What's your answer to this?

What's your answer to this?

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What the fuck is this autistic nigger hieroglyphics graph?

>happy users spend about 20min in the Settings app while unhappy ones spend about 70

>representing data with emojis

Welcome to 2017. Cancerous emojis are not graph labels.

Phone is listed in the app graph


depends on who you want to present the data to.
cancer will always prefer cancer

>people's happiness correlates well with music, books, weather, and meditation
>people's unhappiness correlates well with social interaction with other humans

really makes u think

>people's unhappiness correlates well with social interaction with other humans
Facebook, instagram and other social media shit are well known for their depressive effects though.

People are ungrateful the more they don't know how stuff they own work. The more consumerist a society is the more this happens because people feel happier when buying something but will only complain about it afterwards.

It's also a fact that will go fill in a review for a product only when you have a problem like a bug form and demanding more from the devs on a level that seems personal (like anyone would care) . Autistic modern consumers rarely fill in reviews when they are happy cause they are busy actually using the services and skipping any popups about rating them.

why are unhappy people spending over an hour a day messing with their phone's settings?

Probably why I haven't had a facebook in nearly 10 years. I also missed the instagram train because of it. I've sometimes wondered if I've missed out on some good opportunities because of it, but I'll never know. I'm only concerned that I might look suspicious to future employers for not having one.

it seems that the more time you spend in an app the more depressed you become


I made one for Clover

Games + Social media = UNHAPPINESS
Productivity tools = HAPPINESS

Yep sounds about right

>inb4 "Arbeit macht frei"

Working does make you (more) free (than being a NEET) so it turns out Hitler was right :^)

>m-maybe she won't divorce me if i just fix my font size

did the fags rate grindr badly because they got AIDS?

>using emoji's in a graph
wew lad

That's a pretty cool graph and is pretty in line with what most people would expect

>77% unhappy
>"It's not a mental illness, I swear!"

Its 2017 user. Get used to it.

Relevant talk about how modern tech companies design their services to be as addictive as possible, regardless of the negative effects on their users.
It seems obvious when you hear it but I'd never really though about it before, pretty eye opening.