
Look at that bod yuck

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes. Women are incompetent.

>body of an 80 year old at 40 years of age
I'd be pissed off too.

>proving her right


Yes, that is why she sued her former employer. Cognitive dissonance is the motivator for her brand of feminism (ie I want to be treated better, not equally to everyone else).

Ugly and awkward men are treated poorly compared to their handsome counterparts. Deal with it you fugly bastard.

You're on fucking Sup Forums you mong.

Women in tech aren't a problem inherently. Anyone pushed into tech by affirmative action programs and feminist "empowerment" who have no interest or aptitude in tech is a problem.

Ada Lovelace was accomplished not because she was a damned decent mathematician, not because she was a Strong Wymyn.

The first not shouldn't be there, I suck cocks

>Ada Lovelace was accomplished
Haven't laughed that hard in years, thanks user-kun! Your clinical retardation is the best.

>wahhh I should be allowed to be a sexist cunt on 4chin because that's what the news lady said! 4chin was meanie poopie heads!

Nigger cocks?

Remind me why we're angry at her
I lose track with all these fucking idiots, honestly

Nice tits.

>calling others newfags
>literally getting triggered by "pointy elbows would not bang"

Well I guess no should be able to point out the fact that she looks like Gilligan mixed with the main bad guy from "legend of the drunken master" (I couldn't find a decent picture of him) :(

Sometimes you say something you know is wrong but which your opponent believes to lead them to a conclusion they would usually disagree with. Learn rhetoric.

If you like grocery bags stuffed in sweaters, then yes they're nice tits.

Back when the current Reddit CEO was editing user comments in T_D, Ellen destroyed him

She sued her former employer for being sexist. She lost because her former employer was not, in fact, being sexist. No one in tech wanted to hire her because she they feared a lawsuit. Now she mad

Learn real life. Such tactics are completely pointless and pure waste of time.


>Was CEO of Reddit, tried her hardest to run it into the ground and was ousted by a massive user revolt that shut down the entire site
>Blamed sexism, tried to sue

>Moved to next job, her position was literally "be a woman", she managed to fail, and got fired
>Blamed sexism, tried to sue

>Repeat that last one a couple times
>Now she's writing a book because why not
>100% it's just going to be 200 pages of reasons why men are to blame

Whatever makes you feel good, sweetie.

It's funny because before tech became hip, there was a stigma that they were/ are all nerdy virgin autists.

>she's better than the CEO of Reddit
Not much of an accomplishment. She's still a stupid bitch who uses her pussy as a stepping stool.

Oh that's right. So a lot of fuss over nothing. Typical.

Feminists only wanted into programming / gaming / startups / etc when they got rockstar status. Feminists literally cannot allow men to have fun and be successful without them.

Well there was the entire reddit extravaganza,
making reddit even worse that it already was (which actually, turns out reddit had been wanting to do that shit for awhile but kn0thing kinda used her as a scape goat to make those changes).

But there was other things she did like what that article is pointing out

> laugh about tech people
> tech people make more money average people
> start complain and begin take boot camps
> believe superior tech people and still insult but want equally
> fail boot camps or make massive fails as M.S Music in Equifax.
> just want burn tech people

Yeah user just posted to rustle our jimmies and it worked. She is just very easy to hate.

Some feminist had told me about some call patriarchy makes women couldn't Access to men things, maybe begin good idea build new patriarchy.

This. It's not just feminists though. It's all women.

Estrogen is cancer.

Women in tech are a problem because rarely do they harbor the same spirit men do from creating, developing, and engineering. They don't because they are given this biological gift by default.

So, you hire their asses and you're literally playing russian roulette with the future of your company. Google went and made a whole campaign about women in tech, lowered their hiring standards, and hired swaths of women and they still sued their asses for discrimination. This is the heart of base women. They're not all like that but you're always playing Russian roulette in attempts to find ones that aren't. Base women cause you to lower your guard and then stab you in the back once they're in the gate and your graces. Society/govts. cuck men through such compromised/base women thus why there are so many laws/social norms condoning it. In a more straight edge society, they'd literally get their asses beat and feel the force of men for pulling such conniving bullshit the same way men deal w/ other men who dare pull this (which is why we respectfully don't against each other).

