How do I into chromium on windows?
options I found
How do I into chromium on windows?
options I found
Other urls found in this thread:
All are botnet
Install gentoo
Just go for the Chinese botnet
This one, from your second link
Just install Opera
Easy... just google Vivaldi browser. Download and install it. Then you will have chromium on your windows.
I'm using it right now. downlaod the nosync version if you think it's for the best. no matter what this is faster than firefox. so far not a single complaint
no proprietary codecs = shit
you fucking millenial are aware that are different projects?
what is that widevine shit
if you choose the version without it you can't play DRM content (netflix, spotify, etc)
??? kys nigger
does yours update automatically?
but user, it has proprietary codec support.
netflick or some other (((american))) site NEEDS it
hahaha homoerotic nu-male your po is like:
should I get a brown or a magenta dildo up my gay ass?
hahahahaha what a shitty autistic child you are
Chromium doesn't have updater, so it will never update automatically.
Why would you want to use chromium over nightly?
nightly is fast and responsive but it's using too much ram lately
shouldn't you be on Facebook talking about how great Eminem was after he got clean?
Should have bought enough to not have to worry about that.
>wasting ram
>for web browsing