Falling for the piracy botnet

>falling for the piracy botnet


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With ad blockers becoming more and more mainstream this will be the new thing.

Wut? No, it's just more greed and creative use of javascript.

Not everyone in the world is a moron that has the plan "Let's make ad blocking so necessary that it gets built into all major browsers"

With it only being on the search result pages, I don't really see a problem with it.

Nice to help pay for the servers.

Imagine how many people's electricity will get wasted because they don't know, tpb wont be transparent about it and they'll just leave the tab open

kys tpb skills

>calls it greedy and moronic
>kys shill


If it's throttled appropriately so that it doesn't eat 100% of your CPU and it is opt-in rather than being hidden in the site without even notifying the user then I don't see a problem with it. The creators of the platform had it set up on their site so that the miner was in a separate window that you'd open, and you exchanged solved hashes for premium membership as opposed to actually paying for it. Personally that seems like a decent alternative to ads/donations for higher traffic sites, but as I mentioned the important point is that the user should always be in control. It's scummy to embed it in the page without the user's consent or knowledge, especially as some people may have cooling issues or may be using a laptop where they don't want to waste their battery on mining cryptocoins all the time.

What about having a button on the page to enable it?

Like that german site; pr0gramm.

Yeah I see no problem with it if its like
said, but this was hidden and secretly put in without any proper throttling or anything.

It was throtled to 80% and 60%.


fuck off, Hollywood jew

A throttle of 0.8 means the thread(s) are inactive 80% of the time, which would lead to roughly 20% CPU usage. It's still scummy because they just hid it without even telling the users though.

This will also make even more problems for TPB because EU will go down hard on this shit sooner or later. They're digging their graves completely if they want to use this shit without consulting with an army of lawyers.

Oh, sorry for the misinformation.

I think it was throttled to 80% CPU usage, because a lot of people say their fans suddenly started going apeshit after leaving it on for a while

Using a JS CPU miner can't be efficient. They're using $1 worth of electricity for what is probably

It's Monero.

>imagine how many people's electricity will get wasted

tpb was always super shady, this doesn't surprise

Demonstrably untrue, how else would people find out? There's already a bunch of posts about people leaving their PC and finding it running at 100% when they come back.

>inb4 well they're retarded
Not the point.

This. I have dozens of results pages up right now.
How the fuck does this even work? they can just use my processor and report back data without me knowing?
I want an addon that fucks with the data so they dont get anything useful.

Is this why youtube fucking killed my core2 a year ago? Load up one page and the system maxes off the cpu, like are you fucking serious

This all started because Apple added ad-blocking to Safari by default.
Where once it a small number of people that site owners tolerated, now even normies are blocking ads so they can't ignore it any more.

Apple is doing this for tracking cookies now, which means sites are about to get really creative about how to track users. We may even see sites refuse to serve requests to people blocking cookies.

they want money for legal fees
pirates dont want to help the one site that keeps on going to provide them with free stuff

the irony

Its a regular miner, what do you mean how does it work

Ive been wanting to donate but am too broke to. Ive donated to free sites in the past.
If they had been open about this then that would be one thing, but they hid it and obfuscated it like a literal botnet.
Hiding shit in java is an old botnet method to spread a virus and infect people as the pass though. This is a page right out of the botnet handbook.. I'm not ok with this and I am thoroughly pissed off.

Java is not JS user

>running js at all
you deserve it normalfag

>Not having Coin-hive blocked the very moment their site went live
Guess normies will catch up to the existence of this in 3 months

People who visit pirate bay don't have high end cpu's. They won't waste a lot of electricity.

Im aware of this,
So you're saying that because its js then its not capable of being malicious?
I think tpb just proved you wrong.

Now imagine ever website and every tab you go to and/or have open are all running bitcoin miners.
I usually have between 200 and 600 tabs open per machine. wtf do you think is going to happen to my resources? Im not the only one that has a tab hoarding problem, alot of other people here have an ungodly amount of stuff open too.

>being a tab hoarder
>running untrusted js
At this point you're pretty much asking to get fucked.

I wasnt aware that javascript was capable to this extent of executing code on my machine and sending data back. I had thought it was sorta like a pajeet extension of html5/php/and other shit and it was formatted to look sorta like java and was used for basic shit like rearranging their shit website and loading pictures.

>not having a javascript blocker

your asking for it


This, I wouldn't mind giving up a little bit of my CPU or so in the background while I use a site if it means they don't try and force ads down my throat, but I won't tolerate sites deciding they can just hijack my computer without my permission.

>I-I didn't know that javascript has this much control over my browser!
found the normalfag

I use noscript and ublock origin, but most sites wont even work without some form of scripts enabled.
But youre right, and I did say per machine. I run untrusted stuff in vms, different ones for each purpose.

>noscript doesn't exist for chrom*

firefox wins again

They're not paying their users' power bills so it really doesn't matter

It's built in, doesn't FF have native scriptblocking? You can also use uMatrix if you want

Every browser has the option to completely disable JS, if that's all NoScript did it'd have no reason to exist.

>option to specifically enable/disable scripts for certain sites clearly visible in image

Do you need to go into your preferences every time?

You can either have whitest mode or blacklist mode.


Neat, is it only on a site-to-site basis though?

Yeah, it's not a very advanced solution, obviously you'd use a proper addon for better control over individual scripts, but as a basic scriptblocker it's pretty useful.

No, you block/allow domains.

