
look at this bugged shit.. why the fuck dont they employ programmers/developers to improve this fucking browser, instead of wasting money on SJW bullshit

the latest version cant even render fucking youtube, not even mentioning the render glitches you see in the screenshot

if chromium implemented styling options/ userstyles, there would be 0 (zero) reason for me to use firecux

Works fine on my system?

I'm obviously using the nightly version on homOSeX

considering their budget, this fucking browser should work flawlessly on all budgets. they became incompetent fucks, just like the github developers and their monstrosity that is Atom

Found the problem. Either switch to a REAL OS or kys Mac fag.

>nightly has bugs
Wow are you a fucking wizard? How dare there be bugs tho, in a fucking nightly testing build of Firefox. Dumb faggot.
>using anything but safari
Why live?

>insult 5% of desktop users
>40% of mobile users

yeah good luck not loosing the 11% market share you have now.

actually I look forward to the disappearance of this sjw cancer

I use safari primarly you stupid fuck. I just dont want to bloat my safari history with bullshit like 4chins

>I don't know how to use private browsing mode, better download the most unstable beta/alpha browser I can find.
Nightly works one day and not the next for a reason.


it's called macOS now idiot.

dude, think for a second.. let me clarify it to you again.


>use unstable nightly
>reeeeee why is it unstable sjw cucks raaa

thats just because of the homOSeX memes lol

private browsing mode exists for a reason?

you are using Nightly. it is untested, and frequently has significant bugs. sometimes, it won't even open. this is what nightly is for. anything like what's shown in your screenshot will be fixed soon, and certainly before it gets to developer, beta or stable.

Maybe try a browser that's meant to be stable. Just a thought.

wreks on my machine (TM)

This is the power of firefox?

What's wrong with 3D text?
Go back to 80's, grandpa

>this is the power of GNU/Linux?

osx and linuxfags crying
windows masterrace winning

Me too. Firefox and Chrome should go extinct

>What's wrong with 3D text?
nothing, but if you look closely, you'll see they put the website title over the tabs lol, so you cant click on the fucking tabs lol

this fucking incompetency is next level lol

Poettering ...

Lmao. Just use Chrome like normal people. Mozilla is for old people.

>not tree tabs

you had it coming

I need a good looking dark theme on chromium/iridium..

as I said, if chromium implements userstyles, I'm deleting firecucks for good

use stable you maccuck