I'd hulk smash this hoe's pussy.

Looks like your average lengthy asian woman .. Good thing is they keep this form for some time. she looks comfy tbqh.

Dat jab. Asian pussy is fire tho. can't have it all.

Patriarchy is literally the Vast Jewish Conspiracy of feminism. Shadow Men™ move behind the scenes to quietly disadvantage women and give men access to special Men's Clubs™ (the Mason Lodges of feminism).

>Feminists only wanted into programming / gaming / startups / etc when they got rockstar status
1000x this.
Also this.

hi newfriend
>the only white men involved with reddit are cucks or fags
truly enlightened, bring back pao

No they wanted in once they saw that it made big money and they demand the jobs because they're indoors and labor is for men.

It's not feminists it's all women.

You came from /r9k/ in 2015, and call others new?

This is normie society for you. Literally a decade behind the trend and throwing salt on those who are on task w/ the developing and future trends of society up until normie cucks wake up and start doing it.. Then suddenly it's cool.

Take fuck dolls for instance.. It will get tons of social backlash and be scorned while those on task w/ the future of society bust good nuts off.. then 10 years from now when the futurist techies move on to something more advance, normies will be losing their minds fucking plastic dolls 24/7 just like they can't remove their faces from their phones+facebook. Literal puppets w/ no direction following yesteryears trends.

Literally all women not at the bottom rung are like that. I'm actually told even most/all men are like that at the appropriate level in the hierarchy, but women typically start as soon as they're 1 step above the bottom step, and unlike men, they don't have any skill or ability to back it up so they almost always end up fired as a result, and since they have no patience they can never reach the status they lost once that happens.

>rarely do they harbor the same spirit men do from creating, developing, and engineering
I've met a lot of women from India, and they get into STEM just as much as men do. They're also willing to work as hard as their male counterparts. There are reasons the gender wage gap exists, the primary of which is the fact that women must bear children to have a traditional family; this fact causes massive disruptions to the careers of women and employers are very aware of that.

Misogynist assholes like you are also part of the problem. You can be anti-feminism, anti-woman, or both. You are clearly both and you are the reason that people like Ellen Pao go overboard sometimes. People like you created Big Red. Please shut the fuck up so cooler heads can prevail.

No one would even assume that was a woman if she cut her hair. I'm not convinced she has a vagina.

toasty roasty.

> I've met a lot of women from India
You work in the valley? Maybe we should meet up for lunch and compare notes. I work with lots too. I explicitly recall saying not all women but noting the pronounced number who are toxic. You seem to have missed that faggot. Also, I have worked with more than enough shit tier indians to disregard your blanket positive statements about (indians) and indian women on top of that. They don't share the cultural components that Americans have w.r.t to engineering. They are worlds apart due to this. On straight forward mechanical task and math they're solid. Ask them to think outside of the box or open approach a non-textbook problem and see the difference. How many people do you have to have spill the fucking dirt on how life really is inside these corporations? You're not fooling anyone faggot. Not anymore...

> They're also willing to work as hard as their male counterparts.
Pajeets tend to work hard.. namely because they don't know how to think beyond the textbook. Women in tech tend to work hard because they become married to their job and make it personal which is why there's so many of them who end up engaging in lawsuits and other irrational/emotional behavior when day to day ops impact them as they do men.

> There are reasons the gender wage gap exists, the primary of which is the fact that women must bear children to have a traditional family;
No shit. Send a memo about this to all of the liberal asshats
There are also other reasons like under-performing their male counterparts, the risk of them causing fractures in a company at higher positions, emotion clouding business decisions and performance, monthly periods causing emotional swings, and otherwise non productive stuff that goes along with being a women in a man's field.

> Misogynist assholes like you are also part of the problem.
Suck a fucking dick and find your sack faggot. Everyone knows how life is inside corporations and how modern women are in them. Don't come at me w/ this guilt trip bullshit to try to make me feel small or guilty for being a truth talking, straight shooting fucking male.

