
Am I wrong to find Xubuntu comfy and stable?

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its the comfiest comfy of comfy in comfiness

kubuntu is better

I'll give you Linux artisans credit, this looks fantastic.

I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!

Sorry, Linux/Artisans.

dwm is the comfiest

Abandonware. You have no choice but to switch to MATE.

what are you talking about? the project is alive and strong

>still no gtk3 support two thousand and seventeen years after the birth of our lord and savior, Jesus Christ

but i just install one theme that i like and leave it that way for years, i don't even know or care about gtk3 support.

Installing Xubuntu now. How do I make it look like pic in OP? It looks more like the default Manjaro look than the default Xubuntu look from what I remember.

I do. There are no good light DEs that support HiDPI well.

Install Numix theme and icons.

WM Theme: Victory-17.04-gtk2dark
GTK Theme: Victory-17.04-gtk2dark [GTK2]
Icon Theme: ePapirus

what do you use personally to get HiDPI support?

Danke schön!

somebody recommend better fonts for OP?

It's nice but I recently switched to Qubes OS.

>muh privacy
>fucking facebook / social media links at bottom of page
oh ok

I've been using Unity. I would be using Cinnamon, but it somehow uses more of the CPU. I need to migrate, but everything is a compromise from Unity. Everything sucks right now.

>am I wrong to have a positive personal opinion about something
Sheep, all of you.

my monitor is 1920x1080 what the fuck do i need high DPI

You don't, but I need support for it.

It's a webpage. Have a look at the 2500 lines of dom0 code you moron.

>its reasonable to ask someone to read 2500 lines of code
you're the moron and fuck your facebook links


The only reason why other OS don't have qubes is that their users (you) are to stupid to handle template vms and security domains.

>because you don't use qubes you don't use vms or have security
dumb frogposter

> because you have social media links on your webpage your OS must be shit

You normally do not like to think a lot, don't you?

>Am I wrong to find Xubuntu


>OS's that are down with facebook are probably botnet
but he's right user

Anyone know how to sort my whisker icon out it doesn't go full sized its very annoying desu

Which theme are you using

>ubuntu LTS
is unstable

look at the screenshot more closely...

Down with fb? The whole OS is open sorce and genius because it's a Xen dom0 with virtual machines for networking, firewall, system and user-defined security domains like untrusted, personal, work, banking, ...

Just assuming an OS is shit only because it has social media accounts is blatantly stupid.

>ubuntu LTS is unstable

did you read that on facebook??

You deserve to stay stupid.

Holy friggin RAM batman!

fuck off stallman you pretentious commie

it's pretty comfy, I've been using xubuntu since 2009. nice conky you got there, looks similar to mine

>ubuntu LTS is unstable
Ubuntu LTS =/= Xfce. And Fwiw Unity is buggy as well so yeah. I'm on mint now because it's more stable and has all the basic features I need like adjusting volume and no constant screen tearing. I do miss the comfiness of Xfeces though.

There is nothing wrong with Communism.

You're right, it's good for the economy


Cinnamon is v/ comfy

>derivative of a derivative
>releases named after womyn
>releases every 6 months but still LTS
>dev is a complete moron
>ISO's have been hacked in the past
>numerous security issues
>cinnamon is the laggiest DE of all time

Fascism is fun at first 12 years but you get fucked relentlessly for a prolonged amount of time after that. Fuel is free though :^)

>Anonymous 09/17/17(Sun)20:28:39 No.62487040 ▶
>>derivative of a derivative
>>releases named after womyn
>>releases every 6 months but still LTS
>>dev is a complete moron
>>ISO's have been hacked in the past
>>numerous security issues
>>cinnamon is the laggiest DE of all time

System settings ->Panel->Back->Panel->Back->Panel->Back->Panel->Crash

>The DistroWatch Page Hit Ranking statistics are a light-hearted way of measuring the popularity of Linux distributions and other free operating systems among the visitors of this website. They correlate neither to usage nor to quality and should not be used to measure the market share of distributions. They simply show the number of times a distribution page on DistroWatch.com was accessed each day, nothing more.

top fucking kek


>all DE variations of Mint are just "Mint"
>all DE variations of Ubuntu are broken up

Really activates the almonds

Kek indeed. Fucking lows and normies using sites like DistroWatch meanwhile Sup Forumsays directly downloading distros using bittorrent.

