
It's so cute! Cuuuute!

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Now you can have a poop face for just THOUSAND DOLLARS!!

Fuckin hell man. S - A - G - E

>minority report face scanning for cute emoji shit

Finally furies have a way to keep to themselves

>iphone 8 is the 'the homer' of smart phones

Corny AF, senpai. Looks like one of those talking cat apps for android.

I could only imagine the think tank discussion, that came up with this revolutionary feature.

iPhone X-based facial capture for CGI animation when?

apple basically just ripped off facecam and used it for emoji shit, if you don't think samsung is ripping this off as we speak you're crazy.

I'm surprised they don't get more criticism for how much ripping-off they do. And they always copy the bad shit that just makes their devices worse.

Not Samshit phone will be edge-to-edge, curved, receding hairline bar, no headphone jack, no expandable storage or removable battery POS.

*next Samshit phone

tb.desu it seems to be working great even if for a shit application.

I hope proper VR/AR apps come out that take advantage of the feature.
Or photoediting/motionFX apps.

Imagine for instance creating your own avatar in RPGs, complete with your own, realistic facial expressions and mannerisms. Or applying photorealistic motion effects on your face. Same for medical apps.

Someone id this qt mulatto


Jesus christ is that a man?

I can't wait for a flood of stupid looking idiots making dumb faces at their phone in total silence while out in public.

>what are selfies

it is already there. For like a 8-9 years. wtf?

At least it's obvious when someone is doing that, and it's not some stupid face most of the time.

fucking disgusting

get a life fag. There is nothing wrong with that. stop being jealous.

yar, there be a sturdy vessel 'tween those stems

>not some stupid face
peace sign
>not stupid

>At least it's obvious when someone is doing that
Well, if this shit catches on it will become just as obvious.

anne frank is that you?

Why does Sup Forums get so assblasted over new things?
>completely optional thing
jeez grab a cup of joe and shut the fuck up

>the state of fapple
Fucking cringe.


White supremacist here. She's actually quite pretty. These are just idiots:
I'm a femanon, btw.

Kind of. Those emoticons are awfully drawn though. They look hideous.

Actual virgin 26 year old male Nazi here who likes black thicc she's ugly as fuck and looks like a cavewoman

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA I bet your wiener is small (:


eyes must be further apart to satisfy my basest of needs

who is she

Admit it, you would buy the new iPhone if you could animate qt anime girls and post them on Sup Forums

Not him, but in a similar situation (though I'm not a Nazi). I was homeschooled through most of my life (and forbidden to leave the house) and couldn't afford college, so I never even had a chance. I've given up on that anyway and am looking to wizardhood.

For only 1000 dollars you can use Apple Snapchat!

26kv here again same and my area is a shithole.

So many thots Western women are shit

>homeschooled through most of my life (and forbidden to leave the house)
That's.. that may require some counseling and babysteps to inch forward towards normality. I mean the forbidden part, mostly.




There's already an app for android that does that and looks better, it's called FaceRig.

Love. She is literally love.


>violating the masquarade

Omg amfagojis take my money because I feel like an autistic moron

Non stop talking eggplants...

I still think it was a mistake using available unicode characters for this crap instead of graphical elements that programmers could print to make graphical user interfaces that used less system resources.


venti lovers please fucking leave
Sup Forums are all subs to kc

Facerig can do that on any pc

I want to hug her.

>what's your fursona

qt doggo. yours?

mix ;^)

Expect even more furfags.

This will revolutionise trolling.

Ok, ignoring the huge privacy concerns about this shit.
It is sorta cool, but Apple is not ground breaking when it comes to this, there was a steam game a couple years ago that was basically this.

Animojis BTFO:

>tfw no mixed gf

Apple is not about ground breaking, they never were.
They are exclusively about releasing products that are actually finalized and not 'early access' steam crap.

How could Apple fall from this to fucking emoji shit?

Times change gramps.
Funny enough, back in those days apple were on the verge of absolute disaster.

qt doggo. yours?

> fucking emoji shit
I tried to imagine that. Looks gross.

Does she really appear to be that mixed?

what her hole look like

this is available in steam

Uh, yeah...

La zorra de turno

Sorry, Stacy... geez.

she reminds me of the punk chick on life is strange

yeah, she looks native mixed with white....

"ok guys, we need some completely useless "social" gimmick our key market of retarded narcissistic roasties will fucking love and *most* importantly it can only work between iPhones. go."