We were told that the miner is being tested for a short period (~24 hours) as a new way to generate revenue. This could eventually replace the ads on the site. More info may be revealed later.

There is no way in hell that javascript miners are going to be a mainstream thing and I'll explain why.
First of all this coin-hive thing is extremely unprofitable (pic related). In the whole 24 hours thepiratebay had it running I doubt it earned them $10. And coin-hive only lets you redeem earned value at a minimum of 0.5 monero = $41.50, kek

Second of all no other conception of a javascript miner CAN be any more profitable than coin-hive. Mining is a competitive industry and the professionals can easily switch between coins. Even if the price of Monero increased 100-fold, miners would come in and drive down the $/hash reward rate to a stable level. Unless you're using a parallelized GPU rig, then the reward of mining any coin with your CPU will be higher than the cost of the electricity your CPU uses. The regular ways to monetize a website easily extract hundreds of times more value out of users than the users burn in electricity. This will always be the case, even with everyone using an adblock.

meant to say the mining reward will always be *lower* than the cost of burned electricity from a CPU

Monero mining is actually profitable on CPU for me, though. Like, it would male me fuck all, but it would be more than electricity would cost.

Monero is actually fairly easy to make a profit from over electricity costs.

Are you guys sure about that? Because I'm running this coin-hive hasher and it has my 4 CPUs on full blast and never gets more than 30 hashes/second. At that rate it would take me 6 hours to generate $0.01. There's no way running my CPUs for 6 hours would cost less than a penny.

It is possible that the javascript miner is retardedly inefficient. I don't know, I haven't tried to mine monero except with the javascript miner.

> I want an addon that fucks with the data so they dont get anything useful
Lurk moar

Yeah, I made the math on my old PC when I still mined in June or so. Then again, I'm not in the US, my electricity is cheap.

Do you think your old PC mined more than $0.01 worth of something every 6 hours?

I don't know, I don't remember. I only know Tue profit would be like... $50/year or something. I mostly made the math calculating the difference between PC on and PC on with monero miner, which was about $150/year profit.

There is no correlation between piracy and processing power.

In that case you were definitely mining at least ~$0.01 every hour. As I suspected the javascript miner is terrible, which is to be expected from a high-level language. I don't know if it'll ever be possible to have an efficient javascript miner or have the javascript call some pre-compiled code to do the mining

My 32 bit T2400 Core Duo does 12 H/s, my A8-7650K does 180 H/s at 4 GHz
The JS miner is retardedly inefficient

>Because I'm running this coin-hive hasher and it has my 4 CPUs on full blast and never gets more than 30 hashes/second
According to them the webassembly version of the miner should get about 65% of native performance.

You know JS predates HTML5 and PHP, right?

>using the website

When I changed it from 2 threads to 4 threads it took all my CPUs to 100%

With their embedded hash captchas it always takes all 4 to 100%

With the embedded background miner it takes all cores to 100%, unless you specify fewer than 4 threads, then it takes that many cores to 100% unless you also specify a throttle (which thepiratebay.org/browse had on 0.9)

Are you saying poorfags are not more likely to pirate?
Because poorfags are more likely to pirate.

Id rather be a poorfag that is able to leech free shit from anything than to be a rich buyfag tbqh.

>We may even see sites refuse to serve requests to people blocking cookies.
That's already a thing

the NYT or another one of those ameri"NEWS" sites already does that shit

The setup they have on their page seems to be pretty inefficient, I set up a page to test it and I could get ~10 hash/s with

I was using the demo to show that it would take my cores to 100% by default

Well yeah, default throttle value is 0.

Electricity in most of burgerworld is stupidly cheap. That's the reason we still use coal (rip nukes).

kys welfare queen

How about I continue to live an easy life and you work for my pay, wagekek.

I think it's even cheaper here, I only pay like... 3 cents/kWh?


>Pol tard

>blocked coin hive in both umatrix and ublock origin
>cpu usage still goes up

Yes that works
$0.00000 were deposited in your account

All cores maxed

but how did they write a working miner in javascript? i thought that its a complex thing that needs a real language to work

does that include all other fees too? usually there are taxes and cable usage fees and other shit that make the real cost much higher.

> wagekek
> implying

Where? I pay 6-8 burgercents per kilowatt-hour.

So Java must be really powerful.

Javascript is a universal language, it can run any algorithm. All the cryptocurrency hashing algorithms are some form of SHA, they're all well defined. So you can do it in javascript, it just won't work nearly as well as it would in a precompiled language.

Yeah, that's the final price

Borderline eastern Europe in denial

>he doesn't just add TPB to his qBitTorrent search
I haven't actively searched for a torrent outside qBT and /t/ in over a year. Non-issue.

>pirating games

enjoy your russian spyware

I wish I was smart enough to do this

>Still using TPB circa current year

it actually idled mostly at 1% after, and at worst i got a spike up to 5% when the search page was loading

I accessed the site through TOR, idk if that has a script blocker or anything. if it does i guess the simple solution would to use TOR. the extra RAM is probably taken up by TOR and photoshop

How much does this actually affect me if I open the site, load the torrent I want, and then close the site all in the span of say 20 seconds? I never stay on the site for more than a minute at most.

I don't even see this on the site any more.

The miner script stops running after you close the tab

But TPB has taken down the coin-hive miner and probably won't put it back up because it made them $0

ky s
tb h
sm h
fa m

look i can be a 12yo twitter nigger too

The child looks like an octoroon, with those big nigger lips and sloping forehead.

It's actually a mulatto that got very lucky