones.

That's the only way their tensor processing units can be trained to better identify unique traits so Google can serve you ads with pin point accurace, like the hiv drugs to keep you alive.

This is what I do. Best thing ever knowing my is works to protect my data rather than compromise it

mother fucking bump 2 i find this really interesting

It's only stored on your phone. Apple doesn't have it

This is fucking scary, this isn't the future I asked for. All it takes is for the AI to be modified and someone can be easily character assasinated

>tyrone steals your phone
>face scan gets sent to the police

sounds good to me

>no warrants need to flash your phone I. Your face to unlock Ahmed's plot.