Do any of you earn money from software / websites you've built?

Do any of you earn money from software / websites you've built?


I'd like to know too. Being a NEET sucks and I want to do something about it

Not yet.

Someday Il be a web millionaire though!

I earn ~$200/month from memes and meme related stickers/tshirts on redbubble

not a huge amount but it helps

I wrote a BPM counter for my guitar teacher in Java once, he paid me 50 €. I was in 9th grade back then.

Right now I'm a Pythonista at a research institute. Flexible hours, 25 € / hr, can go on holidays whenever.

>things that wageslaves say
Why dont you go on holiday now? oh wait you cant, your """""""boss""""""""" won't let you.

no i dont earn shit, i havent really made anything worthwhile, still learning html css, js, jquiry, maybe someday il make it..

Jealous of my salary, NEET?

Those that actually do won't say anything because they don't want competition.

>look at all this money i got
Justifying your slave existance

I program plugins for an already existing software and made about $9,300 in the past 5 months

Yes, I own the software and the products which I sell. I make devices for the disabled which are custom made, inevitably more people with the same disability then want the same product and take what is probably 1/3 of their years salary in return for it.

There's still money to be made with adult affiliate programs. If you listen closely to any ytcracker song you'll know how. Thats how i got started.



What kinds of devices?


I'm not giving anything away, just think servos, solenoids and other actuators to produce movements they no longer can produce themselves. And on the interface side usually something like cherry MX switches with buttons that are large or small enough and arranges in a way that they can use effectively with whatever functioning limbs, finger, toes or parts of their face that they have.

Effectively my only skills are in designing sheet metal parts, Aurduino, some engineering, good negotiation skills and connections with manufactures.

Made $3 in 2 months from a shitty phone app with ads. I will spam the app stores with more useless apps to try to bump it up to $100/month..........


I'm actually on a spontaneous vacation right now. Not that you could tell seeing how nobody checks what I'm doing all day either as long as my work gets done -- I can lurk here all day and get paid for it.
Honestly, the money is just a nice bonus.

Then the wageslave gets cuck by her gf, she takes the house and the car. Wageslave loses his job because of depression, and hangs himself.

Meanwhile NEET weeps himself to sleep holding his cum encrusted body pillow and wishes he had the courage to actually go through with suicide, then deludes himself into a false sense of superiority.