Lol at poorfags hating on the worlds most advanced smartphone

Lol at poorfags hating on the worlds most advanced smartphone.
>super oled retina most accurate screen in the world
>most advanced mobile OS in the world
>camera tech is miles ahead of competitors, especially slow-mo
>state of the art 3d facial recognition technology
>wireless charging
So tell me again why are you settling for a poordroid phone?

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fuck off.

>super oled retina most accurate screen in the world
>Made by samsung
>beat by the note 8

Trashy OS - Android is generations better.

Wireless charging idiocy - slower, less efficient charging with a much larger charger, all to avoid plugging in one fucking easy to plug in USB Type-C cable.

> most accurate screen
It's in a distracting shape and what's the actual benefit over just any good screen?

> camera tech is miles ahead of competitors
I think it's really just a small Sony sensor? Good for a smartphone sensor, shitty as compared to actual dedicated Sony cameras which also have a huge lens advantage.

So really, you're doing the same snapshits like all the phone photographers, just at a premium price. If you want to do anything well, you'll still need a real camera.

> So tell me again why are you settling for a poordroid phone?
Well, even pic related will have a lot more processing power and RAM and other capabilities than I need in a phone. And it has an actually useful OS.

>"Well, even pic related will have a lot more processing power and RAM and other capabilities than I need in a phone. And it has an actually useful OS."
>muh specs
>muh RAM
>muh buggy botnet OS
wew lad

>muh specs
>muh RAM
Well yea, it's a computer. But I intentionally posted a rather cheap-midrange one, 'cause I don't need more.

The designer piece high end specs thing by that manufacturer is pic related.

> muh buggy botnet OS
IOS is the unavoidable botnet here. Android has ROMs that are trustworthy enough. [Plus chink botnet is probably not a huge concern in practice, they don't really do much with foreigners as far as I know.]


> chink shit
> designer


>doesn't have good specs
>'m-muh specs'

>"Plus chink botnet is probably not a huge concern in practice, they don't really do much with foreigners as far as I know."
This is what xiaomifags tell themselves as their data leaks into chinese super AI botnet.

Apple has the most secure mobile platform, no question about it.

It's prettier than the Apple, so I guess that shows what earns a "lololololololol" in that regard.

Also that brand usually makes their phones with the same chink manufacturers as Apple does, so really the design is constrained by ~the same capabilities (anyone can do fancy 3D CAD drafts but what can get manufactured sensibly is the limitation).

I just want a compact android phone
snapdragon 625
4000 mah battery

>Apple has the most secure mobile platform, no question about it.
Nah, entirely completely insecure unless you still believe in security by obscurity, which really nobody with a halfway objective understanding of computers software does.

Plus Applel also has legally secured their asses on their worse-than-botnet-tier licensing. Even their privacy policy states that they can sell all your data (stated in two-three different ways, like that they can sell it WITH a business unit or that they'll release it if they have any particular noncommercial interest in doing so or whatever).

Then again, mental gymnastics against doing inconvenient things like switching OS' are very powerful. I don't expect most of the IOSfags to actually become rational on this.

>everyone having these heated discussions about smart phones
>mfw never owned one because I wouldn't have anyone to call

Heh, reminded me of this.

>Even their privacy policy states that they can sell all your data (stated in two-three different ways, like that they can sell it WITH a business unit or that they'll release it if they have any particular noncommercial interest in doing so or whatever)
Every major tech firm does this, it's their way of making money, ie. securing their existence. Only obscure VPN companies designed for criminal use does not sell their data.

If you ever want to get a job you'll need to call people user
but these "heated discussions" about expensive phones really are silly. they're just devices for messaging and browsing the internet on the go, you don't need fucking gaming pc specs.

iPhone gets the best screens because Apple is paying.

Galaxy gets worse because idiots that buy them won’t notice.

No. Even Google doesn't go as far as Apple does. They actually categorically define a kind of data / user information that is private, and that even successive organizations can only purchase together with Google if they agree to uphold protections regarded to private data & all that.

Not that they're ensuring your privacy to an extensive degree, but there is some point they even legally agree to not go below.

Apple very liberally defines things as not private in legalese PLUS even the private data can just be sold off (together with a business unit of some kind). It's a difference.

And then, well, Android can be be run with a ROM that is actually not securing any rights to use your data for any commercial purposes, same as many Linux distros.


Why did you cut the stupid chin with nostril cam?

nice, you got a bunch of retards to argue over phones.

>all of those features can be found on samsung or lg for cheaper and a year earlier
Buyers remorse, misery loves company or is it both?

Do you any proof for your “security by obscurity” argument?

No you don’t, because it’s BS.

Enjoy your chinkphone, pajeetfag!

