Be feminist CEO

>Be feminist CEO
>Bankrupt Gnome

Every. Time.

Other urls found in this thread:


> Dont pay men to programming GNOME
> Start program to pay women to code GNOME, almost only write documentation

Actually it's a good thing.

How is this Sup Forumsish? He's complaining about the tech industry and how it's influencing programs
>Former Wikimedia Foundation executive director Sue Gardner cited nine reasons why women don't edit Wikipedia, culled from comments by female Wikipedia editors:
>A lack of user-friendliness in the editing interface
>Not having enough free time
>A lack of self-confidence
>Aversion to conflict and an unwillingness to participate in lengthy edit wars
>Belief that their contributions are too likely to be reverted or deleted
>Some find its overall atmosphere misogynistic
>Wikipedia culture is sexual in ways they find off-putting
>Being addressed as male is off-putting to women whose primary language has grammatical gender
>Fewer opportunities than other sites for social relationships and a welcoming tone

So basically because they are easily offended and have low self-esteem. How is that Wikipedia's problem?

What about
>Not having enough free time
Bitch how the fuck is editing wikipedia supposed to give you MORE free time?

oh, thats why it sucks so much.. now everything makes perfect sense lol.

I think the claim is that they don't have enough free time to edit Wikipedia not that it's supposed to give you free time.

First of all, he's a sexist.

So basically being a Wikipedia contributor is an autistic hobby and women on average are not autistic enough to give a shit.

Most men that do things do them because they have the drive and want to. Too many women just want validation instead of caring about the thing they're trying to do.

Pretty much.

Today SJW attack Wikipedia to match point of view, even cite blogs or sites like salon or huffingtonpost as only valid reference.

>complains about an ideologue that is inflicting harm upon a part of the tech sector
>makes him a sexist

Shut the fuck up you utter faggot

Are women finally going to add thumbnails to the file picker? They love posting images to Facebook.

Ew, u mad.

>a bunch of male geeks who are wealthy enough to afford a $2,000 laptop and a broadband

muh sucessful Mac user.

Every company that decides to adopt these types of ideologies rightfully deserves every bit of pain that comes from the consequence of doing so. In fact I would say it's a good thing because god knows people don't have enough examples of screw ups.

You can't do that whilst writing documentatoin user.

> Implying that if you are male, every community will rush to you and try to teach you everything individually.
So in short: Women want to be spoonfed and can't do anything without having at least 3 people pandering them the whole time.

> Female Gnome lead
Actually explains a lot.