Was he right? Will technology be the downfall of the human race?
Was he right? Will technology be the downfall of the human race?
who is this?
No, we will use technology to distunguish degenrate and then use it moderately after degeneracy genocide.
Ted Kaczynski
Ted Kazinzkisisisi
A notorious US mailbomber, angry against the 'technocracy'
Just remember he's a bit loony due to MKULTRA, although he does make some good points. Stallman, also a loony, makes alot more sense IMHO
He was absolutely right. And those who claim technology has "just always been around" are fooled. Everything being produced today in the techno sphere has nothing to do with expanding self expression and everything to do with replacing it and commoditizing it. When people become this detached from themselves, no good comes of it. Life never needed to be this easy, it's clearly time to just go back.
When did Weird Al say this?
Go back to what, living in a tent deep in the woods with just a fire as far as modern technology should go?
why would i listen to the zodiac
this doesn't look like him at all.
I'm pretty sure that's just the FBI sketch.
Humanity will be the downfall of the human race, there's no doubt about that. Since we have all this technology lying around there's a good chance we'll do it with that. But that's just how things played out. There's no way for something like humans to avoid wiping themselves out.
The sooner humanity fades away from the Earth, wether by war, disease, starvation, or some other factor, the better. Humans are a virus, a parasite, All we do is consume and consume until there is nothing left and then move on to a new area, then we exhaust the resources from that area too.
Why would I listen to the slasher?
Literally who?
>hurr durr the only option is to live like cavemen
Fucking retard. I bet you actually believe that's the argument.
Woman will be.
There has been concern about the gene-pool becoming too homogeneous, the internet allows ideas to do the same thing.
Mr. Aaaaanderson.
You be surprised how many people actually think going back to small tribes or even cavemen is the only way to save the future of the species
The only way to save homo sapiens sapiens is extinction.
He's some kind of youtube """comedian"""
>Humans are a virus, a parasite,
So why don't you just kill yourself?
I will, after my keikaku has been enacted.
Teddy is mostly a really sharp fucker, and while he made some extremely sharp observations about society, his conclusions about how to respond were clearly wrong.
How the fuck does terrorizing a few random American "technocrats" or whatever do jack shit about global trends?
kazynski has a well-developed face
Interesting. Slashdot just had a story on this
Kinda hard to be wrong about anything with an IQ of 162
he did it so people would read him
>who is this?
Go back to school pleb.
Long story short : Technology will be the end of human race as we know it.
Genetic modification, BCI's, space travel, etc. etc.
Side note : there's no way to stop it. Try to convince the whole world to stop using cars, for example. Guy in OP's pic is a degenerate faggot that willingly wastes his own life.
>Humanity will be the downfall of the human race, there's no doubt about that.
Humanitarianism is the downfall of human race
Barbarism and Aristocracy is our salvation.
technology has propped humanity up to this point. if technology causes a wipe it will be because the new thing is incompatible with the old thing
> like killer robots and crop rotation
I spent more time thinking about this man and reading his work than most of this thread and it was all a retarded waste of time, however people with as fucked up beliefs or ideologies walk around and talk and write books free everyday
>however people with as fucked up beliefs or ideologies walk around and talk and write books free everyday
Antifa? Radical Islamists?
Well, it worked for a long time apparently.
Sam Hyde
Yes but to be fair the breaking down of a legitimate power process started with agriculture and animal husbandry. It's much more severe in modern society of course.
You should also read Debord's Society of the Spectacle (and his later Comments) if you liked Industrial Society and its Future
>other work
>Barbarism and Aristocracy is our salvation
kek, fags like you are the first to have your head bashed by a random chad born in a arbritary blood line.
>Stallman, also a loony, makes alot more sense IMHO
this and he also a commie loony
Can you please say more?
Weird Al has been around since the '80s at least.
Technology itself is not the sole cause of it, but it contributes to it, yes.
>learn not to shit where you eat
>create plumbing and start using forms of sanitation
>now those that are weak wont perish and can dilute the gene pool
>create rules, laws and regulations, most of which are so far removed from reality that they might as well exist in a vacuum
>now morons with no actual understanding of actual consequences of any and all actions wont perish from their own stupidity, some even create new laws and regulations
>long distance travel since perhaps the first seafaring ship and the first horses were domesticated has wreaked havoc to nature, both intrahuman and interhuman.
How can one expect humans to use technological advancements wisely when they even fail to regulate themselves?
>Was he right? Will technology be the downfall of the human race?
Of course he was. Of course it will.
You could say the same thing about Breivik, but supposedly now most Norwegians twink twice before putting their spawn into leftist camps.
What's so fucked up about it according to you? Most of his ideas are pretty mainstream really.
"The most central and irrational faith among people is the faith in technology and economical growth. Its priests believe until their death that material prosperity bring enjoyment and happiness - even though all the proofs in history have shown that only lack and attempt cause a life worth living, that the material prosperity doesn't bring anything else than despair. These priests believe in technology still when they choke in their gas masks."