how does Sup Forums play videogames?
pic related, yellow is my left hand and pink would be my right one
how does Sup Forums play videogames?
pic related, yellow is my left hand and pink would be my right one
I play with a controller at my comfy chair, not hunched over my desk on a laptop.
I don't play video games because I stopped being a child a long time ago
i don't
>he doesn't have a trackpoint for fps games
Just post this bait on Sup Forums next time
You mean you have to use your hands?
That's like a baby's toy.
>He plays video games on his computer
I resisted the urge to build a high end PC for no reason other than to play games I could play on my phone or Nintendo for free, or games shared between me and a friend on PS4.
>Idle hands
I play them the only way someone should, with an m570 and Razer Tartarus
Your thread should be in . GTFO
I understood that reference.
I'm not a child and I play video games. I also live with my fiancee, have a job, and pay my bills. What's manchild about that?
I bet you're great at parties.
Life must be rough for you to be such a bitter cunt
>he doesn't use RAGE
The part where you play video games. That's the manchild part.
Yeah you're right maybe I should use video games as an escapism device because I didn't mature into a capable adult
Nothing against you personally, but seriously...
You need to listen and gtfo and go to Sup Forums
Saged and reported so we can keep board clean
>one hobby, out of many, means I'm a manchild
Okay you sure convinced me. How's your weekend going? Watched some sports? Took apart a car and put in some sweet new parts? Drank beer basked in how awesome you are? Went hunting and shot a deer or three and made venison? If you don't do those things you're a literal manchild
patrician coming through
KB+M on a laptop.
what the fuck do you gain by replying to the oldest bait on Sup Forums
This weekend in particular I had to go on a business trip but yes I did regularly do most of those things. I had to replace the brakes on my car last weekend. So while I was saving over $200 by working on my own car, did you get any cool loot? Did you level up any?
Its the manly thing to do, not replying makes you a manchild obviously
No, I went hiking, planned for my wedding, and changed the oil in our car.
I know, right? Don't understand why these kids just can't fucking grow up and get some adult hobbies like desktop ricing or anime.
I LOVE how angry fa/g/s get whenever they see a videogame thread
Why would you want to go outside? You could just play Hiking Simulator instead, I bet the graphics are pretty good.
Also we know none of those things happened.
Because I don't let one hobby dictate the rest of my life, how I act, or my other interests. One can enjoy video games on occasion as well as go hiking, or on business trips, or hunting, or whatever else.
>none of those things happened
I have no reason to lie to you, but if you think I do, then the same logic can be applied to what you say you did over the weekend.
Why are you so incredibly insecure about how other people spend their time?
t. butthurt Sup Forumstards
>disabled in BIOS
literally the first thing normalfags do when I let them have my memepad is complaing about the non working touchpad. I won't go all the way to reset the laptop and enter the bios when I can literally Fn+F8
>get blown the fuck so far out you pass voyager
>m-m-muh Sup Forums
You lost, kiddo.
>heh I just declared you got blown and called you a kiddo so I win
t. VERY butthurt Sup Forumstard
>when I let them have my memepad
Why would you make that mistake to begin with?
So mad. Loving it.
why should i keep enabled something i don't use at all?
I have developed bad wrist pain from positions like these on my laptop. Keep it up!
>dick measuring contest on Sup Forums
I think we all know what you both actually did this weekend.
>Not using a trackpoint
Literally bait
something like this
>he doesnt know you can use a keyboard and sit up straight at the same time
never thought id met the hunchback of notredame