Why are they getting rid of this? It's so comfy.
Why are they getting rid of this? It's so comfy
Other urls found in this thread:
so i take it crap is comfy for you?
your room must smell like shit
Rude! This is a lot comfier than GNOME
Red Hat won. Ubuntu bent over
Running your own DE project with hired devs costs money, and canonical's rather short of that at the moment. Especially when your not-invented-here syndrome is so bad that you have to write your own display server for it.
Also the Big Idea that Unity was founded on was "convergence" - having the same UI on mobile, desktop, etc. Turns out a.) that's hard, and b.) nobody in the Linux world wanted it except Canonical.
>Rude! This is a lot comfier than GNOME
Gnome will get a lot comfier with Canonical contributing to it. You should embrace the change. Unity was running Canonical into the ground financially, it may have meant death for Ubuntu otherwise.
Fear not for they are replacing Unity with Ubuntu Dock.
Why would you want your PC to look like an iPad?
>You should embrace the change
That's what Gnome people have been telling me for seven years. It's still shit.
>Unity was running Canonical into the ground financially
gee, i guess whyt
oh that is ugly. oh ubuntu, goodbye, unity was the only thing that set you apart for me.
by looking at that I recall this word:
Umm no.
What the fuck is meant by: comfy, literally a meme buzzword at this point.
good thing ubuntu MATE is working on a unity panel layout. Its out in 17.10 beta if you want to try. should be solid by the time 18.04 rolls out. The only thing missing is the window buttons dont go up to the top panel
but does mate have a wayland compositor? I heard they're gonna recycle what's left of Mir or something, otherwise if it's stuck on X Mate is probably got a rough time going forward
What, Ubuntu? Thank fuck for that
I quite like it too. Will probably stay on the last LTS until that expires, and then figure oit where to go from there.
muh negros
I won't be upgrading from my 16.04 LTS any time soon. Unity was shit when it came out, but now it's the most usable DE there is. Definitely better than the gahnoum fuckery.
Nice bait
Nice fresh install
Top kek
Agree, until i'm not leaving until another DE comes with a top panel merge as good as in unity.
The bad things can be changed/removed anyway.
Yasssss bitch. MATE is the most polished DE out right now
I'm sure they'll adapt. The MATE team is one of the best right now
Wayland is actually on their roadmap already, unlike for Cinnamon or XFCE
Wayland adoption is probably going to be something like this:
GNOME -> KDE -> MATE -> LXQt -> Cinnamon -> XFCE
Your screenshot is a generic Ubuntu wallpaper with non-standard icons and a non-standard program installed. I too can add these things to any distro and say "See? X DE looks good"
its not that hard to make it look "better". jesus why are they so bad at this?
Nah, the bottom half of the dock seems like a complete waste now. I think it's best to keep the launcher separate from the shortcuts.
2021 is still far
Screenfetch ? I like your set up amigo. Any discrepancies with removing the unity launcher ?? Does it just week after removal?
>ugh i hate unity it sucks so much cock
>Why are they getting rid of this? It's so comfy.
Wayland adoption is a slow and painful process since developers basically have to re-implement Xserver without a standard
There has always been people that like Unity
Why are we doing that again? What's so horrible about X that it needs replacing?
I'm an i3 shitter but I have always hated gnome and loved unity. I will be sad when it dies.
Sup Forums would have shat on Unity if Canonical chose KDE instead.
it's bound to appear a Ubuntu fork for Unity no?
A Unity fork has appeared but its mantainers did pretty much nothing so far.
I seriously hope they will make an global menu for gnome.
Top panel is literally wasted space ,as well as window decorations in fullscreen (and the extensions to hide them suck ass).
However i think that gnome+globalmenu would be a much better thing than unity, mutter works really nice and the shortcuts are not retarded, also dynamic workspaces and such are good, and the application search works much better imo.
X11 has some old-standing bugs and design-issues (like keyboard handling) that may be too hard to fix due to how big and convoluted X11 code is
I'm still not sure if that warrants a complete rewrite, though
Writing a Wayland compositor is not a fucking joke, it does everything X11 used to do and more, and now instead of one common code base (X11) you have tons of different codebases (Mutter, Kwin/KWayland, wlc, etc.) that SHOULD be compatible because of wayland protocol (and they're not because wayland protocol is still in a draft form), and those codebases can have their own bugs.
>The problem with X is that... it's X. When you're an X server there's a tremendous amount of functionality that you must support to claim to speak the X protocol, yet nobody will ever use this. For example, core fonts; this is the original font model that was how your got text on the screen for the many first years of X11. This includes code tables, glyph rasterization and caching, XLFDs (seriously, XLFDs!). Also, the entire core rendering API that lets you draw stippled lines, polygons, wide arcs and many more state-of-the-1980s style graphics primitives. For many things we've been able to keep the X.org server modern by adding extensions such as XRandR, XRender and COMPOSITE and to some extent phase out less useful extensions. But we can't ever get rid of the core rendering API and much other complexity that is rarely used in a modern desktop. With Wayland we can move the X server and all its legacy technology to an optional code path.
