Are ultrawide monitors a meme? Does anybody here have one and would you recommend it?
Are ultrawide monitors a meme? Does anybody here have one and would you recommend it?
I have one and it's objectively better than any display I've used so far and I've been using computers for like 20 years. I've even been thinking about buying another one and placing it right on top of the one I'm using now for ridiculous screen real estate. Pull the trigger on it, you'll be satisfied.
you gotta try it to believe user.
Only if it has enough scanlines. Sick of constantly paging through walls of code on a widescreen FP. It's the reason I keep my 4:3 tube around.
they look cool but theyre too expensive and id have horrible black bars in most of the gaymes i play
I'd prefer two 22" displays over one ultrawide. Easier to work from.
They're neat, they're great for gaming but other media is kinda stifled. Scaling in Windows is naturally awful, and even more so with Ultrawides so if you're not running 100% it's going to look off. When you are running 100% web use becomes super awkward in both full and half pages. Most media from photos to movies to youtube won't accommodate a 21:9 screen in any, you will either be a victim to pillarboxing or zoom/stretch scaling. And there are a handful of games that don't support it, as well.
So if you're planning on gaming almost exclusively it's great. You can use it to browse the web and they're not awful with it, some may even prefer it. Movies instantly go to shit, as does youtube.
stop watching yiff rips pleb
I kind of want one because they look like deus ex computers
Garbage. Buy 2x 16:10 dell ultrasharps. You will be much more productive for fraction of price.
Ultra wide monitors are for gaymer children and no one else. You can't watch movies on those and they suck for productivity. I guess if you value """""aesthetics"""" instead of having good work environment like then those might be ok for you too. Make sure to also buy trash overpriced """"speakers"""" that at least look good.
the projection is slightly off because of the curvature. might be better with nvidia simultaneous multi-projection if games support it. and the curvature is too weak to give a full "wrap around" sensation.
for programming i'd much rather have normal portrait-oriented monitors.
>you can't watch movies on the displays that have the movie ratio
What did she mean by this?
A total meme.
3:2 on the other hand? Sheer perfection.
If MS released these monitors without the rest of the situation I'd snatch some in a heartbeat.
Your monitor choice is a go/no-go deal. If you get a monitor that is even slightly less than the ideal dimensions, you will not even be able to function.
Where in the fuck are you finding movies formatted in 21:9 instead of being cut to 16:9? Or anything else for that matter?
It's this guy serious? I can't take him seriously. I guess he never saw a movie. Or he's shitposting from the seventies.
wtf? the movie is in 21:9, if you're watching it cropped to 16:9 you're missing 2.5:9 on each side
I'm , the other guy who asked you about movies is not me. None of the shit I watch is 21:9. I guess maybe if you watch literal cinema releases then this kind of monitor is good for you.
So now we can expand my original point a bit: ultra wide monitors are good for gaymer children and autistic cinemaphools.
This pretty much
>Sup Forums
Samsung C34F791 is the only good one. But you'll need a 1080ti to run games on it
Actual state of neo-Sup Forums, sorry Sup Forums
Would have got one, but literally it'd just be adding around 6" or half a screen over my 30" 2560x1600.
Got a price alert that dropped this model down by over $500 but of course it turned out to be a pricing error as soon as I put in the order.
I was skeptical at first, sacrificed Gsync and 144Hz to move over to a LG when Best Buy had a really good sale.
DUDE - Ultra wide for the fucking win. Pretty much all my games have adapted without issue to the resolution. The aspect ratio is the tits in gaming.
The only game that fussed a little was D3. Run windowed borderless....fixed.
Depends on how you use your computer. I went from dual monitor 16x9s with one in portrait mode to 1 ultrawide. Then I added the portrait mode monitor to that. Web browsing is better in portrait mode for me. Everything else on the main screen.
Downsides: some older games don't scale well, and even when I'm playing in windowed mode it takes me out of the immersion. It's also harder to find 21x9 content.
If you like the real estate aspect then go for it. It's less "WOW" than the concept might seem. Try it out before you buy first.
I'd personally rather have a 4k display than the ultrawide meme. What really makes me laugh is when the resolution is still shitty like 1920x1080 just stretched to be ultrawide.
Wew lad.
>muh gaymes!!!!!!XD
>just EPIC!!!
Many tech enthusiasts are really into gaming.
What's your point?
My point is: nice reddit spacing, faggot.
Knowing names of all intel and shillvidia products doesn't make you a tech enthusiast.
Oh okay.
Probably just a poorfag who can't afford more than a Dell 19".
I got a x34
I'll never not have an ultrawide for my primary monitor.
Kek I can afford more than you ever will child. And for sure more that you can at the moment, knowing your only source of income is mum pocket money and student loans.
I will tell you something interesting I noticed in my IT career. When you start at the bottom in tech janitor jobs there is plenty of guys playing retarded MMOs all day after work and basically doing shit all with their life. As you move up into well paid enterprise dev positions suddenly it's mostly 30+ guys with family who grew up out of gaymes 10 years ago, or never played those.
Really makes you think.
Also you can be considered well off when you have house with paid off loans, not when you have shitty monitor mum bought you for birthday.
Now fuck off back to Sup Forums and stay there.
D3 can't be runned in UW. I tried that method as well and it just doesn't work.
lol what is up with that. the game designers are so full of themselves. it's not even that huge of a competitive advantage.
Retarded meme and there's no reason to have two threads at once on this.
Please go shill elsewhere.
>computers can be used for lots of things
>you can't play games on them
>People who are successful don't play games
So you keep mentioing pocket money from mum lets assume you are just projecting and ignore you.
>You will never be this triggered over over what people do in their spare time
I can't say I like the uw meme, because it almost always comes with the curved meme, and I quite dislike that. How do people stomach it? Everything is very clearly warped.
It also pretty niche, even with the gaming argument. It might offer some boons in atmosphere or better view ports in high budget games, but it has no really worth in 2D games or most indie games or old games, so taste becomes a deciding factor in the gaming scenario. In productivity, it's kinda a matter of work flow, I guess, but using it as a replacement for 2 monitors is pretty good, as is for editing. Everything else is pretty meh and feels like a waste, movies too, at least, these days.
i have a 34" UW hung next to a 27" 16:9, they line up as the same height
if i'm watching a movie then i can choose the screen based on the video's aspect ratio
if a game supports the UW, then i can see more of the scene
no as in it's not a meme or no as in you wouldn't recommend it?
It's not a meme
3:2 a shit, 1:1 master race