Fuck this shit. Fuck this whole fucking platform

Fuck this shit. Fuck this whole fucking platform.

Fuck Java
Fuck constraints, fuck layouts
Fuck inheritance
Fuck yourself XML
Fuck listeners, fuck calling 'new' on everything
Go fuck yourself Android Studio

Who made all of this? Who is responsible for all of this?

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Hey Java's not that bad.

lmao i know right. im writing an android app right now it's fucking aids.

just gonna rewrite this shit in cordova after im done because the threading is so fucked

Layouts make me scream. I regularly try to implement designs that I find are actually outright impossible for some dumbass reason

>writing a switch statement without breaks


Why can't you just match the axis of another widget?

Why can't you just go

it doesn't need them because every case returns

then why use a fucking switch statement?

Why don't you put your hex values in an array?

good point i couldve but too late now not gonna spend the time to rewrite it because it will make no difference

int[] colors = ...
int color = colors[coreNum];
return ...

Would be less redundant

>Been developing cordova apps
>Everything works
>Both iOS and Android
Not sure why you retarded fags still use """"real"""" languages when JS does it all and better.
>B-but muh Java
>Muh C

To me, the worse thing in android development is the architecture, because there is no architecture to follow. Just this year appear official guides to "architecture" with some new classes, more new classes, interfaces, design patterns.... just this year, wtf!!!!
Every guide say that "the best thing is... blah blah blah" and now there are others "best practice to code is....", currently moving from the "best practice" of LoadManagers to "better than best practice" of mvvm (modelview, live data,etc....)

Sucks to live in the sea of average.

The worst thing is when there's a crash in native code and the debugger gives you nothing... except for some really vague hint in an ocean of other information, but only if you turn off all filters.

Is this legit?

It could be worse! It could be a gay-promoting OS not based on linux where you program in degenerated Javascript aka Dart.

Cordova apps suck. The JS engine is slow as fuck in Android phones, especially low end ones (which are the majority). Not to mention that you often need to target an outdated browser if you want to compile for 4.2, 4.3 or 4.4, so that means using ES5. Also worth mentioning are the weird bugs included in rushed OS versions (like KitKat) that you have to live with because the WebView is not updateable via Google Play until marshmallow (or was it lollipop?); or the clusterfuck with incompatible plugins after you are forced to update Cordova because of security vulnerabilities (the Cordova devs are kids that break things every single release).

Its just too much trouble to develop in html5. The result is bad even if you did a good job. We have had customers that straight told us to develop a native app after being offered a cheaper Cordova alternative.

The debugger gives you the stack trace in bright red. Easier yet if you are filtering the logcat by your app, which Android Studio automatically does.

Native or bust.
Hybrid solutions are a meme.

This. Take it back OP

This. Cordova apps are garbage. Btw, have you tried React Native maybe? Ive been thinking of jumping wagon.

It's a good os. I find it easy to use. I love the battery life too.

Majority????? Are you fucking kidding me? Majority is using at least galaxy s3 now any quad -8 core phone. Please go kill yourself.

Oh boy I do enterprise apps. You usually don't just sell the app but also the devices and the SIM cards in partnership with the carrier. We are talking hundreds of devices here.
The marketing guys (from the carrier) almost always offer the client whatever they have in stock, which is usually up to 1 year old.
This means in the best case we will be talking a medium range Samsung phone, 1GB RAM. In the worst case, some huawei or white brand chink shit with mediatek processor.

React native is pretty good because only the business logic is written in Javascript, and the view is made of native widgets.
Because you don't have to access the bloated html DOM, the javascript part is fast enough and the native part is as fast as native (because its actually native).
Google's Flutter is even faster than React (compiles to native ARM and uses GPU acceleration), but you need to code the views (everything is a widget, even styles and alignments) and they force you to use Dart.

Need to make an app that would talk with a microcontroller using a simple protocol over Bluetooth uart. Microcontroller part took maybe 200 lines in the so inefficient C, and for Android I'm making it in Kotlin... Fuck Java, but it still is going to be a fucking hell with the whole ecosystem. I could never wrap my head around all the activities, fragments, layouts, penises, maybe this time I can finally succeed without Java.