> You can be anti-feminism, anti-woman, or both.
I can be and am a fucking man who calls shit like he sees it. I also don't holds back punches especially for shit testing destructive women who think because faggots like you grant them access to some of the most productive companies in the world and there are laws and protections to allow them to be cunts that they can rule over me, corporations, and real men. I can be that and I can be none of what you just declared I am. Just because faggots like you have forgotten how to be grown ass fucking men doesn't men I have to tuck my sack back for you and/or the vagina that rules over you... In fact, you're likely going to get BTFO for attempting such shit in the upcoming timeline. So, strap your sorry ass in, it's going to be a long and bumpy ride back to normalcy... As these shit tier sjw edifices crumble in the coming years, real men will be irrecting corporations and you faggots and cunts need not apply.

> You are clearly both and you are the reason that people like Ellen Pao go overboard sometimes.
This bitch would have never made it past the first round interview processes...

> People like you created Big Red. Please shut the fuck up so cooler heads can prevail.
How about you get BTFO in the coming years and get put in the fucking corner like the child you are? How bout dat?

>women in tech
i'm pretty sure they're a dude

>not all women but noting the pronounced number who are toxic
I was being succinct. Too succinct, apparently, since you missed my point.

>not all women but noting the pronounced number who are toxic
But you understand the point. That's interesting.

So why don't you actually address the point that the issue isn't women or women in tech, the issue is American culture as a whole? Those "toxic" women you're talking about aren't toxic because they're women; toxic because they've had certain ideas and behaviors reinforced by a culture that you're currently reinforcing. You seem to understand that many of the negative culture traits that exist in America don't exist in India, but Indians have some negative culture traits that don't exist in America. Given those facts, why is it that you can't see a better path forward other than shitting on women and Indians?

You are not helping. Again, people like you that don't actually understand what the problems are and how to solve them are making it worse. James Damore got fired for making rational criticisms and contributing good solutions because the feminist ideologues can point to people like you as proof that there are dickheads in opposition to feminism. You're using the same blanket tactics that feminists use to make points. You're refusing to treat individuals as individuals. You're incapable of seeing past the bias that you've indoctrinated yourself into.

American white women don't need work in tech,had better options or don't want social status of tech people, USA hate tech people.

India get bad economy begin software developer is ticket golden to decent life and society love and respect software people.

Feminist want Indian/Asian women as STEM and American white girls as manangers, Latin women as maidens/janior/baby sister and black women in gettos.

A lot of women are beautiful. She isn't, physically or on a mental/emotional level.

Different user, but America embraces these "freedoms" because they're trending on whatever trusted site/source they visit is peddling it.

Turns out that if hundreds of thousands of people need "Black lives matter" everywhere at their rally and want to support them on LGBT Fridays, I have a hundred thousand people I can sell "black lives matter" clothes to.

This is an economy. We just need to abuse the bejesus out of it and wait three years for tinfoil hat men that are on this board to figure out we are exploiting people's anger to sell it back to them as a fucking pair of underpants with "Black lives matter" on it.

> I was being succinct. Too succinct, apparently, since you missed my point. But you understand the point. That's interesting.
I only understand manspeak faggot. The point of truth was lost on you the minute you replied to my original post w/ your horseshit. The only points that were lost were by you. If you made a point, it wouldn't have been so easy to blow your ass apart.

So.. here we go again.. another BTFO session :
> So why don't you actually address the point that the issue isn't women or women in tech, the issue is American culture as a whole?
There is no point. I thought I made that clear. America was built by American culture and men. What's the fucking issue then? A bunch of women who got staffed in manufacturing during WW2 while their husbands were getting their limbs blown apart to secure them and the American way of life never saw how fucking retarded they were being by abandoning the children/future of america and coming in swaths into the workplace to compete against their household? Meanwhile generations of fucktards w/o any guiding light or sound household have no finally turned into a bunch of soft ass complaining faggots that are undermining America's corporations through frivolous lawsuits and other otherwise cunty bullshit? Is that your point? Is that what you mean about America's culture that has turned to dog shit now that a bunch of conniving cunts have been empowered to have sway over men and the fabric of this nation?

