Sup Forums hates Windows

>Sup Forums hates Windows

>Every decent job I can find requires extensive knowledge of Excel

what are you a f. secretary?

Search better.

Try searching for a real job, unless you're looking into accountancy, in which case you'll just have to deal with it.

Every job in Finance demands extensive knowledge of excel.

Have you considered acquiring a marketable skill-set, such as programming?

Learn web development. Its the easiest form of programming, has the most demand, gives you freelance, contracting and remote work opportunities, and you spend most of your time with Unix-like operating systems for development and production... unless you do .NET. Plus you'll find it hard to find a webdev job that pays below the median wage of wherever it is that you live.

Go on youtube, search "web development 2017" you'll find videos telling you what you have to learn to be employable. Also

I cant figure out what shit to learn for webdev

>> gives youtube search keys
>> stills says he doesnt know what to learn
>> being this retarded on a tech board

>search that
>1000 different options
>everyone says something different

>real job

How is finance not a real job.

excel is fucking easy

Excel is supercomfy

We have companies and government locked into AD and Windows

>Sup Forums hates windows
so? why are you so concerned about the opinions of some anonymous randies on the internet?

webdev is not a marketable skill in 2017 unless you want to go work for a startup that will go under in a few months or compete with pajeets who work for $2/hr

Webdev pays well as fuck you retarded fag

>decent job
Beyond me.
It's not biz, and finance jobs are garbage and usually don't need any wangblows software.

Nigger it takes like a week to acquire an "extensive knowledge" of Excel

Libre office calc is quite powerful mate. And its like excel but free

> its like excel

Sup Forums is so pretentious
Of course every decent job requires knowledge in excel. If you want send data between companies, customers, contractors, etc. its going to be in excel. What were you expecting?

Excel is an extremely powerful program. Most people only use about 10% of its capabilities. There are no alternative programs. Other spreadsheet software, while more than capable for basic operations, cant do half the advanced things Excel can do.