Give me one (1) single GOOD reason why you aren't using MATE (the best DE) right now.
Yes, that's a global menu you're seeing
Give me one (1) single GOOD reason why you aren't using MATE (the best DE) right now.
Yes, that's a global menu you're seeing
It looks like shit, total shit, as shown by your screenshot.
KDE is 10x more stable, looks 10x better, and actually behaves like a modern desktop environment.
pick one
xfce is 10x more stable, uses same top menu panel plug in and isn't a buggy crap like KDE and Gnome
> uses qutebrowser
> worries about bloat
pick one
cinnamon master race
It's not XFCE.
Also check out the new menu
absolutely comfy
qutebrowser is fucking GOAT
I pretty much never use my mouse anymore
But Mate is my favourite DE.
because it's a barely working, glued-together pile of shit which breaks as soon as you try put a theme on it
Literally what the fuck are you talking about
MATE is probably the most stable DE out there these days
not when it comes to theming
it's absolutely fucking disgusting how poorly it works in that regard, and I'm not even talking about some fullblown autism ricing, literally just changing the gtk and wm theme
I change my theme every fucking week and I haven't had a single problem. I've been using mate for over 3 years now on arch too
You forget your meds today user?
I'm using Windows Explorer as featured on the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems.
no nice app search
>not just using a window manager
>Using a botnet distro like fedora and Ubuntu
You're no better than winbabies
one reason?
Oh and dmenu is also a thing if you wanna rice
Because I use i3wm
tiling is efficient, but it'll never be comfy
Mate is the most broken de by far. Even worse than Plasma and that's saying a lot.
That literally can't be true though, most of the code is rock solid and time tested
MATE is the worst DE in my experience. It's old-fashioned but not stable (like Xfce). I would rather use some meme DE like Enlightenment. The latest GNOME with some vi keybindings and Pixel Saver extension is the best DE right now (give me muh thumbnail filepicker!).
That looks like absolute garbage
I tried it, and at least in mint all the window decorations didn't allow me to pan to the top right and click to quickly close windows like in any other sane window manager, which is quite triggering
because lxde is lighter
Because fluxbox is better.
Because I use KDE.
Because Xfce is far superior and uses less resources.
all this lincucks trash looks like absolute cancer
No games.
Is the global menu native?
You'll have to pry unity from my cold dead hands
Absolutely false
Give me reasons why I should switch from xfce4
the mere concept of something that's 10x less stable than kde is truly beyond human comprehension
Is that assault cube?
No games on linux
what did he mean by this?
I've had 0 problems with kde recently
How do you get rid of title bars in gnome?
urban terror 4.3
Ugu Am I Kawaii®™ Pedophile Visual Novels donut count.
No, it doesn't. It's just a black top bar with the time in the middle and a few buttons.
They can't be for pedos with those tits
This, Xfce is the best but I use it with some applications from MATE
>engramba instead of xarchiver
>eye of mate instead of ristretto
>atril as a pdf reader (gnome fucked up evince)
Thanks MATE, you are good!
ironically caja dropbox works way better than thunar dropbox.
kde look good until you try to touch it.
Change theme and you get a mess. And don't try some dark theme because you end with some program with dark on dark text.
Standard plasmoid are bullshit. Try some external plasmoid and is a crap. I can write a wall of text on how fucked up is kde plasma, and I do not want it.
bloat, annoying, tries to be windows
i3wm user, fast as fuck, super functional and usable, streamlining work flow is a breeze.
>Change theme and you get a mess.
If you pick shit themes, yeah.
>And don't try some dark theme because you end with some program with dark on dark text.
Works on my machine.
>Standard plasmoid are bullshit.
Who uses desktop widgets in 2017?
I don't take medication, you fedora tipper!
>Implying AssaultCube would have smooth edges like this
Because Gnome is horrible and MaXX Interactive with 5Dwm exists.
>this is what KDE niggers actually believe
MATE is ok, i used to use it on my shitter Core2Duo laptop but switched to Xfce because it was just as lightweight but way more features and a decent menu. MATE works fine, but it's outclassed by other DE's