> Those "toxic" women you're talking about aren't toxic because they're women;
I don't ever recall saying this sherlock. I made sure to state my position clearly in the second post since the first eluded you. Base women are toxic and there's shit tons of them because they've been enabled by society and defended as such.

> toxic because they've had certain ideas and behaviors reinforced by a culture that you're currently reinforcing.
Yeah, I'm clearly empowering and enabling base cunts by not tolerating their bullshit and shenanigans. Clearly i'm the one at fault for these chowder bisquits and not you who seems to be trying to find any excuse to defend them or place blame on others beyond the cunts who've chosen this way of life... Are you listening to yourself m8?

> You seem to understand that many of the negative culture traits that exist in America don't exist in India,
Wew lad. I see wtf you're doing here. Let me be clear on the (general) base and negative indian cultures that pervade tech :
> nepotism
> Corruption
> Highly political
> Overstate capability and accomplishments
> Lack vision and lack out of box thinking
> Lack understanding of the culture of the country their in
> Hold a grudge against Americans because of what the British did to them. Do not disclose this but instead undermine operations out of spite when challenged/called out.

Want me to go on? Want me to get into even more details about Indian women?

> Given those facts,
They aren't facts... you're trying and failing at bullshit

> why is it that you can't see a better path forward other than shitting on women and Indians?
Base, undermining faggots and cunts are just that.. I don't care what your ethnicity or gender is.. You are what you are. The better path forward is to ensure such people never step foot in the corporations of the future and that will be assured in the upcoming timeline.

> You are not helping. Again, people like you that don't actually understand what the problems are and how to solve them are making it worse.
The problems are being identified and will be resolved. So, I hope you've enjoyed your run.

Nasty wide titties and rectangle torso yuck

This has nothing to do with indian women user. Firstly it has to do purely with women and secondly even most men do that in the real world. They're just a lot more tactful about it because they're typically semi-competent (just nowhere near competent enough to have rightfully earned their position).

>James Damore got fired for making rational criticisms and contributing good solutions because the feminist ideologues can point to people like you as proof that there are dickheads in opposition to feminism.
James Damore was fired for speaking the truth. An inconvenient truth about a good ol' club of tech giants who've accumulated so much wealth and power that they've billed themselves as being beyond reproach. He was fired because Google's shitty laundry got aired out in the public (wasn't an issue when it stayed internal). He was fired because he showed the emperor has no clothes. He was fired because he showed, while these faggot tier companies claim to be about true diversity, they are only about diversity so much as they can pad numbers on spreadsheet w/ token hires. He was fired like any person would be fired, black/white/yellow/purple who dared speak out about the true nature of these companies and their internal operations. A generation of faggot tier scumbags have accumulated wealth from exploiting society and they feel no one has the right to question or challenge them.

> You're using the same blanket tactics that feminists use to make points.
I'm stating the truth as James did which was later framed and manipulated by faggots and cunts. You can't point all you fucking like and get excited. I'm a fucking man. So fucking what.

> You're refusing to treat individuals as individuals.
I am doing no such thing. I'm an individual and I am granted under this country the right to free speech. The right to call you a fucking faggot for being one and a cunt for being one. I recognize you as a individual and am calling you directly out as well as the characteristics of other such individuals.

>Is women in tech a problem?

It wasn't a problem when women were the majority of "programmers". It wouldn't be a problem today, either - if we didn't have soulless money-hungry corporations wielding feminism like a cudgel to reduce wages.

>Now she's writing a book because why not
>100% it's just going to be 200 pages of reasons why men are to blame

"Everything is everyone else's fault" by Hillary Clinton and Ellen Pao.

I'm noticing a pattern

have you tried learning english?

