/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player




User Scripts (including opengl shaders):

High quality video output profile (goes into mpv.conf):

Config example:


Post your system specs and config if youre asking performance related questions.

Vulkan is coming.

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw people complain about youtube design changes and random unsubbing that I do not notice because I use individual channel RSS feeds and mpv with ytdl_hook
Real comfy setup. Basically have no need to use the youtube website anymore unless I'm searching for things or need to look at a description.

Now if only ffmpeg's HLS and latency didn't suck ass so I could watch twitch streams in mpv without being seconds behind everyone else.

>caring about being behind other normalfags on Twitch

Are you autodownloading videos or what?

no, I just have a keybind in my RSS feed aggregator to copy the url, so that I can quickly throw it into mpv.
RSS is only really associated with downloading when it comes to bittorrent.

Ooh. What id like to do is to bind a button for downloading currently playing video. Still not sure if its possible.

somekey run "youtube-dl" "${path}"

Nope, doesn't work :(

are you on windows?


Did xbmc/kodi copy interpolation from mpv?

Then try youtube-dl.exe, and make sure mpv can actually find it in your %PATH%. Terminal output should tell you once you hit the key.

>that immediate mode fuckery

Does it mean the xbmc/kodi devs are retards?

no, they just write inflexible code for ancient OpenGL versions.

No luck.
>Broken string escapes
>Invalid command for "somekey"

What do you mean?
Flexible code is not a mandatory and kodi is mostly used on android devices with poor opengl support. :(

>The method of combining two frames can be improved. Blending is probably not the best method.
Is there a better method for realtime rendering?

Their thing has no concept of tscale, it just linearly blends frames from what I can tell.

Ah I understand now, it's just like madVR.

>vo_gpu: add support for libshaderc
Cool! Any side effects?

Nope. It seems just like glslang so far, except it doesn't require shitty hacks to use.

I fixed the first error but now every time i press "n", for example, it adds another AV stream, judging by command line, and nothing happens next.
>n run "youtube-dl.exe" "G:/Downloads/mpv"

the fuck you doing? "${path}" is a variable that mpv will set to the youtube URL you're playing back, don't replace it with something else.

Shiiiet~ I'm retarded. It works now. Thank you!

Me again. It werks but the only problem it downloads only low res video available as container. How can i send argument to youtube-dl? I want to add -f bestvideo+bestaudio.

n run "youtube-dl.exe" "-f" "bestvideo+bestaudio" "${path}"

I added comfy message to the whole thing.
>n show-text "Downloading..."; run "youtube-dl" "-f" "bestvideo+bestaudio" "${path}"
You're the coolest, user!

fucking this, I use rss2email + a youtube-dl cronjob (automatically downloads all videos from my feeds to /z/youtube) and forwards the e-mail to me

Whenever I feel like watching something I just pop open my mail client

No, seems like an original implementation. No code copied

Is it any better than what mpv has?


Is there anyway to use the start option with the resume playback option? I have playlists that I use and I want to save the time for the video it's playing and resume correctly but skip the intro when it loads the next file

dude look at the code; it's 20-year old OpenGL 1.x shittery hacked in 5 lines of code

I'm not sure what you're expecting here, but it's obviously too much

What is vulkan and why are people excited about it?

I'm using nnedi3-nns32-win8x4.hook from github.com/bjin/mpv-prescalers/blob/master/nnedi3-nns32-win8x4.hook and scale=ewa_lanczossharp

When I comment out scale=ewa_lanczossharp in my config it looks like this.

I tried using this older version
discussed in the previous thread but it has the same issue for me.
Also tried scale=ewa_laczos, same issue.

Why does this shader just work for some people and not for others? Here's the raw image again in case you want to try.

>Why does this shader just work for some people and not for others? Here's the raw image again in case you want to try.
I don't know, it's something that user in the last thread couldn't seem to wrap his head around
There's obviously something going on

So my shitty comparisons actually led to something. And I just thought nnedi was a shit algorithm.

Funny to wake up and read the old thread with a second guy have the same problem and being called me. Never change Sup Forums.