I'll also add the security model is allegedly horrid to the point that the OpenBSD devs gave up trying to secure it just recommended against using it at all. Also X wasn't even good when it came out. It only won won out over NeWS by virtue of being an open standard.
Jesus, I can't type today.
I'd care more if they put as much work into after 12.04 as Gnome has with Gnome Shell over the same time period. The only reason I'm not too upset by Ubuntu dropping Unity is because Gnome 3 for the most part is a lot better than it was when Unity came out
Also Budgie looks cool and I might just switch to that
Unity fork w h e n
These exist for gnome shell but aren't really good and don't just werk like unity does because ubuntu patched a bunch of stuff to make it work in unity. Maybe ubuntu devs with work on it but I doubt it because they want to stick close to default gnome to save money and gnome devs still think tablets are the future.
Here are the extensions for anyone who wants to play with them.
You have to set the window buttons to the left in dconf to make it look like unity. Heres how.
Agreed OP, just reverted to a fresh 16.04 install after trying everything else
This Bros. Someone needs to release a Global Menu that works as good as the one in Unity before I'd think of swithcing.
unironically macOS
I know, I like MacOS but my motherboard and laptop aren't supported, or else I would already be using the best OS (macOS)
that's bad, then there is only gnome3
based mate devs
It's the most ugly DE ever concieved
>before Canonical drops Unity
>Sup Forums hates Unity
>after Canonical drops Unity
>Sup Forums loves Unity
this is the problem with gnome 3
so much shit is in extensions that just break between versions
looks promising, I really like the menu like that
>tears your screen
Nothing personnel, kid.
gahnome is so unusable isnt it? yes it is.
>what are extensions?
I wish the developers would stop being so stubborn and incorporate good ideas from extensions into gnome. How dash to dock isn't default is beyond me. I think they are lazy and just want to put the burden on other people to do the work instead of doing it themselves and being responsible to keep it working
Unity is a GNOME fork
What music player is that?
Ubuntu-desktop is a GNOME fork. Unity is not, at least unity 7, it is based on compiz.
GNOME is garbage, go away.
you're a fork from your mom, and she's a fucking whore. so you must be an autistic giant whore
Because cucks like you only talked shit about it before they pulled it. Enjoy your Gnome
Here is mine.
looks like Ncmpcpp to me.
I didn't mind Unity and hopefully they give Gnome3 the kick up the ass it desrves. DESU Mate is pretty good I got into it on my FreeBSD box, but it'd also be nice to have Unity-gnome available outside of Ubuntu.
Canonical is now fixing a lot of Gnome's inconsistentes like varying window title sizes. If anyone knows how to make a good-looking DE, it's them, as evidenced by Unity as it was right before its death.
I don't get it. Unity is just a GNOME fork
Here's mine
Whos getting rid of what? I dont get it
This looks much better than Ubuntu's GNOME integration. Why is it so difficult for them to customize?
This is what Ubuntu should resemble. Why are Ubuntu programmers so incompetent? I'd fire them.
Honestly, they should've went with KDE over GNOME3. KDE has a god-tier compositor, and is actually a desktop, and not some fucking tablet UI.
Development on the unity desktop has stopped and will no longer be the default desktop on ubuntu. Starting with the next version of ubuntu, 17.10 which is due in about a month, the standard ubuntu desktop will be gnome shell instead of the unity desktop.
Gnome is fucking aids lol.
Make your DE completely uncustomizable, break literally ALL add-ons every shell update, but once you remove tray icons, a fundamental piece of every operating system, mobile or otherwise, I refuse to use your DE.
>Running your own DE project with hired devs costs money
No not really, I don't think money is the issue. Otherwise mint+cinnamon wouldn't be the most popular and best working DE by far. It's mentally ill faggots who don't know how to make design decisions.
>so i take it crap is comfy for you?
>your room must smell like shit
No OP probably lives in a nigger neighborhood so he's used to it. A lot of folks don't bother with Ubuntu anymore, over the conical stuff. Plus "everyone else is doing it", like tattoos or pot smoking or piracy, etc
have fun with that lol. i bet you get this bug a lot right? pic related. if you haven't noticed it yet you will now. also have fun with thunar crashing constantly doing menial shit, having no good sound management program, forced to use pavucontrol which is shit at switching audio sources. have fun with all the default window themes have 1px resize grab space and being broken by choice and design
I'll take "Use system title bars and borders" for $1000, Alex.
And alt-right-click for resizing is quicker than grabbing a border (besides that you can always adjust the grab size if you aren't too retarded to edit a config file).
Thunar I will grant you, though I haven't had any random crashes in 8+ months (whereas before I would have them every 10 times or so I renamed a file).
>I'll take "Use system title bars and borders" for $1000, Alex.