> You're incapable of seeing past the bias that you've indoctrinated yourself into.
I have no such bias. Its you who has the bias and are projecting... just like the ignorant fucking Conservative SJWs who think they're liberals espousing free speech and expression. No you're an ignorant asshole trying to silence any other opinion you disagree with. You're not a liberal. You're a hardline conservative with a stick up their ass. This is not what my generation fought long and hard for in our youth. This is not the collective America that was forming before you sensitive cucks steered by Boomers began destroying. I have no clue what those pulling your strings and/or you dumb fucks thought you'd get off to but on behalf of those who've been watching your every move, your time is over. No more PC bullshit. No more cunts rule the world. No more foreigners coming in this bitch acting as if they run things and we have to be cucked to their every command. No more speaking for minorities who never declared you as their spokespeople. No more being evil fucking up the social fabric of society, manipulating data, selling people's data, and regurgitating it back via falsely represented AI. No more of any of this bullshit which is called tech nor the fairy fucking bitches you've managed to employ. Your time is officially going to be fucking OVER. So, you can pack up your pink suitcases and maybe ship your asses over to india and try to create the fairy tale society you've failed to create here. You're going to be rejected in first round interviews when the snowflake test is issued and you'll get no bid in the tech companies that are going to absolutely obliterate the shitholes that are currently on top.

See your bitch ass in September (Faggot)

Unskilled people in tech is a problem.
Let's say, i wouldn't refuse a Corine Yu, but if you can't do the job, you can't do the job.

That's a lot of typing to not actually address the question I posed you, pal. You're fanatical. It's hilarious, honestly.

You should know that, ultimately, I don't care that much which way this goes. I'm just voicing reason because the feminist idiots are screaming like monkeys and so is your camp. If you guys end up massacring each other, I'm just going to quietly watch from the corner, thank you.

It's not just unskilled people in tech. It's unskilled, unmotivated people in tech.

I want to get into IT. I want to program, manage servers, configure and set up networks, but jobs are hard to come by with so many people flooding in at low wages. It leaves me wondering if I'll ever be able to break in anywhere without networking connections or giving blowjobs at job faires.

jesus fucking christ you're still ranting?

If you have a person that is motivated enough to quickly learn the shit they need to do the job, then you still can consider em skilled.

What's your point? Did he make too much sense and this is the only way you can respond?

>literally a NEET or a student complaining that he has to network for a cushy office job

Round em all up. There will be enough to go around in the upcoming timeline. Humanities gonna learn to get its shit together and act right. Men/women/children/ethnic group a,b,c.. continent d,e,f,g.

A spade's a spade. Zero biases here. If women want to chime in on the fucboi shit some men in tech do, have at it. If indians want to chime in on racist bullshit they face from white cucks in corporate america, have at it. Lets get all of the shit out in the air right here and now. The truth shall set your ass free.

Every fucking day there's an article about the bullshit that occurs in Silicon valley.. 400 page comments on ycombinator, a new lawsuit, some shit tier article on bloomberg, anandtech, slashdot, etc. Anywhere from age discrimination, racial discrimination, shit tier brainlet interviews, nepotism, corruption, illegal labor practices (H1B visa i'm looking at you) and all other such shenanigans that are pulled yet no one wants to talk about this shit or be truthful or do what's right to fix the problems even when sound solutions are presented. Everyone's aware of the problems and fixes, just no one wants to fix them because of their stake in preserving how things are.

So, that means, the whole edifice needs to be torn down and we need to start all over right.. Good old fashion disruption for the core of the whole industry and its coming like a freight train.

> First round interview question :
Are you a faggot or a cunt?
((If interviewee gets offended or flabbergasted, terminate interview))

>posting le facebook frog
>expecting to be taken seriously

>posting absolutely nothing
>expecting to be taken seriously

>Wants to accelerate the collapse an entire industry because of really long hackernews comment chains.

Pick a side user. Once this timeline engages, there will be no fence sitting. There's only room for one in that position. Lots of typing and energy.. Glad you noticed. Strap your ass in and remember these posts.. You'll know who to point a finger and inquire to when the time comes...
> Was that you kek?

When the rants end... When the timeline begins... When darkness falls... You'll have no excuses that you never saw or heard these words and many other words of truth... my child

Why all the effort until then? Resignation.

I'm not going to waste my time with an ideologue that's trying to write a novel. He still hasn't answered the one question I asked.

Seek mental health professionals.

It's not just left vs right, and when you understand it will most likely be too late.

> Will usher in a new era because I've seen from bound to bound how the stewards of the previous one conducted themselves.
> Because I've seen the underbelly of the current industry as I've worked from within it turning the gears... Seeing everything I've just stated .. Hearing everything I've just stayed with my own eyes and ears.

