Distributed networks

Considering that domain registrars and DDoS protection services are willing to threaten or take down websites they don't like, it's time to move to distributed networks where someone can't take down content they don't agree with.

Anyone here used any of them? I started using ZeroNet, and in my opinion it's pretty nice.

Some links:

Other urls found in this thread:


So it's basically TOR, but on the surface and not underground?

No. Tor hidden services are centralized, and this serves completely different purpose than TOR, which tries to obfuscate your network traffic.

These solutions provide P2P networking where one's site is served by people who have visited it. Since there's no server that hosts your site, you can't be censored by the service provider.

Niggu, how about you host your own dns?
There is no point in this i suppose.

honestly this bit torrent network internet think seems pretty damn cool.


Except when Cloudfare takes away your DDoS protection.

There is namecoin that can be used as a distributed DNS, but then you're hosting your sites in a centralized manner, where there's a single point of failure.

That's great for static pages and all, but how the fuck are you going to host dynamic webpages, like forums?


Tor is a decentralized network, not distributed. There is a significant difference.


dead in the womb if you alt-righters take it over

>he is fine with censorship

don't recall writing that anywhere

Why isn't distributed DNS a thing?
That would make hosting websites so much easier.

Like, I can host my own website for free on my computer, but if I want anyone to see it, then I have to pay for a domain, and then pay for a DNS to host that domain lookup.

Well, there is a decentralized DNS, and you still have to either mine namecoins or pay for them to get a domain, though.

Well that's stupid.

You're implying that a decentralized networks are better of without "alt-righter" content. How would you achieve that if not through censorship? Ideological diversity is an important part of a healthy, functioning society.

I thought at least one person around here had used some of these distributed networks, but it seems that people just don't care.

was that not obvious already?

>advocates for a race war to kill any race with a different pigment in their skin
>brands any dissent as shilling
>tries to force down an ancient irrelevant book down peoples' throats because they have been doing that for the past 2 millenniums
>claims to defend free speech

negro??? this is tech gtfo!

>muh Sup Forums
you are the only one bringing that here fucking larper
GTFO derail

i started with freenet, and every time when someone asks me "hey user can you reinstall my pc/laptop" i say "yea shure...but i will install Linux"

than i install some user friendly os and set up freenet and i2p to start at boot time

>Free speech is anything except what I disagree with
You're saying this like you sincerely believe that I actually believe any of the strawmans you just made. My partisan alignment is irrelevant. People can say whatever they want.

I was looking for an excuse to bump this thread :^)


People like being in power, centralization is easy to manage and control.
Decentralized systems are very, very difficult to build and much more difficult to keep totally secure. DNS is old as fucking christ and the easiest way to keep it all safe and sound was to have trusted DNS clusters everybody else fed off of, which is semi-decentralized but not really.

>you are the only one bringing that here fucking larper
>GTFO derail
>>Considering that domain registrars and DDoS protection services are willing to threaten or take down websites they don't like
This is only a problem for Daily Stormer. It's obvious this is from Sup Forums.

That is the argument alt-righters make though. I am pointing out the hypocrisy in your post, its not like I am against anyone speaking their mind. Everybody should be able to speak out their thoughts. It is just that I am also making use of that freedom :^)

this is about decentralized networks, you are not fooling nobody dude, fuck off


>This is only a problem for Daily Stormer.
Right now it's just Daily Stormer (and gab.ai was in trouble too, when Anglin posted something some danger-colored snowflake whined about.) Things are likely to get worse down the road, and considering bias of many tech companies, anyone who's right leaning might be in the danger zone, or possibly everyone who doesn't think EXACTLY like them.

Consider the hypocrisy in the case of gab.ai. Twitter even had CP on it, and I don't remember reading about threats from DNS registrars to take it down.

>It's obvious this is from Sup Forums.
Except that it isn't. It's reasonable to worry when someone in power is taking things too far. People are entitled to their opinions, even if they're wrong.

I wonder if there are people out there who get paid to derail these threads…

I never said that you couldn't dislike what other people were saying. And this kind of behavior makes you just as bad as the teenaged, pomo relativists that you hate so much.

>download zeornet
>go on a chan
>click on the porn section
>CP everywhere
>tfw I almost seeded CP by accident

These networks are shit until someone comes up with a privacy protection that's faster than Tor bullshit.

