It's 2017 and one of the biggest companies in the world decides to waste several minutes focusing on emojiis that you...

It's 2017 and one of the biggest companies in the world decides to waste several minutes focusing on emojiis that you can animate while you flail your head around like a moron.

> The absolute state of Apple
> The absolute state of everything

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It's 2017 and one of the biggest companies in the world owes their success to a toy for narcissists.

It's 2017 and the internet is full of normalfags

I like this, though

Meanwhile half of Sup Forums flip their shit when they see Ai-chan.

Actually it is very good concept if you are very social person. I really like this. Unfortunately i am far away from being social. ;_;

Why does apple even bother sending shills here? Very few people will ever buy your stuff here or think differently of the company. no matter how much you damage control and copy paste retarded posts.



Fuck you, that's different

First 35 seconds of this parody video sums it up perfectly.

I'm on a 6+. Been with Apple for years. Spent thousands on Apple products. Time to part ways. Pre-ordered a Note 8 yesterday.

Funny seeing the Apple apologists out in force this time around. During Jobs, each release, the phone was the undisputed king of the market. Even if you hated Apple, you just couldn't argue they made the best phones. Once Cook took over the releases started to get lackluster while the other companies caught up. 2 days ago I think it became sufficiently clear they are now behind the competition....and still charging otherwise.

No MST tech, ugly bezel, no wireless fast charge, won't do wired fast charge out of the box (another +$75), no headphone jack, won't ship for another few months.

You are trying too hard user. I am not a shill. I am just saying i like it. I am not saying "lagdroids btfo!" or "what are you poor hahahah" I am using samsung j7 right know and it is okay for me. Only Apple product i used to have was ipod touch 2g. Then i jailbreak it.

>tfw people have become so stupid they NEED emojis to convey what emotions they are feeling

How soon before we all revert to egyptian hieroglyphs?

user, they wasted more than several minutes. The only reason the phone screen has a bite taken out of it is for the 3d face scanner whose primary purpose is for those dumb emojis.

Just imagine, last year's innovation was the touchbar on the MacBook, which is also essentially just for emoji.

They're just catering to normalfags. That's just an overpriced toy for teens.

it's the decade of selifes and emojis

We did this shit for years already.
Why are normies so slow? (aka why are tech companies so retarded/autistic?)

>not webm
ironic posting a gif from someone who shits on apple

Ahahah, you think this will end? Oh boy

By 2000 we'll have flying cars!

I keep hearing about these emojis and I still don't what these are, so I looked it up on Wikipedia right now and found out they're unicode characters. For all this time I thought they were just emoticons like these on forums, webchats and instant messengers back in 2006. Ignorance is bliss.

you're so original...NOT

Emojis are obviously based on emoticons, it's just a further development of it.
Like, two forums could have two totally different emoticons for the same thing, emojis fix this issue by making it a unicode standard.

Maybe not, but interesting enough you bothered replying.

>tfw apple went from pic related to fucking emojis

she's so cute. i could watch her face all day

It's not even necessarily about communicating emotions, it's about the presentation of them. It makes emotional composition seem fun rather than serious.
You... you need to get out more user.

There's an option for fast charge for iPhone?

yes, they talked about it at some length

you don't like my phone?

I think Tim Cook's homosexuality has something to do with it, I'm not an expert on this matter but this recent focus clearly doesn't come from a straight mind