Many anons have wondered what the September meme was all about...
They've voiced their concerns about the world.
They've shed their tears. They've commented for years about the problems and the solutions ... Warnings were given, they've gone unheaded. Words of old have been stated, recorded, and carried across the ages and yet here humanity collectively is...

As for the current era, paradigm, industry.. They're clearly collapsing under their own weight as do all unsound edifices based on undermining humanity for the enrichment of the few... In all of their intellect, they haven't managed to learn from the 1000s of years of recorded history which is a testament to what eventually happens when you conduct yourself in such a manner.

So, the new replaces the old.... Disruption/A change of guard. This shouldn't be alien to any industry least of all those in tech. If you're not willing to carry society forward, get fat, and lazy and try to dominate the world, eventually an agile, creative, and invigorated generation comes along, creates new technology, and cuts your company at the fucking knees... And how good that is for society : progress/innovation.

So, get ready to pay your respects for the old guard shit tier corporations riding the cloud/big data wave harboring faggot and cunt SJWs. The very shit tier employees they've managed to staff their company with will be their undoing. I don't have to do a dam thing.

Google :
> Hires a bunch of unqualified women to pad quotas and marketing slides
> Engages in big PR campaign about women in tech
> Cunts sue the shit out of them for discrimination

Pottery in motion...

can you imagine being so mad you post thousand word essays on fucking Sup Forums

I'll be fine user as well many others who've had their mental facilities sharpened during this era. That being said, you might want to retain a mental professional now before the upcoming timeline engages. I've observed that your type doesn't fair well to social turbulence ...

>competing against their household

hahaha what

women are the problem

So worst case scenario, we have a dot com bubble 2? got it

The idiocy of the world has woken me from my slumber.
> The belly of the dragon will drip water

You are partially correct... : It is too late.

>It's not just left vs right
Understood by the central pillar
> A rock will stand on seven hills

Get your house in order. It is you without understanding.

The biggest problem is that the whole reason why these problems exist (and don't get me wrong, even sexism and racism in the industry is extremely prevalent among middle management and above, to the point it would make even a Sup Forumsack barf, but the allegations you hear about are themselves not real, merely political moves by problem-people) is because it is optimal under the current socio-economico-political system. If you fuck your underlings in the arse they can't take your place, if you don't fuck up your boss you'll never move up (because of scarcity). I am told that in some cases it's so bad that if you don't play these games you can't even stay afloat.
The fact is the current system rewards the liars, the cheats, the backstabbing snakes. The more honest, rigorous or righteous you are, the most likely you are to end up in perpetual 'looking for a job' status.

Whose mad? This is the last call for alcohol. Simply making my rounds user.

All this cancertech is too pervasive nowadays that the impact of a dot com 2-style collapse would be beyond extreme.

From whence you came

Politics are more than 1D, and most people are not a linear interpolation between your left and your right.
It's very possible to disagree with both sides, which is exactly what most people actually do.

A household.... unless you've forgotten what that is.
Money comes in to serve a family unit.
Head of household (single income) vs Dual income (husband and spouse).
Adjusted for inflation across all of the lib/sjw programs/movements that have served to undermine the household by compelling women above and beyond men and socially cucking males under such frameworks.

Would take me too long to educate you on this matter if you're this far behind. Google it. Hopefully you find the right resources and obtain the right understanding.

For bonus points, research which societies collapsed under such frameworks.
Have fun.

I guess, If cloudfare or ec2 goes down, then you schizo neckbeards won't have anywhere to shitpost.

Dual income isn't even the bottom of the barrel, we could downgrade to triple income if the kids start working. Even then, nothing will start collapsing within any business relevant time interval.

Worst case will be determined by humanity's actions upon being gifted with a technology beyond current comprehension. Thus the imperative need to grow the fuck up and begin treat each other correctly in a cohesive social fabric that progresses mankind and compels the faggots/cunts on the fringes who are serving to undermine it in service to those who profit as such to fall in-line and in order.

So, a fundamental gift/curse depending on how its handled.
This is being ushered in under neutral ground. As such, there is no stake in the outcome or bias therein.