>Right now it's just Daily Stormer (and gab.ai was in trouble too, when Anglin posted something some danger-colored snowflake whined about.) Things are likely to get worse down the road, and considering bias of many tech companies, anyone who's right leaning might be in the danger zone, or possibly everyone who doesn't think EXACTLY like them.
That is a slippery slope fallacy my friend.

Not all distributed networks behave like that. See: i2p.

>Things are likely to get worse down the road, and considering bias of many tech companies, anyone who's right leaning might be in the danger zone, or possibly everyone who doesn't think EXACTLY like them.

I don't really care about fascists who will censor others when they get into power.

>Consider the hypocrisy in the case of gab.ai. Twitter even had CP on it, and I don't remember reading about threats from DNS registrars to take it down.

Twitter won't keep CP on their servers when it is literally illegal. I doubt Daily Stormer would abide by the takedown requests, which would align with anti-hate speech laws.

>Except that it isn't. It's reasonable to worry when someone in power is taking things too far. People are entitled to their opinions, even if they're wrong.

Why do you care when you will oppress any dissident speech when you get into power? Oh right, you will pull the strings then.

>I wonder if there are people out there who get paid to derail these threads…

I wonder if Trump pays you to lick his balls or do you do it for free.

>I never said that you couldn't dislike what other people were saying.

Your ideology says so.

>And this kind of behavior makes you just as bad as the teenaged, pomo relativists that you hate so much.

Nice strawman.

when she wakes up she's going to be surprised.. lol

When you play a board game, do you actively cheat just so that you can win instead of playing by the rules and enjoying yourself? You can't just dismiss all arguments for free speech as relativist in nature. Do you even know what you're trying to persuade me to believe? You're just shitposting at this point. ":^)"

How does it protect my privacy?

>muh fallacies
>look at me Im so smart
The slippery slope is very much real, idiot.

You're transferring so much data at once that obfuscates your own behavior. However, i2p isn't "censorship"-proof in the way that Freenet is. There's very little child porn on i2p, except for on eDonkey.

>Why do you care when you will oppress any dissident speech when you get into power?
Nice projection.

>Twitter won't keep CP on their servers when it is literally illegal.
Someone could've filed a complaint to their registrar while it was up.

>I wonder if Trump pays you to lick his balls or do you do it for free.
I'm not even a burger.

>CP everywhere
I'm not surprised, people are going to use these networks for this as well. I guess it's safe enough for them when they're connected via TOR.

>The slippery slope is very much real
This. First it was demonetizing on YT, now it's limited state. Things aren't looking too good.

Nice Reddit spacing.

The pseuds really seem to come out of the woodwork in these kind of threads. We really need a copypasta for this general. And we should make a general, so that people can filter this shitty thread.

bitorrent over i2p is pretty fuggin neato


I'll probably implement some BEPs for mutable DHT items soon.

Yes, it really is a real logical fallacy.

You listed three of them, but which one should I try first? Also, I remember freenet was around since 2000s and was associated with CP, I don't want to use these things and be exposed to that type of stuff.

>When you play a board game, do you actively cheat just so that you can win instead of playing by the rules and enjoying yourself?

Can I modify and interpret said rules in my favor until I win and change them after so nobody can take advantage of said rules?

>You can't just dismiss all arguments for free speech as relativist in nature.

Look up the "paradox of free speech"

>Do you even know what you're trying to persuade me to believe?

No, I'm just shitposting. Please give me (You)s.

Why would you filter other opinions, user? You don't happen to be a pro-mind control tyrant, are you?

Which is a completely meaningless statement. Sometimes slippery slopes are real, sometimes they are horseshit. Please explain why it's horseshit without using a crutch like "LE FALLACY", you fucking child. How about you think for yourself instead of adopting easy shut down catchphrases to appear smart?

I bet you're fun at parties.
Can I rent you out mr buzzkill? I want to crash my friend's wedding and you seem like the moral busy body for the job.

>. I guess it's safe enough for them when they're connected via TOR.
Then I could just use Tor. Tor is so slow its unusable.

>Tor is slow
You haven't used Tor recently, it's gotten so fast it's scary.

Using TOR over a distributed network means it's harder to take down posted content.

I did use it on top of zeronet, and it was shit. Downloading an image takes like 40 seconds.

I wish we had something like IPFS, but completely anonymous and fast enough to stream video.

great, anyone who hate censorship will be labelled as nazi now

You can thank antifa and the media for that.

that's sqlite's problem probably.
stfu fascism scum ur literally a nazi for liking stuff nazis like

I could have typed out a proper answer if you were to attack my suggestions instead of my identity. Oh well, that is how things fly at the red-... Sup Forums, I guess.

