The big screen phone meme problem

If we are going in the same pace this will be the future of all phones in a year or so.

The big screen meme has to die at some point, when will devs realize that 5" is the perfect size and you dont need anything bigger for a phone. 5" is the perfect size for a pocket.

If you want a huge screen to browse web and watch videos just buy a tablet.

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i had 3 phones over 5-5.5" and im much happier with my small iPhone SE. i just hate the massive bulk those phones have

5" too big

The phablet and the tablet are already on the way out.

Those that actually have owned them for a while don't particularly want them anymore. Those that simply buy whatever is newest will buy whatever is newest. Once a better design is out there, they'll die off.

I imagine the next design of phone will be more like a fold out. E.g., you have 3 3x5 screens that stack; unfold for watching bigger videos, refold for portability.

why not use something like a headset for it

The problem isn't big phones, the problem is manlets that can't hold them in their little hobbit fingers.

stop being insecure about your dick or your hand. just get a size that feels right geez (5" master race).

you know what they say about men with big phablets

they realized people thought it looked ridiculous which it does and I haven't seen one in years.

Look, just because you don't have a 6" in you pants already, doesn't mean you gotta pay for one.

I can handle a 5.5" phone easily (did for years with my opo) and my laptop is 17.3". I'm over 6 feet tall though and my hands are huge. There are a lot of manlets out there which is why meme phones like the iphone se are popular.

ITT: phonelets with babby hands

t. small dick compensator

I can shitpost too. Phone size is just an opinion. Why do you care so much that I buy the same size as you? Are you insecure with your life choices and want someone to validate your shitty existence?

Us non-manlets have fingers with twice the girth of yours. Do you think we really want to poke them around on some

Uh-huh. Still didn't answer why you care so much about what I buy.

But I'm a girl.

show your tits then

t. fat as fatass

>projecting this much

SE is a good phone, shoots excellents photos & 5" is enough. Dont give a damn fuck for 'fuckial recognition" at a dumbest $1K price tag. Fuck 'em fuck their cancer sessions.

>Flagship specs
>Zero Compromise
>4.5" screen

It's just superior in every single way to the SE.

>no fingerprint sensor
>no lineageos
a couple compromises.

No lineageOS, yet. Sony likes opening their phones up.
And the finger print sensor is able to be activated with a stock ROM flash.

so it's on there but it's not used or advertised? wtf?

It's disabled because Sony is bad at business. And chose to remain open versus being locked down by a carrier.

All the hardware is still there, it's just disabled in the American ROM. Download a stock ROM from another country and the finger print sensor is activated.

6" master race here

smartphones are media consumption devices, having bigger screens is better for media experience.

If it's bigger than my dick, it's too big.
Sony is just fucking weird, the XA1 has a 1080p screen but they have it scaled down to 720p
You don't even need root access to get it to 1080p, but why didn't they just leave it at 1080 in the first place?

that's a battery life thing, which is more understandable.

fuck you, I want a tablet I can make calls with

6" screen are garbage for watching videos, browsing and doing shit that are not meant to do on a phone.

they haven't grown past 5-5.7" in years. 16:9 6"+ has been tried and it has its niche (same as sub 5" phones) but it's silly for most people. the large screens are still equivalent in width to normal sized screens because they have a taller aspect ratio as well as thinner bezels.

yeah because a 3.5" would be much better

smartphones are not really phones, they are media devices that can make calls.

if you want something only to make calls OP point is moot since you can get a old model or a small non flagship, you don't really neer flagships it you only want to use it as a phone and some apps

When I have a watch I can use for what I use my phone for, I'll be happy. gestures, something or other, just not touchscreen.
I seriously think that that memewatch mechanical/smartwatch thing is right up my alley

if you watch videos, iPhone SE or any other 4in phone sucks dick
5" or more for media consumption desu

Honestly I am pretty much done with my Note sized phones now.

My Note Edge is getting dated, kinda just want something with more power in a smaller package but don't see phones like the S8 being worth the money.

>smartphones are shit for watching video

works for me senpai, love those yify movies on those long train commutes

I use my phone for calling/texting, small apps, music, maps, emulation, authentication, chat, notes, podcasts.

If I wanna watch videos, browse the web or read manga/comics i dont do it on a small ass screen, I use my tablet for that which is superior.

Thats i prefer the screen to be small that can easily fit my pocket and that also saves battery life.

a tablet that calls, paired with a blue tooth ear piece would be just right for me

no one wants to carry that shit

There you go, the chinks fixed it for you.

Im 6"4 and have tiny hands, its not just manlets

You must hate yourself.

>tfw there is a massive huawei phone that I want but it costs a fortune