I don't know what his problem was either

Vulkan is the future, and people are excited about it because the future is now

Did you forget to add --vf=format=gray ?

because you need to save this inage as jpg

if I have 1680 x 1050 monitor and watch both 720p and 1080p do I need to add/change anything to the usual basic config?

is mpv a cult?

The same sort of weird distortions when using nnedi3.

When I do that it looks like this

is Sup Forums a cult?

ahahah oh boy

yeah that's quite fucked up. Your shit is just broken I guess

A suicide cult.

I tested the older nnedi-hook version with this and it works here. Even with scale set.

nnedi3 is clearly inactive there.
nnedi3 is active there.
>There's obviously something going on
Nothing is going on. One newfag doesn't know how to check if his shader is running. Or his setup is broken.
>So my shitty comparisons actually led to something.
Nope. Your setup is broken. Start with posting your mpv.conf. Also learn to use stats.lua.

>he doesn't post his system specs and OS
>he doesn't post his mpv version
>he doesn't post his config

Why would nnedi3 not run unless I comment out my scale=ewa_lanczossharp line?

Post your fucking config.

Your only argument after all the posts last thread was "works on my machine"
stop posting

>nnedi3 is active there.
No, he just commented out ewa_lanczossharp so it used spline36 instead (which looks like that)

I can confirm this. nnedi3+ewa_lanczos pic related.

You're getting baited by newfag. Didn't expect that from you. Have fun wasting time.




can we go back to calling haasn cute please

And even with spline36


Says the one getting baited by a newfag and wasting his time

Have fun:

Youre smarter than that. Cmon, man. I posted my pictures and they looked normal.

I asked not you but that newfag.

Fuck off.

Threre's obviously something wrong with the new nnedi hook since the old one works as seen in

That's not haasn. He reposted the picture from a previous thread.

>older version
This works.



Nice. This retard killed third thread with his baits. Epic! :D

You're one to speak

where do I get this meme image btw?


New nnedi3 with this config

Old nnedi3 with the same config.

How much more proof do you guys need?


Bunch of retards ITT or a trolling samefag.

mpv nnedi3 64 8x4 (current build) + ewa_lanczossharp.

Some threads ago I saw someone posting that lanczos scaler will receive a performance boost or something along those lines. Did they do that already? Or were those fake news?

Here you go, some test vectors. If your output doesn't look exactly like this then your shit is broken. From top to bottom:

1. --no-config --profile=opengl-hq
2. --no-config --profile=opengl-hq --scale=nearest
3. --no-config --profile=opengl-hq --scale=ewa_lanczossharp

(more coming)

Now madVR nnedi3 64 + Jinc AR.

Second part

1. --no-config --profile=opengl-hq --scale=haasnsoft
2. --no-config --profile=opengl-hq --scale=nearest --opengl-shader=nnedi3-nns64-win8x4.hook
3. --no-config --profile=opengl-hq --scale=nearest --opengl-shader=ravu-r3.hook

>that alignment error
what the actual fuck

these nnedi and ravu screenshots...

ravu should look like this, your shit is broken

I threw this into mpv, I can't see any lines but I can't tell if it's because the image isn't effected or that my eyes don't know what they're looking at
I threw Made in Abyss back in there and the lines are still present

retards who can't read detected

retard who can't into dev detected



mpv/nnedi3 is clearly broken, and you still keep denying it like a tard.

mpv --no-config --pause --profile=opengl-hq --scale=ewa_lanczossharp --opengl-shader=nnedi3-nns64-win8x4.hook

should look exactly like because nnedi3 decides to not enable unless you add --vf=format=gray when it'll look like .

Works fine for me. See

Yes, this is what the new nnedi3 does.

It's not a bug, it's a feature.

What is your gpu?

GeForce GTX 970

Who cares that it works for you. It's still broken.

Or has the thought perhaps ever once entered your head that your setup is completely fucking broken and every single image you've posted so far has had _glaring_ artifacts? It's like the coordinates are all fucked up, everything bilinear samples up the ass.

Honestly at this point if you're not just genuinely trolling with custom-generated images made by editing the shader source then I don't even know what to tell you anymore. Nobody can be this blind and/or stupid.

Considering that you've been arguing with 3 different people, perhaps you're the blind one?