This is sad b8
Fujitsu F-10D
>13MP camera
>Quad core
>12 core GPU
>IP 58
>Qi wireless charging (in the removable battery)
>super AMOLED display

>muh specs
>muh gaming pc in a phone
>muh megapixels
Fujitsufag pls go

>1000$ phone doesn't need to be good

>Trashy OS - Android is generations better.

The OS is literally the only thing keeping me on iPhones. Android is garbage.

It's funny because while Apple did order custom displays from Samsung the display tech is probably only as good as the GS6.
GS8 display hits 1000 nits, GS7 hits 800 nits, and iPhone X only hits 650 nits.

Actually correction X gets 625 nits while GS6 gets 600 nits. Adding on the wireless charging part the iPhone is pretty much just a slightly improved GS6.
SoC means nothing when the OS and software are all crud.


How to be rich
Step one
Pre-order a phone that's about $1000 only to have something fail
And be charged extra to fix it.... fucking dumb asses


my android phone

>has facial scanning
>has wireless charging
>has a similar camera sensor
>has an os i like
>has a oled screen

why would i spend $450 more on a phone, that offers no marked improvement in what i have? your argument is invalid, it's not being poor it's being sensible.

And this is actually very funny. Here are some spec rundowns
GS6 Edge+ vs iPhone 8 (GS6 specs first)
>Both Super AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors
>610 nits vs 625 nits
>5.7 inches (~75.6% screen-to-body ratio) vs 5.8 inches (~82.9% screen-to-body ratio)
>1440 x 2560 pixels (~518 ppi pixel density) vs 1125 x 2436 pixels (~458 ppi pixel density)
>4 GB RAM vs 3GB RAM
>Qi/PMA wireless charging vs Qi charging (possibly even proprietary on the iPhone)
Since Apple hasn't listed battery yet and with their track record of tiny batteries, the battery on the X also can't be more than 3000mAh on the GS6. (7+ is only 2900mAh). Only area where iPhone is better is the SoC, but that's pointless when it's limited by the OS and the shitty software.
Welcome to 2015 Apple.

Stop being cheap, goy. Just spend your shekels on the shitty phone.

yeah , no.

the improved soc doesn't mean anything either it's not as if any mobile chip from a flagship phone in the last 2 - 4 years is underperforming and needed a boost.

if anything i would like to see some older chips in the dual - quad range that don't just turn battery into heat while sitting in my pocket.

While I hate the Snapdragon 625 (8xA53 cores) because every OEM likes to put it in phones and say it's "mid-range", the Soc as a whole is around the performance of a Snapdragon 800 in both CPU and GPU.
A Snapdragon 650 (or anything with at least a dual-core A72 setup) is more than enough for everyone using a phone. The only reason some phones use higher end SoCs is for dual cams, 4K@60FPS, 120/240FPS slowmo, LTE speeds that people will never reach, or some other pointless crud. Everyday performance is negligible for everything else.

>SOC is irrelevant
>never used his phone for browsing the web

Pic related of A10x which A11 is supposedly faster.

it's been a long time since i've seen a single phone cause this much butthurt on g

All you do is run benchmarks everyday retard?

>superior web benchmarks
>irrelevant for savings seconds each website click

Fuck off. Have fun wasting half a second of your life each time you visit Sup Forums on your fagdroid.

That's the ugliest design I've ever seen for a phone.

are you talking about the mi mix?

Yet, it just can't run the newest doom, unlike some 300$ nintendo portable system.


>camera tech is miles ahead of competitors, especially slow-mo

Xperia motion eye with 960FPS would like to have a word with you.

>quality phone brand
Choose one carefully

>foxconn chinktrash with a fruit logo
>quality phone brand
Choose one carefully

same here but samsung canned the S8 Mini

>we already have amoled screens
>L M A O
>read above
>already have this
>already have this

convince me to get the X instead of the 8
I have the money, but I don't see what makes the X better. Why would you get it?

Fasion statement

im on the fence about upgrading from my 6, but i think the main sell is the OLED screen and that it offers the same screen size but a smaller phone.

But i can get a phone just as good for less


>literally stole all features from Galaxy s8
>literally got the screen from Samsung

Why would anyone buy an imposter product for more price???
Hahahahahahha ifag btfo

They call them i-tards for a reason.

>Hurrr durrr everyone who dont waste money for overpriced shit is a poor peasant failure.


>They call them i-tards for a reason.
who does?

except its a shittier resolution


I'd never buy an iPhone. Far too many cons such as iOS, Lightning, battery life, etc.
>So tell me again why are you settling for a poordroid phone?
I haven't used Android in years.

windowsphone fag detected


>The OS is literally the only thing keeping me on iPhones. Android is garbage.

The only good Android phone is the Pixel.