Ah so were you forced to use that option because you ran into the bug as well? IIRC it happens when using system titles as well but I could be wrong. Also have you ever ran into it? I'm curious. It's happened to me for years across LXDE, Xfce, but I recently switched to Mint and it no longer happens.
>And alt-right-click for resizing is quicker than grabbing a border
Doesn't matter if alt-right-click is easier. You can't deny it's a broken feature. I think we can both agree that just because alt click is easier, it would be fucking retarded to remove resizing by borders altogether. Either remove it or implement it properly.
>(besides that you can always adjust the grab size if you aren't too retarded to edit a config file).
Have you done this? I'm not sure if you can actually. I know you can adjust the window border images to widen them (which looks ugly) but I'm not sure you can adjust only grab space. Editing themes is a pain in the ass which I don't have time for, nor do I feel like reading docs to figure out if it's possible to change only grab space.
>Ah so were you forced to use that option because you ran into the bug as well?
I never noticed it; I use the system title bars and borders so that chromium looks consistent with other programs that I run. I don't like having one window use a different style than other windows.
>Have you done this? I'm not sure if you can actually.
On a previous installation I did, but it's been years. I generally don't bother with it because alt-right-click is just faster for me regardless.
>etc etc
Honestly, comfiness is going to be subjective. Some slight adjustments to xubuntu's default xfce configs and themes make it comfier than me than other distros. Linux is flexible enough to let you use different parts from different distros and DEs, so the idea that you must just pick one is silly to begin with.
>I never noticed it; I use the system title bars and borders so that chromium looks consistent with other programs that I run. I don't like having one window use a different style than other windows.
Fair enough, maybe it's not an issue for you, but I like to save space and use the tabs built into the title bar. I run into the bug a lot. Never happens on Gnome or Cinnamon.
>On a previous installation I did, but it's been years.
Just looked it up, it's still broken. And no it does not look possible:
>So how do we build in a more forgiving nature? Well, resize areas projecting beyond the extents of the window are one of the better solutions to this mess of problems, and it would be lovely to see composited Xfwm4 do this as a workaround for broken downstream themes like Numix, or themes like its own (non-hdpi) Default.
>different parts from different distros and DEs, so the idea that you must just pick one is silly to begin with.
I prefer to not mess with config files or use any programs the might conflict with each other. I leave the assembly of the DE to the pros/people who actually want to maintain it. Also a plus to be able to adjust everything from one DE settings menu instead of using a bunch of different settings menus from fragmented different programs.
Also I'm not saying you should HAVE to pick one to begin with, I'm saying that if you do pick one, it should work without bugs across a wide variety of install environments and use cases. It's the attitude of "werks on my machine" and "not our problem" that causes Xfce developers to refuse to make improvements. You couldn't fix Xfeces if you wanted to. Because the bugs aren't bugs, they're features. No one will accept your pull requests.
Poor precious monitor space...
Ubuntu is literally doing the same thing with Gnome 3 though. You're acting like this is the only worthy successor to Unity.
tiny detail you can clearly see in the screenshot. The extension DUPLICATES THE FUCKING PROGRAM UP TOP OCCUPYING TWICE THE SPACE REEEEE
this is peak GNOME 3 lads. (old screenshot of mine) All we need is a global menu, the deprecation of nautilus and proper thumbnails in the file picker.
Does Gnome still break all add-ons each update? Even if their javascript API doesn't change last I saw you had to go into the metadata.json file and change it:
>Shell version {3.11, 3.12, 3.13}
Super annoying. Even for small extensions the developer has to update it each time. And their system of installing extensions through extensions.gnome.org through a required browser extension is fucking retarded as well.
With proper add-on support and some more customization Gnome could be really good... Wish they would fix their shit.
>Does Gnome still break all add-ons each update?
Yup, They should just make a GUI for this shit rather than making me install legacy extensions onto my browser just to download things properly.
Dock is shit. Dash to panel is the way to go
I was thinking of just doing
>Shell version {3.0, 3.1, 3.2,3.3,3.4,3.5,3.6,3.7,3.8,3.9,4.0,4.1,4.2,4.3,4.4,4.5,4.6}
But their review process would probably reject my extension from their website anyway for illegal code.
>Unity is not
Wrong. Unity is a fork of GNOME
So Unity is inherently garbage
>This mad over the truth
Ech, To each their own matey. I don't even use GNOME anymore. I might get back on if a decent Global menu comes along and I can re-make a non-shit unity.
Actually nvm it's just impossible to modify Gnome to not look like it's a tablet OS.
Any extensions which modify it to look significantly better are buggy as hell, break constantly, and barely remedy how bad Gnome's UI is. It's just too different from a normal desktop operating system with taskbar at the bottom, etc to be salvaged.
mmod panel is junk. Dash to Panel is better. Dash To Dock is good if you want something like Unity.
Unity is a compiz plugin sitting on top of gnome, it's not a fork, stop trolling