PS still hate no unsigned shit

>no unsigned shit

>itt: frustrated brainlets that can't figure out shit that even pajeets have no problem with

Just use Qt5 for Android and write everything in C++.

The lack of unsigned primitive data types. And unnecessarily obfuscate bit operators too.

>Quiz any C developer about unsigned, and pretty soon you discover that almost no C developers actually understand what goes on with unsigned, what unsigned arithmetic is. Things like that made C complex. The language part of Java is, I think, pretty simple.

t. Gosling

Yeah, I'm not interested in arithmetic, just sending pure data, bits and bytes. Operating on those gets complex for stupid reasons in Java. Gotta be careful so your byte is not extended with 1s when you cast it on short or int just because of the MSB, aka sign, being 1.



>The JS engine is slow
Its part of webview which is an app part of the OS. This depends on your phone/OS.
Nothing breaks here, maybe you should RTFM.
If you know what you are doing, the results are pretty gud

Are you retarded?

You need to use a pattern such as Model View Presenter (MVP) to encapsulate the cancerous Android lifecycle in the view, make the view passive and move all of your logic to the other layers. Not letting the Android lifecycle creep into your main application logic is essential. Android development is really bad.

Also, don't use Cordova, I've only heard bad things about it. What about Flutter or React Native?

There are different advanced layout managers. CoordinatorLayout sounds like the thing you want. Why not just a horizontal LinearLayout though?

I don't get why there isn't a single universal language for app development already. Everybody keeps re-inventing the fucking wheel 3894739847 times over. All the multiplatform shit is wonky at best.

Baby can't handle life

what did he mean by this?


They're right here you you... duplicate man of African origin.


make one

That's what RelativeLayout does

Flutter did look awesome but I don't think it's very mature yet is it? Their site says it's still in alpha. I need to deploy a complex app on iPhone and Android.
>React Native
I'll check it out. I wasn't aware there were any good alternatives to Cordova.

On top of what? Fucking Java + Objective C + Swing + C#? HOW MANY LAYERS OF ABSTRACTION ARE WE ON, CAPTAIN?

Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suit on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourselves. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin' else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got Windows 7?

It's called C

You literally click on the line number and the breakpoint appears. You literally click one button to attach the debugger to the app process. You literally click one button to open the logcat and filter based on app/severity, plus a textual filter.
Debugging Android >>>> debugging iOS
the only shitty thing about android studio is the fucking build, every time you have to sync the whole web with your gradle, then 10 minutes of build and then another 10 minutes just because build != generate apk, we gonna need to do all over again. But at least gradle isn't as bad as maven.

Actually I'm looking at all of them. The problem with most of these frameworks is they don't have good native APIs. I need bluetooth/tcp sockets, AES encryption and more. I see plugins for some but I can't find any with good bluetooth support.

Even on native, android's bluetooth sockets are absolute dogshit. Can't even set a read timeout so right now I start a thread to keep track of it. Still has some bugs in it, for some reason this thread gets interrupted once in a while so the network thread gets stuck trying to read from bluetooth forever. Gonna have to do some more testing before I release it.

Use rxjava for threading. native android libraries are cancer when it comes to threading.

** rxjava and rxandroid

It's not that hard dude, watch a video on someone explaining the UI. Java is piss easy when you learn OOP, the only thing that's difficult is APIs that aren't documented well or overly complicated ones.

>native android libraries are cancer when it comes to threading
You can absolutely use regular Java threads and timers and they will work fine as long as your process is alive.
The problem with Android designers is that because your app can get killed at any moment's notice they had to come up with crap such as Services, AsyncTasks, Loaders, AlarmManager, JobScheduler, etc.

We win!

But then again they always want to push the fragment crap down your throat, even the new Activity wizard would create a fragment even if you only had one section in the screen.
Don't buy into the fragment meme. Just use a plain activity (AppCompatActivity) and use custom views if you need nested views inside your screen. Both activities and views have a much simpler lifecycle.

Enjoy missing out on billions of devices.