I thought reddit spacing was a meme, but this is probably the clearest example of it.

>everyone i don't like is Sup Forums
ebin euphoric and extensive

just a reminder
paradox of tolerance works in both side
it's up to you to choose left or right need to be removed

"Neo-nazis" are the boogeymen now. I hope it's a matter of time before this stops.

This is McCarthyism 2.0, but instead of a red scare, it's a brown scare.

white male heterosexual pedo weebs with above average intelectual potential are literally neonazis.

>decentralization is a mistake

Do you like torture yourself with reading cramped text or something?

Fuck off faggot nigger

Free speech advocates don't support fascism. Fascists only support free speech until they get into power. Just to clear that up for you.

>cramped text
Do you only read children's books? There's nothing cramped about the text in this post. Having a space between every line is clearly because you're not used to posting here. I suggest going back.

The weeaboo nazi Illuminati will rule the world.

Going back to where, Sup Forums? Pornhub has enough BLACKED videos tbqh with you senpai.

Back to plebbit, obviously.

>Pornhub has enough BLACKED videos tbqh with you senpai.
I'm not interested in your cuckhold fetish. Keep that shit to yourself.

>brown scare
I am not afraid of shitting myself but I bet all the people that were dumb enough to think trump had no chance just because CNN said so are.
They need to call it the "alt fright" that's really what it is, the political elite establishment collectively shitting themselves when they realize their infulence is dwindling.

If you start seeing more cases of domain registrars and DDoS protection services taking down websites "they don't like" let me know. Until then it's a fringe case.

Sup Forums is a temporary pastebin for reddit, sorry to break it to you.

>wtf, I love censorship now
They can take down whatever is currently socially unacceptable. Since societal norms are mostly arbitrary, that could literally be anything. Faggot.

>it's totally a slippery slope!
>there has only been one case right now (with a borderline illegal site), but trust me, soon (((they))) will take down everything (((they))) don't like!

>neonazis are borderline illegal
holy shit that level of pleb, someone needs to go back to

and that someone is (You).

*cough cough* gab.ai and threats from domain registrars *cough cough*

>implying I'm an anti semite
Fuck off back to neoFAG.

>n-no you
Cute. Reddit bans any racist content and throttles that cuckhold subreddit that sucks Trump's dick even though they worship trannies, fags, and niggers. Sounds like the place for (You).

So, do you wanna browse 9gag with tor kiddo?

You should be busy fighting niggers on ghettos to save white race, what are you doing here? Faggot.

Are you trying to communicate something in English here? How would fighting random niggers save anyone? Retard.

>tfw most don't know the white race died out after ww2.

How would you save the white race then? By winning internet arguments on turkish oil wrestling forums?

>How would you save the white race then?
By making whites more race conscious. The trad worker's party has outreach programs for rural areas and youth. You're not really interested in knowing what's going on, but they've been helping poor, rural communities with repairing shit, setting up solar panels, buying generators, etc and use that as an opportunity to spread their message.

What's the point of distributed network if it doesn't protect your privacy as well
If the content you're putting on this network is something that's at risk of being taken down surely it's also content you don't want to be tied to.

In case of ZeroNet you can use it along with TOR to make sure it's hard to tie your posts to you.

There's also making sure you don't write too much about yourself, and you can create throwaway identities to make tracking you harder.

I heard gnunet does some thing about this

I don't actually know whay

Not everything sent on a distributed network has to be illegal, user. Some people just don't like being shackled by the giant heap of bullshit that is clearnet.

the same way they're doing already
just download it off github and run it


yeah, children with bigger dicks than Blacked niggers

well, that was probably the more interesting

ZeroNet is unsafe redditware. Just wait for IPFS to get better.


I guess that's just it's infancy shining through.

Basically ZeroNET is a decentralized botnet:
>Javascript bloat on all their default websites
>Any user can edit the files they're hosting after sanitation, meaning you're going to download a virus probably due to the ease of distribution
>Again, their interfaces use SVG which has known vulnerabilities
>The devs don't give any shits about the above issues which again points to the idea that its a honeypot.

Basically IPFS is the horse you want to bet on, not ZeroNet. IPFS has some growing pains and performance issues. But IPFS already has a culture concerned with small websites and safe files, so it will most likely be your friend in the long run.

Its been known for a while and the devs don't care or are incompetent

I guess you didn't tried it, did you?
