He watches games instead of gaming

>he watches games instead of gaming
>he uses a 10 year old poverty tier laptop
>he uses a meme OS


He watches sport instead of doing it with friends
>he is so stupid he needs to buy a new laptop every 2 years
>he uses a winmeme os
But the worst of all
>he frogposts



Go back to Sup Forumseddit.

>he watches porn instead of porningp

>watching sport
i didn't ever understood why would anyone enjoy watching sweating guys in shorts running, hitting, kicking and bouncing balls

>He enjoying things

Getting a modern computer will only give you 50 or so extra good games from the 2000+ pool you have on a older machine.

One word


He larps on the internet

Well, being that retarded has no cure, son


>not watching a game stream on the 2nd monitor while gaming on the main one

You are like little baby

OP here, should have been
>he watches anime instead of gaming

Because most (popular) sports are meant to be entertaining. People enjoy watching rivalry and competition and has enjoyed doing it since ancient times.


>You are like little baby
says the guy playing unimmersive games

>not giving the full focus to your own experience


>full gaming immersion
>not being immature

I don't think you understand the situation you've put yourself in kiddo

Nope. Not me. Im the proud owner of a cuckbox one and i have a shitty 5 year old 32" lcd i play it on with a logitech surround system.