Holy Fucking Shit. My Arch Linux fucking shit itself again and I am done.

Can I just have a fucking:
>Stable Linux
>That doesn't look like complete ass

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Debian + XFCE4

Mine died too.
Pacman -Syu was a mistake.


Just install ubuntu. If it's good enough for terry it's good enough for you. Also my co workers who dont know dick about linix are ysing arch boxes and they never crash or cause issues, so its your fault

I can already feel my fucking afternoon being gone fixing the screen tearing issue. Is wayland stable yet or do I have to install shitty compton again?

Install debian with no deskop environment

Install whatever DE/WM/GUI/whatever the fuck you want.

Stable linux, won't look like complete ass to you.

> linix are ysing arch boxes and they never crash or cause issues, so its your fault
First, off your shitty grammar is giving me a headache. Second, If they don't know dick about arch then I guess they weren't actually developing shit on it like I was.

Testing or Stable? Cause Stable literally came out like 3 months ago.

Ded unity incoming soon. What even is the point?

Also isn't Terry homeless?

This. I have testing repositories enabled and Arch is working just fine for me.

Both are fine. Stable is what you'd use for something you don't want to change much and if you don't need newer packages. It'll never break if you don't break it, but packages are *old as fuck* near the end of a stable's lifecycle. You get security updates, but no feature updates.

Testing is what you want if you want something a little more similar to how Arch or Ubuntu are. Packages are updated more often, and with less testing than stable. Testing gets frozen right before its transitioned into Stable. In /etc/apt/sources.lst you can go from stable to testing, and testing to unstable. You can also go forward in releases (say from Jessie to Stretch). All of this is done by changing parameters for each repository and then updating all your packages

Unstable is most like Arch in that everything is somewhat bleeding edge and packages can break from updates, but it's probably still slightly more stable than arch.

I'd recommend testing if you don't want to deal with older packages. Testing is always a lot easier to install new stuff into than Stable.

Developing butt cancer from gay buttsex.
Testing, nub. U shur u knoe linux?
thats rrrrrice

That glibc update broke a few things for quite a lot of people.

It doesn't happen often but when it does it pays off to have your mother ready to cancel all your meetings for the next few days.



Come use a real Unix OS by the name of OS X.

Long time Ubuntu server and desktop user here, thanks for explaining the Debian system, never got into it too much

on the topic of arch breaking, i installed arch beside win10 to dual boot, and when i booted into it i got some ext4 kernel module error and dropped to an emergency shell. fresh install with the newest iso the night before last. So i googled and the guy who had the same issue said he had to use ext3 and that would work, so thats what i did. now i finally got it working and arch will randomly ignore keypresses sometimes. idk wtf but this shit is pissing me the fuck off.

>real unix
Man, you don't understand what people use unix for. OS X is as much unix as Android is linux.

.. I mean it is CERTIFIED as a Unix system. Something that Linux(or GNU/Linux if you are that much of a fag) is not. opengroup.org/openbrand/register/apple.htm

It's called Android. I hope you like phones.
You should've known the only usable desktop environment is Windows. There's a reason why nobody can sell anything else.

>Testing or Stable? Cause Stable literally came out like 3 months ago.

Debian 9.1

Not him, but turning on the default compositor didn't fix it for me, so you have to use compton (it just made it tear in a weird way lmao). I used copy pasted the config from this tutorial, and turned off all the flashy shit, like the stupid animations: duncanlock.net/blog/2013/06/07/how-to-switch-to-compton-for-beautiful-tear-free-compositing-in-xfce/
It shouldn't take an afternoon to do.

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

nvm downgrading to LTS kernel fixed keyboard issue


What happened?

install xubuntu. simple enough with little bloat and if you dont like the DE or whatever, then you can always install a different one.

>Two criteria
>Working nd looking good

This is why nobody takes you lincucks seriously.

Debian good option.

>Amazon spyware shit DE.

>Redhat demo.

But your wish is real my friend. Linux mint. Not amazonbuntu. Not goddamn jokes. Repository from both debian and amazonbuntu. You can choose one of 4 superior DEs. And you are sure updates wont fuckup anything.