Distrowatch doesn't even measure downloads. It's literally a vanity contest of how many autistic clicks they get a day.

Those aren't numix icons, those are papirus

Fuck, I really forgot that.
That means linux mint is the worst distro from normie's sight.

last time i tried xubuntu it had screen tearing, has this been fixed?


nice GUI/desktop user

I used Xubuntu for a while but I just recently switched over to Debian because of reasons I can't fully explain. Debian just "feels" comfier to me.

Xubuntu is a lot more polished than Debian w/Xfce
Tried Debian 9 w/Xfce and the freaking sound indicator plugin won't even show up

>5 different distros headed by a private company worth $65 million can barely beat out mint by 30 points

I'm using lxde out of personal preference (when I'm not in DWM that is) and it's comfy af. Thinking about installing that maxx desktop and going full Dennis Nedry.

they are the same distro with different DEs preinstalled

y-you're r-right user, Mint really beat out Ubuntu on the number of clicks on a random website
>5 different distros
They're one distro, just different DE's by default on the ISO
Mint offers 4 versions, Cinnafag, KDE, Xfce, and MATE. This is no different than Ubuntu.

>They're one distro
Holy fuck. That's hilarious. Why can't they beat out mint? It's developed by a bunch of europoor hobbyists

There's nothing to beat out. It's a few hundred random clicks on a fucking website you dense mother fucker. It doesn't measure downloads, it doesn't measure usage, it doesn't measure jack shit. All it measures is how autistic mint fanboys are


Xfcefags can't resize windows using borders. They're cucked into alt-clicking whether they like it or not.

Prove me wrong.
>inb4 stockholm syndrome

It's less stable (on my machine).


whew lad

google it faggot

you can resize windows just by clicking and dragging in xfce man

Adjust the aspect ratio.

Prove it then

Xfce looks awful

Stock Xfce maybe, but if you rice it out you can get some pretty epic results.

OP's desktop looks nice, but he literally can't resize windows by borders. The 1 pixel width borders is also the grip size because Xfce is bugged. Many of the default themes are like that as well.

Stockholm syndrome cucks as well as the Xfce devs will say they like it broken.

I have no idea what you're talking about, I have no issue resizing windows

I've been using it for years, never had an issue

>I'd suggest to nag Xfwm devs to implement this instead of commenting here. Numix can compromise and increase the grip area, but it doesn't solve the underlying problem.

Xfeces can't even fix a 4 year old bug in their window manager

I didn't even know this was a problem until today. Maybe it's because I'm not a complete and utter faggot with a limp wrist who can't precisely grab a fucking window border.

my sides

It's good.

you can resize windows just by clicking and dragging, what is this autistic meme

How do you guys get that stuff in your terminal?





>b-b-but mint has more HPD on distrowatch! therefore it's best!

Thanks, user.

screenfetch > neofetch

That's so nice. Can you post some configs? I am on Debian to avoid the Amazon spyware, but the default xfce they package is kinda bland.


> kinda bland
Coming in from using stock Xubuntu and Gnome, it's unusable.

That's fair, but I went minimalist on my first Linux dive. I didn't like the default of any DE, and I wanted to know everything I could do without graphical. I have been ncurses only for a little while (with a Windows gaming machine on the side). I've just been handed down a used laptop for free, I got Debian on, but ricing is completely foreign to me. Where can I find guides on making X11 look better, instead of cutting it completely?

You realize the amazon thing was only a package in unity, right? No other *buntu had that. And now with Unity dead and Ubuntu going back to Gnome it's not even an issue.

I'm a fucking tard.

Why not use debian instead?