7 days separate.
7 hills for which a rock will be placed atop.
1 aspect per day.

Why this kind of rhetoric in /g .. that of a /pol prophecy? Because it has relevance to technology. As for present day edifices and corporations, those who are fundamentally grounded shall walk hand in hand with that is to come. Those who hold on the previous wave shall be swallowed by it.

.com bubble 2.0 with some extra spices
I've been observing anons and the world for some time.
I've heard your cries/declarations. I've witnessed the truths of them in the world.

>I am le enlightened NEET prophet

Hey you, upcoming timeline user, and other ones around... First of all, you may want to check the actual volume of people on this world and the relative amounts of each kind of thought tendency you can find actual info and stats on. Considering that, don't you think that the needed changes forward progress of human societies are going to be quite harder and SLOWER than what may seem apparent by just checking the sheer numbers of rational people around? Proportions are important. And I don't wanna mess with your own estimations but according to what I can track myself, it really looks like we're just halfway through the shit ride and a change for the better is actually going to take quite a while to come around. Aren't you being a little too optimistic, timings wise??...

It exists from bottom to top to each their own and on their own scale.
It's equivalent to saying Wallstreet is 100% to blame for the financial crisis while ignoring the fuck face real-estate agents who inflated valuations to increase their skim, the mortgage originator who approved people who shouldn't have been approved, the normie who falsified their income, the highschool dropout with 8 properties leeching off the productive, the greedy city govt. officials who wanted higher home prices in order to collect more tax revenue, the branch manager who knew his mortgage originators were doing this shit but turned a blind eye so he would get a bonus... When you have eyes and ears to see, you see every individual who contributes to the emergent shit show that leads to collective suffering. And who is humanity fooling, you all live on the same planet ... You fuck your neighbor eventually he fucks you back. The shit you do comes full circle.

> The biggest problem is that the whole reason why these problems exist (and don't get me wrong, even sexism and racism in the industry is extremely prevalent among middle management and above, to the point it would make even a Sup Forumsack barf, but the allegations you hear about are themselves not real, merely political moves by problem-people) is because it is optimal under the current socio-economico-political system.
A game of willful participates fucking each other over and doing the bidding that they know leads to suffering because they hope to get their skim and cut of the circus.. I know exactly how its structured and who is culpable on which scales.

Humanity likes games, so lets see what happens when :
> 3rd player enters the game

> The fact is the current system rewards the liars, the cheats, the backstabbing snakes. The more honest, rigorous or righteous you are, the most likely you are to end up in perpetual 'looking for a job' status.
Yep, so its fine time for a game changer.

You'll be alright user. In order for the new to be ushered, the old most be taken out back. This isn't a foreign concept in tech. Companies of old that center on bullshit and stop innovating simply die. The cloud/big data/social-fabric destroyer tech is going to die a glorious death. Certain Hardware companies will be alright so long as they keep pushing the capability envelope ... But yeah, you can get ready to kiss alot of these assoholes goodbye ncluding the multi billion dollar marketcap juggernauts where all this sjw/pc/sensoring bullshit is the norm... and what a good thing for humanity and the world.

You'll get something far more powerful, innovative, and visionary in its place. But, you better make sure you do the right thing with it...

The longer time ticks on and the more advanced technology becomes, the greater the consequence for sidestepping.

> Even then, nothing will start collapsing within any business relevant time interval.
mfw brainlets have become fully convinced of the timelines of their respective idols and have grown complacent in the calm before the storm. Whatever brings you peace user.

>When you're so butthurt about women and non-whites being employed that you start wishing for the techno-rapture enacted by a divine being that rewards performance improvements.

Let me guess? Who gets saved? Probably not Intel, right?

In the end, that peace is all that matters. I've no interest in your storms or your grandiose, incoherent notions.

This is the same stupid bitch who wanted to blanket censor people she didn't agree with on Reddit and got outted, then blamed everyone else for being "toxic"?
Fuck outta here bitch

Yes. She did a shitty job and failed. So she blames sexism. Don't see any successful women playing the blame game.

A handful of startups nobody's heard of, that's about it.

Don't see any successful women.