Learn what Sup Forums says

>Learn what Sup Forums says
>Become a fat NEET who's never worked on a single real life project

>Become a "Pajeet"(as neets call it) and get Microsoft Business Certs, learn Python, C++, do some retarded shit in machine learning startup for a year
>Make $200k/yr as a wagelord

95% of Sup Forums is LITERALLY degreeless retards who aren't even working in tech

Or if they are, they are working support or being "IT technicians"

>muh degrees
>muh debt

What a stupid thread. Kill yourself you deranged facebook frog poster

I have a degree in Network Administration. A+, Net+ certs.

I work in a unionized warehouse making $61k/year and have nothing at all to do with IT.

>muh ill put "bachelor of science in computer science , School of Sup Forums and YouTube"
>muh ill put "masters in engineering, school of life"

That's because you're a fucking retard

No debt, European.

The 5 years I spent getting an MSc I would no doubt have spent NEETing or working futureless jobs anyway.

Everyone has degrees today. If you don't you're out of the game.

>Microsoft Business Certs
That makes you a """sysadmin""" at best.
> learn Python, C++ do some retarded shit in machine learning startup for a year
Awesome, but machine learning startups don't use microshit.

Enjoy your debt. Don't be mad at me because you wasted 4 years of your life in roastie academy learning pronouns and sucking on BBC only to get out in the real world with hundred million other degree toting memesters in the unemployment lines.

>Listening to advice from random strangers on a forum that is INFAMOUS for trolling and pranks
>Studying and working

I wonder which of these two paths is more likely to succeed.

Those were just examples of shit Sup Forums is strongly against.

If you get an azure cert you will literally make $180k starting. This shit makes money

Let's hear about your current job as an engineer or software developer

Try to make it credible.

>Make $200k/yr as a wagelord
Your delusions are grand

1) Education is heavily subsidized in my country, im not an americuck

2) Your lifetime earnings increase thanks to a degree is much more than enough to make up for any debt

Companies will LITERALLY pay you more if you're doing the same job as another guy without a degree. Not to mention the ability to actually move up. Without a degree enjoying being a webdeveloper codemonkey or a QA for the rest of your life.

>His argument is bringing up gender studies or similar degrees, as if those are the only ones that exist because he can only think in Sup Forums and /r9k/ memes

No i don't work in a field that can and will be outsourced to pajeet at any minute. Enjoy your jerb while it lasts yupster because drumpy only has another 3 years and wont be re elected. Then your jobby going bye bye.

>being this retarded

>I am not in IT
>I do not even have a degree
>But YOU are the stupid one!
What's Trump gotta do with IT jobs?

You are right. Aws is the hottest thing right now.

>my unqualified job is at less risk that someone who has an MSc

okelidokely frienderino

>all these college cunts assblasted ITT because they fell for the college meme and are making less money than someone who got a headstart in business because they didnt spend 4-8 years of their life doing nothing

Doing nothing is comfy.

>education is, like, you know, so bad, like, omg

Azure/AWS battling it out in Canada. Literally the hottest area rn

since when do pajeets learn C++ ??

hey guys i want to install linux mint on my acer aspire es 15 but the setup freezes at grub 2 install
everytime any one got info on how to overcome this i went to super user but they were stuck

>namefag cant do anything but throw out a strawman
Not even surprised.

>headstart in business

>Being 18 fresh out of highschool
>No connections or friends(who arent stoners)
>No starting capital
>No experience
>No skills
>At 18 I highly doubt you have enough motivation to start a business or even self learn at any productive pace

Please tell me what business you've started.
>inb4 "I haven't started a business actually... but you COULD!"

Sell that trash before fell apart and buy a thinkpad.

>everyone is as much of a failure as I am

>I said something other than "education is bad", really truly I did! I said... uh... umm...
What did you say?

>ignores the question
What business did you start and how much do you make at what age.

I'll take you seriously when you stop namefagging.

