Is there any reason why I shouldn't run just Linux on my computer?
Is there any reason why I shouldn't run just Linux on my computer?
None at all, really.
No games.
Games are life.
Therefore you don't live if you use anything else than windows
install gentoo
Decide based on what you need, it can be just fine on its own if it does everything you need or want
You can but without GNU you won't be able to do do much with it
>muh games
it has games, just not as much as windows. Definitely more than macOS.
If you're cool with the software/game selection and you don't mind a bit of fiddling every once in a while, it's A-OK
>No games.
what did he mean by this?
not really but get a really stable one, like centOS or xubuntu LTS
Unless you're running server(s) or need the environment for development work you will gain absolutely nothing but unnecessary headaches from using Linux on your desktop. Just stick to LTSB botnet or pirate the Enterprise and stick 'em with the GPOs.
if you experience no hardware problems with it ,then none.
>what do you mean "this landfill has no edible food"?
only indie trashes. Fuck linux
On your own computer? Nope, none at all.
On your company computer, plenty of reasons, ask before you delete the system.
quality over quantity user
Install nonfree Debian with Cinnamon and it's like Windows except better.
So you are picky?
All games are trash BTW.
It is far too easy to spend all your time home alone, get a hobby that forces you to meet people so you can grow as a person.
>didn't want it anyways
Thanks for playing, freetard.
Not him but I have successfully played Shadow of Mordor on Linux. I didn't do anything except clicked "Install" from Steam and it worked perfectly. I also installed Portal and it was the same thing. I'm assuming all the Steam games which say Linux will work the same way. It's pretty much the perfect system.
>xcom, halflife 2/gmod, civ, borderlands, bioshock infinite, KOTOR, company of heros, alien:isolation, serious sam, deus ex: mankind divided, freespace 2, worms
>all trash indie games
what did he mean by this?
you guys are really making me think
Have you played any games lately that you felt like spending $1000 on?
>only list shitty games
What did he means by this?
set aside 20-40gb for Linux, that's more than enough for Linux because there are zero programs available for the hobbyist OS
>y-yeah but... i mean... those don't count!
Go back to Counter Strike, fag
Don't worry, candy crush is supported too ;)
Let's say I have an external device I need to update through my computer, will having Linux affect that?
What device
He doesn't need to, counter strike is also supported.
My GoPro hero 3 that I forgot I had
GPU passthrough. Basically all CPUs made in the last 5 years can do it. You still need Windows, but it's running in a VM, which is better than the alternative.
I thought GPU passthrough worked on linux now?