Which linux distro does your sister use?

Which linux distro does your sister use?



Fedora 26, so do I.


We share the same computer so gentoo. She has similar tastes judging from the sadpanda history.

windows 10

not loonix distros


What is she holding?


Normalfags please go.

Unironically, gentoo

dubs confirm

BSD based > Linux

>judging from the sadpanda history
Share some.

why is she not wearing pants

>laptops or desktops

None. Stick with Windows 7.

Recently installed Fedora for her.

More comfortable without, my sister doesn't like wearing pants either.


>Froot Loops®
Shit tier cereal, step up your game user.

As her older, superior sibling, I use iOS to enjoy true UNIX experience.

>Eating sugar-globs for breakfast
What are you? Twelve?

She uses MacOS and iOS because she's a retarded thot. I have given up trying to talk to her about technology, all she cares about is her circle of friends and boy bands.

Windows phone 8.1

She doesn't. She uses Windows 8.1.
Nonstop complaints about how slow her laptop is. Her solution is upgrading to Windows 10.
She's stubborn, so no way she'd into (((linux)))