All i can tell you guys is just enjoy it while it lasts. You know who you are. The guy that's posting here from work because you have a tech job that you think is safe. It wont be long before your bosses wake up and ask themselves "Why am i paying this guy to post on Sup Forums all day when pajeet can do his job for almost nothing?"

You are not being realistic. Corporations only care about profit: Increasing sales, decreasing costs. If you could hire cheaper people to do the same work, corporations would have started doing that eons ago.

I started a hardware repair shop in my hometown and take home around 200,000-300,000 a year and I employ a small team of 6 people at age 22, I even dropped out of college. Just because you're a failure doesn't mean others are.

This is the same shit they said about accounting.

Protip: Many billions of dollars only made Accountants jobs easier. Turns out machines cant conform to delicate tax law and nuances.

not falling for your memes Sup Forums

Not always. I don't have a degree (dropout) but I make 300k a year with free food as an swe. You just need to be able to have the discipline to teach yourself everything you need. Anyone should be able to get a college level education.

Unless you're smart and do internships in the valley that will pay 6k-10k a month. Easy way to pay for school.

Yes I'm sure you realize the truth and these billion dollar companies are being blind and choosing to overpay us. Any day now we'll fall. How could they not see it when you know so clearly :).

Accounting is declining though. And will continue to do so.

That's just it though. I firmly believe the only reason you have a job is because your employer is a literal retard that actually doesn't know freelancer exists.

I don't care as you already fell for the worst meme with that acer.

Yes... employers in IT companies... do not know that online jobs exist... in 2017...

I wish I could do that, user.

My hometown is shit. If you're not from an established family(i.e. a family that already owns a business, has lots of friends), and you try starting a business here, the town will eat you away.

>There's drug activity there!
>They're rip-offs!

Apparently not because they are paying you probably close to 6 figures to argue with me on a vietmanese basket weaving forum.

>online jobs exist
Not him, but I've yet to see a legitimate "online job", honestly.

>inb4 freelancing websites
Fuck that bullshit, they don't count.

>>Make $200k/yr as a wagelord
more like 60k

they laid you off and traded you for an H1B candidate

Funny you mentioned accounting. Once Trumps flat tax bill passes those jobs will be the next to get axed. Anyone will be able to do their own taxes then.

Hey, if you want to meme, meme.

I have hired many people online, but usually for more straightforward stuff (translations, etc).

>accountants only file taxes
>people don't already do their own taxes

Businesses cannot do their own taxes.

The only jobs that can get axed are bookkeepers. Charted Accountants are and WILL continue to make bank.

The backbone of literally every business is Accounting. Investment Banking often greatly values people with an accounting backgrounds, at the very least knowledge of the Three financial statements.

>50k/yr is BANK!

>Starting salaries for Big 4 Jr accountants is $55k/yr

>A chartered accountant making $50k

Are you actually going to be able to argue or are you going to continue to keep doing this retarded low effort greentext meme shit?

>friend's mom is a "chartered accountant"
>makes 50k/yr at a major publishing company

Degreeless but 7 years experience in web dev and employed.

What makes me absolutely cringe is the growth of web dev, and people coming in to it with html/css knowledge thinking they're ready to make 100k.

If you're degreeless, and don't have a minimum of 5 years experience - or at least 3, with fucking great skill - you're not going to make it.

>$200k a year starting

Ya ok kid. Not even Boston is that good

>Finances, let alone taxes ever being sane

Lmaoing at your delusion

Acer makes good laptops user this one has good built quality only pb is the windows preinstalled shit which can't be removed due to UEFI

Yah. I make 500k as a Instagram model. College dropout btw

>enlist in military
>get job experience and debt free education

>inb4 le die for ISRAEL in non-combat MOS XDDDDDDD
>inb4 tfw to intelligent too respect authority

Just admit that you're the architect of your own destruction.

fuck outta here with your LOGIC and sheeit

>hardware repair shop in current year 2016 + 1
Guess being a fat NEET who does nothing but play WoW all day has made you autistic enough to lie on an anonymous board, kys

At best, endlessly working on 'personal projects' that amount to nothing because they're so busy trying to be purists, building everything "from scratch".