Sup Forums, how many lines of pseudocode would you need to describe the female logic?
Sup Forums, how many lines of pseudocode would you need to describe the female logic?
about 100
Basically an if checking for great income
>inb4 if tweet = negative
How many lines does it take to write a random number generator?
One, provided it reads /dev/random.
Trick question.
lines of code to describe how a person thinks is a retarded way to think about human cognition. pretty much what you'd expect of autists on Sup Forums, but still, retarded.
>human cognition
bool isUpset = true
string isUpsetAbout = nothing
None because females don't use logic
Ask Terry
>the added hair
Nice touch.
Ummm, I mean .....
if onperiod = 0
run complain.exe
public int rand() {
return 4;
It is simple only women should take care of and maintain their social hierarchy, women analyze their place in social groups and what they should do to fit, when they accept acceptance prove their domination being bitches, ask for things, attack others, rule over others , expel others.
Their logic is the best benefit for them and to appear in a group, a dynamic of inclusion exclusion, mechanisms to be included in the best groups and to exclude others, everything has double meaning, forms of communication express hierarchies, trust, emotional ties, women seek to control relationships and social place, instead of men on physical objects or causes and consequences of real life, for women it does not matter to be wrong if they know someone who solves their problems or can blame another.
Unfortunately, the ulterior motives work much better than the logic with women, the problem of this way of thinking, makes women think all day if everyone speaks badly about them or their relationships are superficial and they are going to reject them. lying, cheating, crying or anger is one way to communicate these fears, they practically have two personalities.
It is not complicated to understand women, but it is disappointing.
while (!married) {
while (married) {
if (chad)
Nice gets desu
Interesting question, if it's female logic, it should be easy enough. female behaviour n the other hand is quite complicated, but the logic behind it is quite straightforaward
jesus you're terrible at coding
Watch me emulate a whole female in bash:
head /dev/urandom|cowsay
Remember, if you can't do it in one line, it's wrong.
learn to format code on 4chins, newfag
def go_back_to():
I don't understand, that's perfectly valid programming logic. "Negative" is a bit vague, but it still conveys the point.
>asking Sup Forums about women
You'd get more knowledgeable replies on r9k.
Ahaha this.
pretty simple desu
while (true) {
Women smart, men a shit.
>I'm a girl, btw
>long hair
>broad shoulders
good job
it wouldn't matter because it's going to seg fault anyway
if you want a job in tech and you have a dick just say you're a woman. it works every time.
1111 lines.
She wrote cout which means it's c++, yet she's using an assignment operator and not actually evaluating anything
Also why would you just print "Block"?
The whole tweet is just cringy in general and it reeks of someone who just took a beginner c++ tutorial on the internet and wants to look like a l33t ep1c c0d3r chick
And passes the output to /dev/null.
cat /dev/urandom
One line:
void female_logic(char ** argv)
It's just a few dozen loops and a thousand primitive arrays; ten thousand in obfuscated perl.
def goBackTo():
print('>not using camel case')
//decided from a fair dice roll
it's stated in pep8 that snake case is more appropriate.
>Function names should be lowercase, with words separated by underscores as necessary to improve readability. >mixedCase is allowed only in contexts where that's already the prevailing style
Any sane programmer would write:
if (tweeter.IsGamerGater() || tweet.IsNegative())
Or make the functions, boolean member variables.
Or at the least used an equality comparison rather than assignment, didn't indent else, put if on the same line as else, make "Negative" and "GamerGator" strings or constants. Also wouldn't capitalize a local variable. It's extremely obvious this person can't code for shit.
Can't you just use || instead of doing an else if?
>Using python
>Any year
If by valid you mean the compiler won't give you an error then sure.
check'd and respec'd
while [[ ${FEMALE[state]} = 'awake' ]]; do
sleep 3