Would it be a bad idea to get a 1080p 144hz monitor?

would it be a bad idea to get a 1080p 144hz monitor?

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Yes because any monitor you'll look at after upgrading to 144hz will look like poop

well i mean its the same idea with 30 to 60 so any other reasons?

i have one, its good. Since I said that, you must now buy one too :)

Not really, everything is really nice on 120+Hz

Especially simply moving the cursor around

It's not that big a deal. Sure, the extra smoothness is noticeable, but I've had six 144Hz monitors over the past year (all returned for bleed, glow, dead pixels or a combo of such) and had no issue going back to my 60Hz panel. A couple of hours of adjustment and you forget all about it.

i can confirm this, the difference is so big you won't understand it before seeing it

that's what I've had for two years now and I really like it. just make sure to use a color profile from tftcentral

having life on easy mode must be really nice

Not at all

1080p144hz is the sweetspot

the fuck you talking about?

It's good for gayming but ultrawide or 1440p are better for productivity. Scaling still sucks so I can't recommend 4k yet

so im back and im pretty sure i figured out exactly what monitor to get infact with the price ill be getting two



Who is this cutie patootie and where can I find more of her?

her name is dodger and she had a daily vlog for years that is all still on youtube called coffee time

This one?


yes start in around 2011 or 2010

How? Youtube's infinite scroll "show more" interface is so shit I can't just find stuff from an arbitrary time period.

Is it worth getting a 144Hz monitor if I only have an R9 380?

It depends what it will be used for ...

If you don't play CSGO no.

>havent seen dodge in ages
>check her youtube
>ageing like milk

women are the ultimate meme

Only for low spec games like Rocket League or CSGO. If you play any AAA titles 144Hz can be a huge money sink, even with the best of the best hardware you still won't hit 144fps in a lot of games without dropping settings.