Anyone know what connects to this?

Anyone know what connects to this?


Jumper cables

looks like cheap speaker clip hookup for left/right surround/back channels in a 4/5.1 surround amp

The copper part of the cable, without the plastic

Cat6e ethernet

are you 10 y old?

You drill out the holes that youre gonna use and then screw the wire in

Speakers. Presumably left and right surround.

OP is clearly underage and should be banned for violating rules.

Presumably a speaker looks like the left and right surround sound speakers. I supposed the labels weren't obvious enough.

Now let's not jump to conclusions, it's very possible he's just a stupid adult.

the cables, obviously, but those don't have plugs to connect, its just naked wire, so you press down those 'buttons' and the little hole will open, then you stick the naked cable (just the wires, without the cover) inside of that.

no no no user
you pull one of those levers back and put your tiny little fucking dick in it and cut the little fucker off

j-jam that copper part of the cable in and then close it up

raw metal wires, sometimes i had to shave off plastic to get to the fresh metal. i remember this.

Banana plugs are for losers.


"pretends to notice the sound quality improvement".

banana plugs are great


is that a speaker ? centre or front ?

might be some some flaky phase based surround...

you can create a very basic analogue surround by putting things 90 degrees out of phase and subbtracting left and right...ignore at all costs

need more pictures fag

these guys have it right

I must say, I've only seen this setup once in my life and that was back in the 90s. is it still in use out there, or is OP's stuff vintage?

perfectly normal for any higher-end speakers, but even cheaper ones

Cheapers ones, exactly, high-end ones don't use those.

there are 2 speaker cables that connect to 2 speakers in the ceiling. They aren't powered though, so I'm guessing it needs an amp

>had a little hifi system
>sounded like ass, like half the sound was missing
>for years assumed it had just shat the bed
>turns out the previous owner had jammed some of the cables so deep the copper wires weren't actually making contact
How foolish I was, they actually sound pretty decent now

Lets not jump to conclusions here. She/He could simply be ignorant of the workings of speaker wire.

Being ignorant is vastly different from being stupid.

Yes they do

Just use coathanger wire.